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Post Info TOPIC: Sick since I left

~*Service Worker*~

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Sick since I left

The tips from Al-Anon were to go to more meetings. They told me that when I was in crisis, to step up my meetings to as many as I could make in a week. And when I took that suggestion, at the end of 7 days, I felt so light, it felt like I was "floating" (I remember sharing that in a meeting, it was one of my first shares in al-anon.)

My sponsor told me to get with Higher power, to get quiet and still, because inside, I was so full of fear, I needed to transform that fear to faith, and that took action on my part. So in addition to my meetings, I began to meditate twice daily and then I would go for long nature walks near the water and around the trees, which is like a soothing balm to my spirit. I'd go again the next day because naturally I'd start thinking again, (we have a thinking dis-ease, lol)  I am always rewarded when I take action, rather than fall into my fear paralysis and isolation, I had to fight the desire to just crawl in a hole! but that downward spiral is hard to pull out of when I stay too long.  So, I gotta take action to feel better.

Because I was losing so much weight, I also went for acupuncture which I liked very much. I am too sensitive to take anti-anxiety meds, if there is a side-effect to be had, I will get it.

Take care of yourself, whatever that looks like ((my friend)) It's going to be okay

-- Edited by glad lee on Thursday 6th of September 2012 09:00:17 AM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.


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Posts: 15

Hello again everybody.

        As some of you have read I left my AH on monday afternoon during a horrible fight over what he though I was thinking about him. An AH with anxiety problems is terribly hard to keep up with and sometimes I don't even know why he's picking a fight. BUT I digress. The reason I wanted to start this new thread was because I've been physically ill everyday since I left. Keeping liquids in my belly is a very hard task and eating solids is almost out of the question. Tums didn't even seem to put a damper on the vomitting. I've had to force myself to eat the last two days dispite the gagging reflex I feel with I try to eat.

       I am aware that our nerves can do this to our bellies, (and I'm possitive I'm not pregnant) but was wondering how long it usually takes for this ill feeling to subside. I feel like a mental case not being able to enjoy a glass of water or eat. Especially because I absolutely love food! Does any know the healing time line or have any tips about what might help?



Weather by irony or fate, this Al-anon site came into my life when I needed it the most, hours before I even knew I would need it this much. I thank you ALL for your kind words, inspiring stories, and support!


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I too get a lot of physical affects from the stress. What usually works is either listening to music I really enjoy (usually very loudly in the car) and/or sitting quietly and meditating, it is really really hard and takes a lot of practice but sometimes just regulating your breathing and getting air into your lungs helps start the process to relax. Just remember: this too shall pass. Hugs and prayers, ts


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I'm so sorry to hear about your illness - and yes, it sounds totally stress related. I went thru this when my husband had his 1st heart surgery 30yrs ago. I was working 3 jobs, 2 kids to feed, and the only income for months on end. Thankfully there was nothing alcohol related to my stress at the time but the stress and fear was just overwhelming. I ended up losing so much weight that I got down to 83lbs - a walking skeleton. Ended up hospitalized for a wk to get me stablized.

Tums will do nothing to help with this. (Pepcid or Gaviscon worked better for me) You should see your doctor for proper treatment before you develop an ulcer. As for eating, stay away from anything acidic like tomatoes, pizza, even go lightly on meats. I drank a lot of protein shakes with non-acidic juices (papaya, mango, apricot), ate mashed potatoes, mac & cheese - those things stayed down and gave me some nourishment but it took months for me to get better.

Can't really say how long it will take for you to get thru this - everyone is different but once you can let go of the fear of the unknown, the tummy will start to settle down.


~*Service Worker*~

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I hope you are able to get to some meetings. It does sound stress related and I used to chew strong spearmint gum when I would get nauseous and it would help. Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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Stress can make you feel and do all sorts of mind/body altering things. It is amazing what it can do. Especially high amounts of it. I would suggest to go to your doctor and ask to see if you have reflux (GERD). I know sometimes when I am at high stress I get it. I have to make sure I eat frequent meals, low acidity, I have started to go back to speed walking, inclined (80 minutes a day) it does so much wonder. It gives you a way to clear your mind. Try some tea. That could possible sooth you. Stay away from cheese, meat, spicies, anything acidic, even grease (that is a huge one for me).

I really think that you need to start getting into a routine of something you want to do just for you, keep it aside, and keep it as a way to look forward to life. HUGS to you.


"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)


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Thank you everyone. Today has been a lot better then yesterday. I actually made it through a day of work without needing to call in back up. There was still some vomiting today but much less then it has been, especially compaired to yesterdays hell ride. I've found that a few bites of chicken tenders from my place of work helps. (Not the healthiest but they always seem to make me feel better.) I've still not gotten to much to eat today but more because the desire to eat simply isn't there.


Weather by irony or fate, this Al-anon site came into my life when I needed it the most, hours before I even knew I would need it this much. I thank you ALL for your kind words, inspiring stories, and support!


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Posts: 323

Glad to hear that you had a better day - I could also tolerate a few bites of fried chicken - must be something comforting about Don't push yourself too much - just nibble here & there (I refer to that as 'grazing') as your tummy will allow but do not go too long without eating something. I am truely eating disordered - when stressed I can totally shut down my eating which is the worst thing I can do to myself in a time of crisis or extreme stress.

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