The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
This has been a Week to Practice.. Practice... Practice & its only Wens! I at times can get to place & ask WHY ME? and as I start to see the Light at the end of the tunnel growing further & further away... HOWEVER! This has been a Humbling week to say the least...
My Momma has taking on some Health Issues, that of course are Mostly triggered by Stress, and I have been at doctors with her this week, and it hit me! When I Lost My ADad at 58yrs young! I Sit in so Much FEAR When it comes to my Mom! She is & Has always been my Best Friend for as Long as I can Remember (After I Moved OUT Of Course at 17) :) And I have Sat in so Much Loss over the Last Couple Years Since Dad Died of Alcohol, My Uncle of Cancer, My Husbands Uncle of Cancer, My Friend.. Cancer! My Mother In Law CANCER! I'm Really Fearful of My Mom's Health Pretty much Daily anymore! She has Worked her entire Life, and really don't know much else! She Never Backs down from Hours, and her Normal Day at 61 consists of 12-1/2 hour shifts, sometimes 7 days a week!
Its Really Tough for me at times to Keep my Mouth Shut, and today while we sat that the Doctors waiting on More Results, I Found the Courage to "Talk" to her, Not "TELL HER" what I Saw from where I sat, And i Think we Made Progress...Its so EASY for me at times to "Over power" her & TELL HER what i Think is Best for her! And there is Times she will even Set me Up for it & Expect Me to Tell her what to do Next... I think we made Progress today! I Feel better & I Did it without Control and Accusing and Being Pushy!
I thank God for the Tools of these Programs, and the Life Line You all extend to me in times of Dispare & Times of Joy! I sure have Learned & been Humbled More then Once here lately, and I thank HP every step of the way! I have Always been Grateful for the Blessings In My Life, but I think at times I Forget that Even the Smallest of Hurdles, & the Smallest of things can at times be the Largest blessings!
I have always Lived by Faith, and Last Night was No Differant.. I Made Arrangements to ask for Help (Not Good at that!) last Night with my Schedule & made it to a Meeting... (I haven't had the time or ability to get to one in over 2wks) And I Went with My "Keep it Simple" Turtle in hand as always! And After speaking with a Few of my Al-Anon Family one Bends Down & Picks up from the Floor after the meeting a Coin they Found :) and Walked to me and Said: "Here I Found this & For Some Reason I Feel You Could Use it! So Here!" and it Reads! "I AM POWERLESS BUT NOT HELPLESS" on One Side & one the Back it Reads "We Can't Control the Direction of the Wind, but we can adjust Our Sails!" So that is my New Pocket Pal! Just as Stated before... HP Gives us What We Need When We Need it! Not When we Want it!
Sending lots of love and support, so glad you are here.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thanks Guys... Without All of You, My Program May Grow Flat, But with All of You! I Can do Nothing but Move Forward, So Thank you All for Being here :)
(((((IP)))))) I have been here for Quite a While, but this place ALWAYS has felt like Home, even when I have to be away for awhile! Very Grateful to have such a Place to Be who I am and be Proud of It :0)