The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
So today I ended up in chat. I had not felt well all day. Probably stress related. Well Grammie got me talking about my girls. Felt pretty proud. They are amazing children. I can go on and on about them. They are so sensitive, sweet, kind, courageous, caring and very communicative. They make my reason for living all worth it. Hearing someone else say you know they get it from you. It touched my heart so deeply. I have to stop focussing on what A is doing and start realizing the magtitude of what a great job I have already done with my life by bringing up two beautiful and bright girls. Just like I heard someone else say when we are around A's we develop destructive patterns and behaviours. It kind of hit home. I don't want to be that person. I want to be me.
So if anyone has something to say, whatever big or small. Please post. I would love to hear. BTW I am getting that book Getting Them Sober. My friend has ordered it and she will bring it on Sept 9! I am so excited about it!
"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)
((Inspired)) I am so grateful that my words were of comfort to you when we chatted. You know many days I myself might be having a hard day and when someone like you takes the time to let me know that HP really is always at work thru us all..well....isn't that what our wonderful program is all about? giving back what we have been given. Many days before I found my path on my journey so many people took the time to share with me. It was those people who helped me see, I was sick and really needed to find out how to reboot my pc ((mind)) lol....Please know you are not alone and I hope you enjoy the book, I know I learned alot from it..Blessings to you, hope to see you again soon...keep remembering to love yourself...along with those two beautiful girls. Love in recovery, Grammie
Serenity isn't freedom from the storm.. It's the peace within the storm...