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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I'm finding it tough these last few months but reading here keeps me supported.
My husband's illness has kept him debilitated all summer, Im distressed at how diminished my big strong handsome guy has become..he goes for a heart procedure next week.
The grief of our loss (death of our A son) is weighing heavy on us both.
Hi Ness, My heart and prayers go out to you at this time sweetie. Stay strong. We are all here on this board and in this fellowship to surround you with a world of big (((hugs))) Tigger x
Aloha Ness...Prayers you got and hope your doing good turn it over practice during this powerless time. I'm telling my HP "shes special" and deserves the support. ((((hugs))))
I am so very glad that you posted and shared your sadness and concern. My prayers and heart are with you and your supportive husband. I pray that HP give you the courage, and serenity you both need to face this additional heart break.
Dear Ness, sorry to hear of your husbands set back. Stay close to your Higher Power. I may not feel all your pain, but I do feel part of it and I am praying you will have peace in the midst of this hard time. I am with you and thinking of you.
Love Oldergal
Don't Worry About Growing Old, It Is A Privilege For Some Of Us.....
My husband left earlier this evening to travel the 100 miles to the hospital for his heart procedure which he will have at 8am tomorrow. I havent gone with him..its to the same town my son died in, to the same hospital where my son spent numerous nights, next to the police station where he spent numerous other nights, past the street corners where he sat and played his guitar for scraps of money..I just couldnt go..everything is still too raw. A friend will travel there tomorrow to bring my husband home as he has to be supervised after having a general anaesthetic.
My husband understands, because it is difficult for him too.
Im grateful that something can be done to help my husband and sooooooo grateful for dear friends.
Thank you for the update. I so understand and can really relate. I am glad you took care of yourself That your husband understands and your friend is willing to help is a true gift.
It has been 5 years since my son passed and I still cannot go to the town where he lived,. My sister's home is only 10 minutes from his town , I can go there but panic, anxiety and overwhelming sadness overtakes me as I approach the street that leads to his home and my most painful past.
My husband's procedure has gone well and he is on his way homeamazing how they can do stuff and you're home within hours.hopefully his health will start to improve
(((Betty)))) thank you for sharing your experience re places..I honestly feel I'm going mad at times. Our legacy is not one either of our sons would have wanted. The disease is cruel, both for the drunk and the sober.
You guys have gone thru some very tough life experiences.
I am so sad your husband is so ill. I sure hope you remember to keep you strong too. Just by doing the survival stuff of eating well and keeping hydrated.
This is when one day at a time is so vital for me. We all can get so scared, but one day is not so scary.
Hope you have support around you face to face! sending my love and prayers sweet one, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."