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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Today is my birthday, no flowers, no parties, my gift was my AH trying to kill himself Tuesday, now he is tucked away in 30 day program, as usual the world is taking care of him. Who takes care of me? I went to the lawyer yesterday, he said that this is a long process, but ultimately my AH will not only get alimony from me but could get LIFETIME ALIMONY because he is alcholic (which the court considers a disease) and bi-polar and the court may determine he simply cannot take care of himself. WHAT!!!! So now not only do I have to worry about trying to get him to move out at the end of 30 days, but I have to worry that I will be tied to him for LIFE! So I will continue to have to work, forever, no relief for me. I have no hope that he will move out easily and that he will make this a nightmare for me, I am going to lose everything I have worked for for 20 years because I have been married to him for 8.
When I talked to my AH on the phone last night he wanted to know why I wasn't driving an hour + today to come visit him and bring him the things "I forgot to pack for him", and when I said no I needed the day, MY BIRTHDAY, to rest from this madness he wanted to know "have you met someone else". WHAT! I felt like screaming, I have been dealing non-stop for four days with broken down front doors (how the police got into our house to save him from dying), ER's, hospital bills, doctors, finding in treatment care for him, getting him there, packing his bags and dealing with the bazillion people calling me to ask how HE is, neighbors giving me the side eye because now he is not only considered the neighborhood *******ole, but he is now the crazy ****ole who tried to kill himself and that poor woman that is married to him (me!) and he wants to know if I met someone. His selfishness knows no bounds.
I know I am just feeling sorry for myself today so I did the only thing I know how which is to unload it here to everyone who truly understands what I'm going through. Thanks for listening. TS (formerly surfgirl).
-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 1st of September 2012 09:07:23 AM
Isn't it just UNBELIEVABLE sometimes? I work all the time...rarely have time to myself...paid all the bills..etc...and when we divorced he wanted alimony (he wanted almost 2/3 of what I make!) -- the only way he would drop his claim was if I agreed to go without child support as long as he was unemployed.
I bring home $3200 a month, and my expenses are $2700 a that leaves $500 for groceries, clothes, gas for the car, emergencies...
I finally got together a $1000 emergency fund...only to have to get a $1200 root canal.
Meanwhile -- he is living with his sister, not working, laying around by her pool and drinking. LIving on half my retirement he got in the divorce settlement.
My birthday is the 6th...hahahaha...gotta love it. Life''s a freakin bowl of cherries, isn't it?
I had a chance encounter (my HP?) with a cabbie...and he told me...human prosperity will never be just isn't fair...(what better examples than ours?) but the prosperity our HP has (God's love and support) is the same for everyone...infinite. when I exited this guy's cab, I was crying my eyes out...of all the cabs in Chicago...I go into that one.
This life of ours sure doesn't make sense....but you will slog your way through it...with a little help from your HP, and your friends.
IN support of my sister in spirit,
-- Edited by rehprof on Saturday 1st of September 2012 09:07:06 AM
-- Edited by rehprof on Saturday 1st of September 2012 09:15:27 AM
I absolutely agree that you should get a new lawyer. Not only that, but when my AH threatened suicide- not attempted, just threatened- that was enough for me to be able to take myself up to the local Family Violence Center and get a Temporary Protective Order issued against him. That meant that when he left detox, he could not come back to our house or contact me. I strongly urge you to look into doing that. If you go through a local crisis center rather than your attorney, it's free and he would be served probably within 24-48 hours. You would have to fill out some intake forms, and then go to the office in person to provide anecdotal evidence to back up your reasons for needing it, but that's about it. Then after a few weeks you would have a hearing before a judge where you would have to testify as to why it should be extended to a permanent restraining order. However, my lawyer told me that almost 80% of the TPOs never make it to hearings because it's such good leverage to have when negotiating the terms of your divorce. We are offering it as a bargaining chip to my AH right now. If he wants the TPO dropped, he needs to go ahead and give me what I want in the divorce (which isn't much, I'm letting him have his car, everything he had that was his, and even the house, although he has no way to pay for it, I just want what was mine and full legal/physical custody of the kids with supervised visitation only). Keep this in mind: abuse doesn't necessarily equate with criminal activity. Has he ever neglected to pay household bills in order to buy alcohol? The court recognizes that as abuse. Has he ever gotten angry while drunk and thrown something or broken something? Again, it counts. Even now by calling you and accusing you of adultery just because you aren't running over to see him constantly, that's a form of abuse. My AH never actually laid a hand on me, but his history of alcoholic behavior coupled with a suicide threat was enough to get me the TPO. You'll be surprised how quickly he will drop that threat of getting lifetime alimony from you once you have one of those in place, because it establishes to the courts that you are the injured party. Not that he will get it anyway. Don't let him scare you like that.
I hope you have a tolerable birthday. Don't take his calls. I know it's hard, even after all he has done to you. I'm in the exact same boat you are in right now. My AH was just discharged from the hospital five days ago and I still worry about him. Still want to know what he is doing, thinking, saying. Still find myself wanting to call or talk to him. But when I do, the person I am speaking to is not my husband, it is an angry, bitter, scapegoating alcoholic who is still blaming everyone but himself for his problems. Sounds like your husband is doing the same. If you cut off his access to you, it will be the hardest thing you will ever have to do, but it will be your ticket to freedom.
-- Edited by holivex on Saturday 1st of September 2012 01:40:55 PM
I am so very sorry that this dreadful disease is causing such pain in your life. Search out a meetings, and remember to do this one minute at a time., Rember HP is in control and alanon urges us to not project and trust HP .
Please celebrate your birthday by treating yourself with love. Try going to a nice restaurant by yourself, get your hair done ot get a manicure.
Most importantly be very gentle with yourself.
I assure you that "This too shall pass." It has for me.
If my divorce lawyer told me something that outrageous, I would get a new lawyer.
Maybe some alcoholic got alimony for life, somewhere, at some point. But I know plenty of alcoholic layabouts that never got a penny. Unfortunately the system is not about who's right and who's work as much as it's about whose lawyer is more persuasive. But given that, it might as well be yours. Or else what are you paying for? You could arrange to give your ex lifetime alimony without getting a lawyer to do it for you. But your lawyer should be advocating for you. Effectively.
I hope you can take good care of yourself both emotionally and financially. Hugs.
That sounds like my birthday when I came on here (smile!) If you were closer, I would def take you out for a meal and we would share some good laughs! Hugs. Try to look up. After all it is a very special day. :)
"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)
Boy, can I relate. I spent my birthday this year picking up my husband from rehab three hours away from our house. I was in so much pain from thyroiditis that I could barely turn my head. I wanted him to stay in rehab longer but, as always, he knew best. We stopped for gas on the way home and he buys me a gas station b'day card that made a crack about getting old and saggy boobs. I noticed that he had a pack of Hostess chocolate cupcakes and he said they were for after dinner. We stopped and got a pizza on the way home. After pizza, I was waiting around for the cupcakes and candles but nothing. I finally asked if I could have my cupcakes now and he goes, "Oh, yeah" , goes to get them and you guessed it . . . not even any candles. I didn't even get "romanced".
Anyway, HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! Hope my share makes spending your birthday alone sound like not such a bad deal.
"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless." - Dave G Llewellyn
Happy Birthday fellow Virgo!
Just remember, for him to get alimony or spousal support, he will need a lawyer. Which means he will need money. I am facing the same fears and the attorneys all tell me that if he fights for it, he probably will get it. It was my choice to take care of him for the length of our marriage. Lesson learned for me.
I really hope you did something wonderful for you today. You deserve it
Lots of hugs and support
Keep doing the footwork my friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you did a something for yourself. Life isn't easy and it isn't fair no one said it would be .. if they did .. I want to take a look at contract because the "life is fair" clause got left out on mine. :)
Please be gentle with yourself and do the best you can to do the next right thing.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!! 2nd get a new lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister just went thru the exact same thing. she had been with her husband and was the sole bread winner their whole relationship cause he was to much of an a$$-ole to keep a job. Her first lawyer told her the first thing yours just told you. So she shopped around and found the most ruthless lawyer in the area. They were only married 9 yrs also. My sister makes an enormous amount of money and she was ready to shut down her practice etc not to pay that alimony or palimony. The new lawyer had great tactics he used to show that her husband who also all of a sudden became bi polar and he was an addict was quite employable and could support himself. She did end up giving him a one time settlement of 20 grand cause they dragged it out until he was desperate. And that was that. It did cost her in lawyer fees won't lie about that but she would have rather paid the lawyer than her husband. I wish you the best of luck & keep us posted Blessings
I am not familiar with the state you live in but I thought that it was a 10 year benchmark for alimony. If your husband is penniless he will certainly qualify for welfare if you are separated.
The whole issue of alimony, retirement and more is something that can be negotiated through. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. In some cases being married is easier than being in a boyfriend/girlfriend situation. Therein I had little right to claim what is mine and what is his. Of course the now ex A claimed everything as "his". I really hurt for a long long time over what he took in terms of financial devastation for me. I had to start completely over. I will probably never recover financially. What I can tell is that I did recover emotionally. I stopped living in chaos and uncertainity. I didn't have a catastrophe every day (I am sure you are used to that one of my refrains was Every single day...). I stopped worrying he was going to kill himself and me (when he was driving like a maniac). I stopped resenting him (that took a while). I stopped being angry, on edge, exhausted and absolutely obsessed. I got some peace.
Many many people helped me through the transition. I got help from a number of resources. The legal stuff I tried to do didn't work out that well but I gave it a go. I protected myself that is what I will say. From the seeds of that self protection I have learned to be very resilient but most of all proactive in taking care of myself.
I am sure everything is overwhelming right now. I lived, slept and ate the ex A's self absorption and demands for 7 years. I know how draining that is for you. I also know that with detachment it can run right off your back but detachment is pretty difficult in the kind of situation you are in. The best thing is that it is possible on a moment by moment basis.
I think one of the hardest things for me was to get that the alcoholic/addict was going to act like an alcoholic addict. I kept expecting him to see the light in the tunnel he didn't. Certainly the ex A had his plateaus, he had his moments when he could function, when he could seem appropriate even kind but the disease took him down all the way. I also felt absolutely responsible for him in ways that were part of my own disease of alcoholism (how great the alcoholic is at passing the buck irresponsibility is a huge red flag for me these days). I felt like he would not survive without me. In fact he did and continues on the same old path of manipulation, guilt tripping and demanding everything from those around him. I am so grateful I am no longer one of them.
I am so glad you have this board to come to and have people answer you who know exactly where you are. There will be other birthdays in the future where your life won't be engulfed with tragedy, chaos and alcoholism. I look forward to hearing about them.
Hello. Just wanted to say I relate to birthdays. Mine is coming up tomorrow. I have let go of all of my dysfunctional friends over the years because they were abusive to me, so I have none.
I sent myself a card.
I am learning to love myself. It's so hard when you learn only to think of others.
I am sorry to hear that your husband's alcoholism leaves no room for your feelings and needs. Alcoholism is a disease and a family disease. I am sorry that it spilled all over your special day.
thanks for sharing,
-- Edited by AllieinAlanon on Thursday 6th of September 2012 02:21:46 PM
Alanon is about self-care, not caring for the alcoholic.