Al-Anon Family Group

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I'm new


I found this site by doing a search for "living with a dry drunk", and I am so glad I did.  I was not familiar with the term "dry drunk" until my husband, the dry drunk himself, came home from a too infrequently attended AA meeting and said that's what the members called him. Later, after researching the term, I came to realize that the sweet and caring man I married four years ago, who has been "sober" for 16 years, is definitely a dry drunk. The verbal reprimands, extreme passive aggressive behaviors, dirty fighting, stockpiling of my personal weakness to use later on me when I'm down, unabashed selfishness, gross immaturity (at 49 yrs olf, no less!!)and an overall lack of "love, honor, and cherish" was so neatly defined under the dry drunk syndrome that, for the first time, I began thinking that it wasn't me or my fault and that it was him.

As an airline pilot (Captain), I am used to being in complete control of myself, my career, my aircraft, and my responsibility for the lives of my crew and passengers. Living with the current husband has "forced" me to switch gears once I'm home and turn into a meek, apologetic, attend to every need of the man in my life type of wife, which I thought was necessary to appease his ego issues.. He has told me several times that he was attracted to me because I would be gone a lot and not on him all the time, and now says that he is much happier when I am gone, so he can do what he wants. He forgets his wallet when we go out, refuses to help pay for household bills, mutual credit cards (only pays his own bills and caters to an Ex who is on welfare and lives in Newport Beach, CA and their three children, who are in and out of jail, addiction issues, etc)  He will not go to the grocery store and buy food or prepare dinner for us, even if I've been gone for days and he's eaten everything in sight. He told me he "will die before he ever vacuums (said that in front of his 22 year old son who had been "staying" with us for 2.5 years and who had, up until that point, been good about doing chores around the house. After that, the kid figured if Dad doesn't respect her, why should I?) I hold my marriage vows very close to my heart and openly admit that I willingly become this submissive wife when I get home, because I thought that would make him happy and feel better about himself. I make more than he does, but even in counseling with our Pastor when confronted with the fact that he does not contribute financally, physically, or emotionally, and asked if he would rather have a traditional wife who stays at home and cleans and cooks or one who brings home a nice paycheck, he said "both". I enjoy cooking dinner and since he spends a majority of our evening time together secluding himself on the computer or falling asleep on the floor when I ask him to watch a movie with me, I feel that that is our only quality time together. He has now started nodding off at the table (he has told me several times that he can fall asleep anywhere if he's apparently spending time with me is boring?!!) I usually fly between 4-5 days a week. I have tried bidding weekends off to spend time with him (one month he made plans EVERY weekend that didn't include me from a sailboat race to riding motorcycles in the desert) I am not allowed (by orders of the Ex) to see his youngest and she disregards the orders of the court for visitiation (husband doesn't fight her...just sends her more money) The kids are disrectful to him, cuss him out, but he still pays for everything because he wants them to like him, he told me.  Lordy be!!

We have tried marital counseling, pastoral counseling, bible study groups, etc but in the end, we always go back to the same old habit patterns.  He proposes evening walks or drives, but eventually falls asleep at the computer and then gets angry that I didn't wake him up when I went to bed.  When I do wake him up, he cusses and swears at me for doing it. He had me sign him up for the gym (under my credit card of course) but doesn't go. When we do go together, he tells me that everything I'm doing is wrong (apparently my trainer doesn't know anything) and I either submit and am sore the next day, or we get in a fight. My company is in bankruptcy, and when I try to vent about work, he tells me to "just 'xxxx' quit or shut up about it"  We live in an apartment above his grandmother's house (who asked us to because she's in her late 80s and nervous to be alone) Hubby pays her $150 ($50 ea) for utilities which he refers to as "rent", therefore his only contribution. Oh, did I mention, the now 24 yr old son who slept on my floor and mooched off us for 2.5 years was kicked out by me for growing marijuana ({5} four foot tall plants!!)in the orchard behind Grandma's? Even though I took pics before I destroyed the plants, hubby refused to reprimand the kid, eventhough in a recent family meeting it was made very clear that no drugs were to be used at any time, so the little monster moved downstairs with Grandma. I'm not allowed to tell her why I kicked him out (besides the laziness, beligerence, moochiness, let alone the pot!!) but have been made out to be the Wicked Witch by most of hubby's grossly enabling family. Oh, when I asked hubby why he didn't back up what we had agreed at the family meeting with the kid, he said "well, I wasn't there so I really don't know what happened"...!!!!! Talk about lack of respect for me anda gross inability to parent together!!

You know, after rambling on about this situation, maybe my hubby isn't just a dry drunk, but just a selfish enabled jerk?! The things he has called me (fat 'xxxx' pig, which is minor compared to some other more colorful phrases he has come up with), accused me of maliciously damaging his computer (we had an earthquake and his precious laptop fell off the table and broke the screen, but he said it was maliciously done by me. Wtheck??!), the lies, the lack of empathy (going through perimenopause and that has severly put him out of sorts...he cannot sleep with any fan or air on, period!), the lack of quality time, the procrastination, the lack of niceities (like washing your wife's car after it sat for a week at LAX...but make it known, his truck is ALWAYS clean), the seclusion into his own interests that don't include me (I show my horses and have tried desperately to include him...guess what, he falls asleep there, guessed it, must be boring)...funny, though, when things get tough for him and the once in a great while that he goes to an AA meeting, he is so centered and back to the sweet, giving man I married. He comes home with a new outlook, promising to me and himself that he will go five days a week.  He usually just makes that first one and by about two weeks, he's back to his selfish ways. Sadly, he still relays stories of the good ol days of wild drinking and partying to his boys (which I have pointed out is so inappropriate on so many levels) but it is almost like he misses that.  If I have a glass of wine, he wants to smell it, "just to remember". Both Pastor and the Psychologist we saw say he never finsihed the program.  He just exchanged one addiction for the other (I wish I was that new addiction but I am so far down the list of priorities, it's sad). Maybe it's the computer, or the obsessive need for Starbucks (he'll go to the grocery store to get his cream and sugar but not household groceries, to be sure!), I don't know.  We had a fight and now he's living downstairs with his Grandma (at almost 50 years old!) and I've spent my days off with my horses and evenings alone. I can hear him and the pot smoking beligerent kid out in the garage working on the dirt bikes and the BMW I gave to the kid (my old car), which he promptly totalled and is now building back up. Oh and I was a bitch about that according to my husband because eventhough I had sold the car to the kid for $2000 and he had made only three payments, the car was totalled for $5000 and I paid the deductible and took a huge loss by buying it back so the kid could have it.  They put the body parts and everything they bought on our card (the one hubby wont help make payments to) but I'm the bitch, go figure. I have never been so lonely in my life. We live no where near where I grew up, my horses are an hour away, family is at least that in multiple directions. I can't seem to find a local Al Anon meeting anywhere near where I live. I am at a loss. I am soooo sorry for ranting and I don't know if it even made any sense, but thank you for allowing me to vent, and if I haven't come across as the Wicked Witch, as my hubby and his family think I am, maybe someone could offer a little advice, a calm in the storm : (

-- Edited by canadianguy on Friday 31st of August 2012 12:52:15 PM


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1744

You are not the wicked witch, not even close.

You need to stop the merry go round, get off and stop taking care of the A, in Alanon we learn to not do for them what they can do for themselves. If your willing to do all the time, he is going to take.

I hope you can find an alanon meeting, start focusing on you and what you want and start drawing some boundaries(like that x wife he takes good care of). Sounds like he has some other Mental issues going on, just my opinion. I have a question for you. WHY? Did you read your post back.?

Did I read that right, that you are a Captain Pilot, is he intimidated by you? Cause Im sure impressed.

Just like all of us , one time or another our lives had become out of control and unmanageable. Sounds like your there, it can be better. I hope you keep coming back and post.

Hugs to you, Bettina

-- Edited by Bettina on Friday 31st of August 2012 05:11:02 PM


~*Service Worker*~

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Wow Sarrain.... a whole bunch of emotions coming out there, and hope it feels a bit better, in just getting them out there.....  Welcome to MIP, and you've found a good place...

In a nutshell, choosing a recovery program - for YOU - is the key.  Getting yourself to face-to-face Al-Anon meetings is huge, and there are all kinds of great books out there to help you as well (Getting Them Sober books, written by Toby Rice Drews, are wonderful).  Posting here can be a good supplement to your recovery as well....

You've taken a great initial first step in starting the process of talking about it....

One of my takeaways from your post is when you thought by being a good, submissive wife you could change things for him.....  In Al-Anon, we embrace the "Three C's", in that we didn't Cause it, cannot Cure it, nor can we Control it.  This applies to 'dry drunks' in very similar to active alcoholics.  You could be the nicest person in the world, or the meanest person in the world - it really has no effect on his disease.  You have also already seen that this insideous disease affects  people across all socio-economic groups, etc., etc....

I would encourage you to keep going on your journey of finding recovery, education, and awareness for YOU....

Take care



"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"

"What you think of me is none of my business"

"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"





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Welcome to this board.

As you keep reading you will find that many of us have needed to deal with emotional and financial abuse...which is what you are experiencing.

This is often a shock, as we had expected that once the drinking stopped, that the man would appear who so charmed us in the beginning.

Only to find personality and attitude problems appear, which were always there. 

By learning to care for yourself...... by using the tools of Al-Anon, you can find serenity and peace.

But it doesn't happen overnight.

Every good wish on this journey.    T.H.


~*Service Worker*~

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Welcome to Miracles in Progress Sarrain

I just want to second all that has been shared.  Attending alanon Face to Face meetings will help you keep the focus on yourself and your needs while still having compassion for others.

Please check out the local meetings in your community and attend. 

 You are indeed worth it.




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Your story is like watching my life. I feel for you. I understand completely. Hugs. Welcome.


"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1582

You must have married my husband's older brother, or twin, LOL! I can relate. My AH was dry for 15 years but I never knew what was going on and didn't have a label for it, I just thought he was mentally impaired in some way. He doesn't call me names, though, but I get blamed for things I didn't have anything to do with. He once screamed at me because the internet wasn't working and that I must have some sort of control over the internet providers servers. I have many stories that can relate to yours, but I wanted to send you some positive here. I know you can't seem to find an Al Anon meeting but I do encourage you to try. Also, if you have overnights in certain cities you may be able to find meetings there, too.

You are on a journey of self discovery now and you can control only YOU. So glad you found us here at MIP. Welcome to the site!

Struggling to find me......

~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha SarrainS and welcome to the board...Keep a copy of that rant and take up and follow the suggestions you get here and then later on down the road take a look at the rant again.  It's not about him changing; its about you.  Go take a look in the white pages of your local telephone book under Al-Anon and dial that hotline number.  If you don't get a real person you will get a recording for places and times we in the program get together to help and support each other in changing our own lives.  We're powerless over alcoholism...the wet or the dry version and our lives become unmanagable (as good as your rant LOL) and so we needed to do something about ourselves.  One of the best questions I was asked when I first came into the program was "So what is your part in it"?  I had no idea about me or what I was doing or not doing that made my life a hotel fire.  I blamed my alcoholic/addict wife for everything even if I knew she neither had the time, ability or facitlity to do it.  Of course I was getting it also.  

So you're new...that means you're coming in like almost all of us.  I was new...and...I didn't know anything...dumb as a stick....didn't know and didn't know that I didn't know so I was a blank page, deep and black hole.  Listening with an open mind was the first suggestion for me to do and they promised I would find help.  That is all the heck I was looking for...something that would turn the light on in my life.  Al-Anon Family Groups did that for me and now I want to do that for others who suffer as a result of this disease of alcoholism.

Go find the number and keep coming back here.  There probably isn't a location on the planet that you can fly to where Al-Anon isn't. Sooo Cool.  I got into program and I use to fly in my company when I lived in Central Valley CA.  Being affected by someone elses alcoholism can very negatively affect your pilotage also.  Almost put one in at night over Merced because I lost track of what I was doing and suppose to focus on and was too focused on my alcoholic/addict in the right seat. 

Keep coming back (((((hugs))))) smile

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