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I think he was just trying to get a sense of your expectations and going right to the heart of the problem. Its ok to say what it would take to make the marriage work. Then you started projecting why the A would never go to AA or recovery and taking the A's inventory.
I think he was trying to get you both to discuss the problem , the drinking!! I think the therapist was trying to get you to lay down some boundaries.
Im understanding the question you had for your AH, as he doesnt drink because of you and your son, that if you and your son werent in the picture , would he still drink. Whether he drinks or not you and your son really have nothing to do with it.
I would think he is putting these behavioral requests on your husband to make him accountable. Maybe the therapist can do , what you cant do. Just a thought.
If your not clear on what the Therapist is doing its good your going again.
Best to you.
-- Edited by Bettina on Wednesday 29th of August 2012 05:37:33 PM
So, AH and I went to couseling. This therapist is a recovering alcoholic, 30 years sober. He wanted me to place behavioral requests upon AH to prove that I can trust that he's not drinking now. He asked me what I wanted to see happen so that I can start trusting again and he kept pushing me to give an answer. So, I finally broke and said that I'd love to see AH go to AA and do weekly counseling sessions. I now that, in reality, this is pointless. Even if AH went to these things and met these so-called requirements, it doesn't change the fact that he'd just be checking off little boxes of things I want him to do. Maybe he'd pick something up in a meeting but he's so dang stubborn he'd probably rip it apart. He rips every sermon at church apart and even rips apart his best friends behind their backs. Not sure he'd really get much out of meetings unless his heart was in it.
I also asked AH a question: "If it weren't for son and I, would you continue to drink?" He said, "Hey I like beer and I'd like to have a beer every once in a while." Yeah, well this what he said way back 2 years ago when he started drinking again. It was those exact words to a T. And, look where we are now. Anyway, at this point I don't really care whether he drinks, the therapist was making a HUGE deal about it. I wanted to start working on the trust issues and respect issues and the fact that he's jealous of our son, and the fact that we are on totally different pages spiritually along with having mismatched values. He referred to our son as "his lordship" and it's become obvious to me that AH has many issues regarding his own child. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out the motivation from this therapist. Why would he want me to place these 'behavior' requests on my AH? Seems so counter intuitive. Thoughts??? Oh, I'm going back to this therapist tomorrow by myself to get some clarity from him, too, but I wanted to throw it out there.
Tough stuff, and to be honest, you recited my post in your last line there....
I'm going back to this therapist tomorrow by myself to get some clarity from him,
For my money, any therapist worth his or her salt, is more than willing to discuss these kinds of things with you.... tell them everything you told us, and more.... that's how they can best do their jobs for you both, if they really understand the depth of needs here.
Good choice in posting here
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
I understand that counsellor or therp to push limits at times. I know mine has many times. I hated him for it but those were concerning me, my behaviours, my reactions, my choices. Maybe this therapist is missing something? Maybe he is putting his "own" ideas or feelings before what it really should be? I don't know if I am making any sense. I am glad you are def going back and facing the situtation head on to get some answers. Good for you! (you are bullied enough by an A, you certainly don't need to be bullied by a T!) Hugs hugs hugs and more hugs.
"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)
For me, marriage counseling with an active A was a complete waste of time....his mind was delusional..and he just said whatever he needed to say to keep the therapist happy...all bs...he didn't follow through on any of it...all just talk to get through the therapy sessions so he could say he was "working on it" - I think ppl have to be a ways into their own recovery before they can really do couples work in any real way....just my opinion