The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
As Some May know Last Weekend, I had an ALL AL-Anon Weekend with Some of My Dear Lady Friends at My Camp on the River in the Woods! I have to say it was Amazing! I was Truly amazed that Everything... Went off without a Hitch! And We all have Memory's that will last a Life time! The Plan was that I was Staying all weekend, and those that would like to camp out in the camper with me could and those that couldn't and wanted to come down could stop Saturday and just hang out for a while... picnic, and Chill :)
Night One.. 3 stayed with me, and we fellowshiped and laughed till we Cried, Sat around the camp fire and made things called "Camper pies" (They were AWESOME) Never had them before ;) It was Just Really Nice being around people that don't judge me, or my past, and we could all sit around and just be who we were, No Covers! With Lots of Healing...
I Don't know why I struggle in real life with that, always trying to be what others need from me, and Never really knowing WHY... because most that I bend sideways for would never do the same for me! And Always Expected MORE then I Could Normally Give on a Daily Basis! But... thats OK! Because thanks to Al-Anon, I am Re-Gaining My Worth to Me and My Life for Me, to satifiy me & My needs & Not the needs of others...I have had to Distance myself a Bit and thats ok too... And I Truly don't feel its Selfish at all... But for the Longest time I did!
The Ladys that spent the 1st night "Combined" had about 40+ yrs Al-Anon, so It was Truly a Blessing, Listening & Learning from their own journey, and seeing how & what got them were they are, and what keeps them moving forward, so much Program, you could feel HP Flyin all around! Along with the Butterflys at the butterfly bush :D
Funniest thing ... One Brought a Board Game called "Thoerpy" God Lord above did we Laugh! But it was Perfect because you had to figure out how well you knew your friends, and it was just too funny! I believe when we ALL finally got thru that it was 2am and we were so hiped up on the laughs we couldn't get to sleep for another Hour or so!
Day Two started Slow, but when the Coffee was Bruin the World Woke up again, and we were off..Some of us took a Dip in the River, & a Bath :D Some of Our Friends Stopped Down and we had a good time... One of My Dearest Friends is Blind & 82 and she was as excited as a School Girl to get to "See" the Place as she says! I Adore Her & She is one of my Closest Dears Al-Anon Hero's.. She still Lives alone, with all her Disability's and is such an Inspiration to my Program & My Life! She Just Gives me so Much Strength, Guidence & Love its Amazing! So I'm Glad she Got to get a ride down... Was Great for to be apart of something that means so much to me, and she always here's me speak of my Camp, and now I think she gets it even more :)
Only 2 stayed with me the 2nd Night but we decided to ALL share our stories of Life, and Lessons, so we Pretty Much Cried till we laughed that night, but it was so Freeing to have someone you know you can share with and get to Learn things about them that even they didn't know of themselves, it was Very Healing, Very Overwelming at times, and Very Emotional, but on the same Note! It opened us up to begin the healing process on wounds we all had stuffed and stuffed and now we can move thru them and just LET GO! It was Great... I Believe it was Closer to 4am by the time Lights out happened and tho I was exhausted I was still up with the Sun watching & Listen to the birds, while the ladys slept... I So Very Much Love Lonely Mornings outdoors at camp :) So Peaceful!
Sunday, we hung out most of the day, and it rained on and off but nothing to bad...So we just took our time packing up and prob got out about 4pm... My One friend had a ways to go so it was time...
I did Learn ALOT from that Weekend, I Learned that Putting NO Expectation on the Outcome was a Blessing for Sure! Putting No Pressure on myself about what will they think? Did I do everything Just Right? Did I accomidate Enough? Did i DO enough? all my normal "Control Freak" issues, I Left a Home, and Just Rolled with it! and it ALL worked Out! I can't think of ONE bad moment! Lots of Funny ones, but nothing bad at all... We all Called it our "Adapt & Overcome Weekend" and that we did with Laughter! Im so Grateful for ALL that AL-Anon has brought to my life, and I have to say, This last Year & 1/2 has been the best yet, I have taking Trips I Never would have taking, Drove across States on my Harley to Meet People I only Spoke to on the Net! (Who this weekend is Coming to Me... SO EXCITED) I have Planned a Camping Trip for People I really had no idea if they would show, and I was OK With that! I have met Strangers and Made them My Friends, I have found a New Zest for LIfe, & Living and all the credit goes to Al-Anon, My Program, and My HP carring me thru! These Boards have been a God Sent to me, and I am Grateful for you all...You All Inspire me to Want to LIVE LIFE & LET GO of Yesterday!
I Come here, Read your Post & am Amazed to watch you All Grow and Move forward thru some Very Challenging things, and knowing you all are here truly helps me sleep at night! Its been an Amazing Journey, and frankly I Excited to see whats Next! So ... I Thank You! My Marriage Thanks You... My Parenting Thanks You... and I Could go On, but I think I have twisted your Ear Long enough... :D I THANK YOU TRULY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!
BIG HUGS .. I love your posts!! Now am I mistaken, didn't you do this last year too?? I'm sooo glad that you are here and I get to share this journey with you.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
((((Pushka))))... Thank You for Being Here... And No Last Year there was a "Fall Al-Anon Convention" in my Town we all met there for 3 days, but I didn't stay, I drove back & forth all weekend. So this was the first time i did it at My Camp... :0) We were All In agreement it should now be made Traditions... So I'm Excited about the Next one :)
PS... I glad your sharing it with me... I Read alot of the post just only seem to get minimal time to respond so Know that I'm not going anywhere :D
Thanks (((((IP)))) I Say GO FOR IT...If you have a Face to Face Group you would be surprised how many are up for just getting away with the girls for a day, or a weekend... If you don't have one yet... Track one down you wont regret it... Best Friends/Family I have ever had.. And they Have Helped Me so Much....Along with MIP... I Started Here & Branched Out :)
My Passion is Photography, and One day I Hope to Chase down that Dream as Well...Not so Much People, but I Just Love ANYTHING Out doors... Butterfly's, Critters, sunsets, sunrises, rocks, rivers, trees.... I Could go on for Days... that is my escape from reality, Just have always Feared if I went the Next Step... I May Suck the Love of it away! :0) But... I LOVE your Avitar Pic ::: Beautiful :::: Very Glad your Here :)
Jozie, Thanks. I decided to start my own photography business as freelance. So far I am loving it! In my spare time that is exactly what I shoot when I am not doing weddings, families, or anything else related to people! I wish I could share some of my photography on here! :)
"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)