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Wow. I waited 8 mos from my last relationship to venture back onto the dating scene. Took alot of courage. Dated a friend of a's been a month. He invited me to his house, he wanted me to spend labor day he is panicking...and decides he doesn't want to be in a relationship.
I take people at face value. I believe what they say. Do I stop believing in the good in people? Do I put up walls to protect my heart? I just keep getting relationships, friendships...and then I go back into the old ex A abusive tapes...that I'm not good enough...that I am the reason others aren't's my fault...
I am a strong, professional woman..who is reasonably attractive, talented, and centered. So why do I feel so awful? Why do I immediately blame myself when things don't go well? I seem to just start crawling out of my emotional abyss, start feeling hopeful, and someone steps on my head again.
I want to be loved and cherished. I guess that is too much to ask. Please don't tell me I have to love myself first...I already know that and I'm working on it. But I also want someone to share my life and love with. I'm 49 and freaking out -- visions of spinsterdom. I know I can't be married to my exA anymore, but man, this singles stuff is really tough.
Big giant cyber hug, if he's panicking let him and step away. I don't know what it is however there is nothing like being rejected by a reject and then wondering what was wrong with me that I am so unlovable.
That is what is NOT true though, .. YOU (and me) are very lovable and you are right it takes a tremendous amount of courage to believe that there is good in people and that everyone doesn't let me down. Some of that is soooo on me .. I create more of my broken heart than other person does.
When I have gotten into relationships in the past I tend to look at someone and think ohhh .. hmm .. that's a relationship vs ohhh .. hmmm .. maybe I need time to get to know someone and let them know me. I don't know if that makes sense or if it even applies I know for me it's very true. I rush the relationship wind up with a broken heart over someone I shouldn't have even let it get that far.
So instead of beating yourself up .. please take time to value yourself and who you are. You are MORE than a relationship. While we all want to be loved and cherished .. my picker is broken and I need time to get that straightened out put my relationship filter on and make better choices. I always have sent out mixed messages of being so independent mixed in with seriously needy!! Again that is me and of course the men I picked absolutely reacted to those things. Right now I need time to mend my relationship with the God of my understanding, get my feet firmly planted in reality of who I am, and let go of the expectations of who the God of my understanding has planned for me to meet if anyone. If it really is no one then it's just going to have to be that way .. I would rather value me than be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.
I don't know if that makes sense or not, however I SOOOOO empathize with what you have shared and it IS courageous to put your heart and words out there for everyone to read. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
So true...part of me is fiercely independent (bc I know that people will ALWAYS let me down) and the other part of me just wants someone to take care of me and tell me everything is gonna be okay. I'm working towards being more in the middle...but it's amazing how the self-deprecating tapes immediately kick in...bc for so many years I believed I was the reason why my exA was so unhappy...
I understand in ways that would boggle the mind and I was called a "great friend and wonderful person" (I actually have it in writing that I am .. so nice to get some credit (please read the sarcasm in that .. LOL)). It hit me like a ton of bricks that OMGosh .. this is SOOOO ABOUT HIM .. not me .. yes I'm not perfect however I'm his great friend?? REALLY??!! Because 7 weeks of starving your children and me out makes him my friend?! WOW .. with a "great friend" like him I think I'd rather be friends with my worst enemy than him. I deserve not only so much more from all of my relationships I value the people in my life, there is honesty and openness in my relationships. Guess what .. here my relationships with other people are flourishing and his are dying. Is that me? No, it's not .. it's sooo him. I let him know .. he's not my friend. My friends value me as a whole person.
Please think of it this way .. Your ExA was unhappy in the relationship. I'm not seeing YOUR NAME in that statement .. NOT your issue.
Yes the tapes SUCK .. and they go back over for so many years. It boils down to the respect and valuing me in those relationships. I absolutely let him off the hook with not respecting me .. that is my part in this. I allowed him to treat like that and not say anything .. that is so NOT ok .. especially now .. I think he's kind of gotten that message.
I am the writer of my tapes and when those tapes play I get to step back and say .. I know that is not true about me. THEN is the best time to get in front of that mirror and tell your reflection who you are not what you think you are. How many times does it take to change a pattern? A LOT of rewiring .. it is a slow process and that's ok .. enjoy the process.
I'm feeling much better than I was a few days ago .. it gets better each go around. You keep coming back because that's what I have to do as well. Ohhh yes and the step work .. ohhhh the joys of the step work .. I'm fighting myself on my 4th at the moment. :)
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Oh dating is so hard I know. I've been on and off the scene now for 5+ years and I just cannot give into the doomsday predictions that we'll never find someone just because we aren't in our 20's.
Make sure you keep yourself busy, our minds are our worst enemy when they are idle. For me I always chalk it up to fit. Either two people will be a good fit, or they won't and then sometimes they might be a good fit and it still doesn't pan out. Hugs and I know too well the "committee" as I call them - those well meaning voices in our head that come up with the worst case scenarios of why it didn't work out. I tell mine to be quiet .... literally LOL. I say "thanks for the input now stop it" LOL.
Oh and I know I probably need medication for talking to myself
I would love someone just to come in and take care of me. ON every level. Some days it would be nice to be extremely selfish like our As. LOL. Atleast I get my needs met! I can't offer you any advice on the dating thing but stay true to yourself, don't settle for second best. You are worth more then that. Hugs.
"It's impossible said pride. Its risky said experience. Its pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart - Anonymous (via Tad)
Reprof - keep kissing frogs until your prince comes's all a journey (yes that's highly sappy, corny, probably codependent, but if you want a relationship --- keep searching. Yes, it hurts to get rejected, but you are going to be rejecting some men that you don't like also... It's part of the dating game. Sometimes the game is exciting and fun. Some times it stinks. I admire your courage in that you are out there trying and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Our qualifiers have done a number on most of us. Give yourself credit for taking risks.
I staid in my marriage in part because I hated the thought of dating again. I was way too far in the future. Every time I hear the term rejected by a reject I have to laugh at myself. I thought the same thing before I heard the term. It's so fitting and yet so wrong!! I still have not attempted to date. If they back off, it's a sign that there not ready and we don't want to force or control anything. Just because they are not an A does not mean they don't have other issues. It's scary and give yourself credit for trying and getting out there. The healthier and stronger we are the easier will will see their shortcomings and be able to protect ourselves. Hoping you will find someone special!!
One of the hardest lessons for me was to not believe every thing I hear . I learned to watch what people do .. actions go alot further than promises . continue to take care of you and you will find what your looking for , someone who wants what you want , allows you to have a life of your own in other words some one who is not afraid of commitment or a strong independent woman . Enjoy your success you earned it . just my opinion Louise
I so want to give you a huge hug. You are so worth all kinds of love and support from a healthy man! I have been on the other side of this and since I started dating my new bf I have gotten cold feet and pure fear twice and he has been patient with me through it. I am expecting the other shoe to drop and feeling like I don't deserve this kind of love and so not used to it. I had 2 mini freak outs and he was so good and talked me thorugh my fears in both cases and even my sponsor had to help me realize I was just not used to any relationship feeling this good and healthy. Maybe this guy is just like me and can't fathom another human being wanting to love them that much? I too waited several months before getting into dating after my divorce and I still feel unready at times, but this process of life is about progress not perfection. If this relationship doesn't work out, I am sure you gained important lessons for the next time. Don't give up just remember you are worthy and worth it!!!! I am sending you much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."