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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My ah tells me he doesn't know what he wants somedays he wants to e here other days he wants to move back to ny cause he feels comfortable there in the bars ..he was sober for 19 years and active about 3 now he's turning 50 and retiring from his job end of sept had plans to open his own bus and everything was suppose to be happily ever after (lol) but drinking is destroying our tired of this merry go round Tired of the games. Somedays I want him out sometimes I cry cause I don't want him to leave its so hard to get strong we're married 28 years . He's starting a program in two wks for DUI 16 week outpatient and he wants to see when he's sober if his thoughts get clear I'm so confused scared and really angry
I know how you feel. It sounds like we are about the same age and years married. Can't believe that we are at the stage in our lives where we should be living the good life and he is falling apart and blowing our finances up after we've been so careful through the years. I left him a couple of weeks ago but still lots of decisions to be made. :(
"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless." - Dave G Llewellyn
It feels like a nightmare but I don't wake up I'm so grateful I can vent here I hope I get the courage to make the right choices but right now I'm in limbo
Thank God for this message board. It's nice to know you're not alone. It does feel like a bad dream. Some mornings I wake up and when I realize I'm not in my own bed, I feel so sad. Keep waiting for my husband to come to his senses but my hopes are fading fast and I can't and won't wait forever. :( I hope your husband makes the right choices.
"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless." - Dave G Llewellyn
It must be really scarey and disappointing to have this happen after being accustomed to so many years of living with your husband as a sober alcoholic. Please keep coming back and sharing with us. Hopefully, he'll do well with his recovery and choose to keep it. In person Alanon meetings always help me feel more grounded during a crisis. Take good care of yourself. I'm sorry you're hurting right now. Hugs TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
I'd suggest doing what Tired Al-Anon meetings where we meet and help each other recover from the affects of someone elses drinking. The hotline number is in the white pages of your local telephone book so it is real close to you. Go and Go soon. I have known situations where the alcoholic/addict got into recovery and the family was lost anyway because the family stayed sick and didn't do anything for themselves. At first I was resentful going into the program because I was soooo sure that I hadn't done anything wrong and "She" was the one...I was wrong and doubly wrong because it is not a moral's a disease and diseases are not about doing something right or wrong but about doing what doesn't work in the situation. Go look up the number and call for the times and places we get together in your area. ((((hugs))))