The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Sometimes it seems to take forever for things to get better. One thing for sure , when the sun goes down , and the moon comes out and the stars hang where they are suppose to be. The Universe knows what it should be doing, its strict. Only human beings have free will. In order for there to be a change we cannot rely on anyone but ourselves and our HP. Wherever you go, your HP goes too.
You know the Alanon slogan, "Nothing changes if nothing changes." Your post sounds like your waiting around for the Alcoholic to do it for you. He is too sick, he is doing what he is suppose to do. He cant be there for you right now. And you sound like you feel overwhelmed and rightfully so.
It would really help you to get a sponsor if you want a good friend. A guide to help you along your path of recovery. The help is all there for you to take hold of it. I hope you do.
When I look back on the many rough times where the XAH was out of control. I learned that I should be in the rooms of Alanon. Night after night. Nothing was more important than my sanity. I felt so safe and secure with those people and felt such a connection. The rougher it got the more I delved into myself and Alanon.
Stick with Alanon, because it works, but you have to work it and take the focus off of him. Luv and hugs, Bettina
-- Edited by Bettina on Sunday 26th of August 2012 12:41:25 AM
My AH is currently in the midst of his second hospitalization for detox in the past six weeks. The first time he went in was mid-July. He was discharged on the 18th and back to drinking by the 20th. I kicked him out of the house and haven't seen him (aside from a few hours on August 5th) since. He is currently at a local mental health facility for detox again after his blood pressure spiked to near stroke levels and he told the EMTs he was feeling suicidal. He is actually doing well in this second go-round of detox, has been attending in-house AA meetings twice a week and is in group therapy the rest of the time. He opened up to his group about an incident of sexual molestation that he has never shared with anyone- I didn't even know about it until right before he was admitted to the first detox and we have been together for 15 years. Now that he has finally decided to open up to the therapy, he is finding that he doesn't want to leave it and is wanting to attend rehab and live in a sober living facility upon his release from detox. This is very promising because in 13 years of marriage, I was never able to get him to commit to therapy for more than a few sessions and he refused to attend rehab upon his release from detox back in July ( he was in a private hospital that was detox only, no therapy involved, now he is in a mental health hospital that combines the two). He actually seems to be doing a lot better than I am at this point.
In the meantime I had taken out a temporary protective order against him, because before he entered the hospital this most recent time he kept threatening that he would return to our home because he had nowhere else to go. I also was concerned because even though I had filed for divorce, he was still the legal guardian of our children and had the option to pick them up if I were to leave them with a babysitter, family members, etc. He had driven drunk with them many times over the past year- unbeknownst to me at the time, he was drinking heavily on the job and then picking them up from school several times a week when I would stay to work late. So I took out the TPO to make sure he couldn't come home or take my children out of someone else's care. But we have still been talking by phone now that he is sober. I miss him so much. When he is sober he is still the man I fell in love with. I am afraid because even if he achieves long-term sobriety, my family will never forgive me if we resume our relationship.
At the same time I am lonely. Do not want to enter a serious relationship at this time, but would not mind having friendships with someone who understand and/or has been through similar issues. I don't know how to go about doing this or if it is even advisable. I am just tired. I am working full time and having to take care of our three kids by myself. No child support, no help. I am the bad guy - whenever my kids are angry or upset, I get the full brunt of it. I just feel like I can't do it sometimes. We have to get up on weekdays at 5:15 and leave the house by 6:15 so we can be at school/work on time. Then after school/work we have numerous doctor/therapy/lawyer appointments and most days we don't get home until around 7:00 pm.
I feel like I will be alone forever. I love my husband and miss him, but I don't know that our marriage can be repaired and I can ever learn to trust him again. At the same time, I don't see any other man ever being interested in someone like me, with all this emotional baggage, debts, and three young children in tow. Things seem very hopeless for my future.
i was exactly where you are 3 yrs ago. married 10 yrs 3 kids. and i was completely blindsided by things my hubby did. i knew he drank but never did i think he would do things he did. u are not alone. you have found a place that is full of help/compassion/friends/knowledge/support and most of all hope!!!
thank ya! I shouldve found this place 3 yrs ago but finally did tonight...after 3 yrs of therapist saying go to alnon...go to alnon...but w 4 kids it isn't always that easy to go to meetings in person and she said "hun..i'll take whatever you give me..get online." lol
2 years ago I had to kick out my AH. I am a professional woman, work 60 hours a week, have 2 boys, and have a house that I owe ALOT on -- and it also tends to be a "money pit."
At that time we had been married 28 years. We filed for bankruptcy he had lost his job...and our lifestyle depended on 2 incomes. Our divorce was final this spring.
If I looked at all I had to do, I got overwhelmed and just shut down. In my vulnerable state -- I let some folks take advantage of me...which added to my distrust of others...and a deep sense of despair.
I fell hard for a guy last year, and let's just say my music was just not loud enough for him to hear. I suspect he had some addiction issues, only with sex.
Even through all the trials and know at your core...YOU WILL BE OKAY. YOU CAN DO THIS.
The best way (IMO) to start a relationship is when you don't feel you need one to be whole. I've been in therapy for 3 years, and I honestly prefer to be WITH someone...but I know i'll be okay if I'm not.
One step at a time...try not to think about the whole enchilada...just one step at a time..what can you do today to move towards healing...?
This sh**storm in your life didn't happen overnight, and healing from it takes time...just keep doing what you can to take care of you and your kids. Find joy in the little things (my kids and I laughed like crazy on the way to the dump yesterday -- so even nasty jobs can be fun).
Keep coming back here...we ALL have been there...and so get where you are coming from.