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my sis,with the 2 little girls,has robbed me also,i trusted her around my purse with my meds in it that are considered narcotic now that i have to have for my arthritis and joint pain,she took 15 of them from my bottle,just finding this out cause its not the 1st time she has stolen pills from me,i just thought i could trust her cause it had been several years since she had stolen them,but i guess not i left her a meassage on her answering machine to call me so i can ask her if i can borrow them back,lol my foolish thinking,but im am scared for her cause she aint right and she is a piil addict really bad afraid she is gonna go to sleep and not wake up and her 2 little girls are gonna come home and find their only thing in their lives dead.scary thought and i have told her that if she dont stop it she is gonna die for sure and she knows it too.i dont even know what to do about her,but i am gonna start locking my meds up been meaning to do that for a way long time gonna buy me a small vault and that will stop that from ever happening agin.i know i cant control whatr she chooses to put in her mouth ,i need more esh here plz.what should i do concerning her useing?????......thanks silent
sorry , Its a heartbreaker, especially when its your own sister.
The best thing you could do is turn to this board for support. You know there isnt too much you can do but help her with her 2 little girls, be there for them , which I know you are.
I use to think that my XA husband could die at any moment. But he didnt. Any of us could die at any moment, we dont know when our time has come. I almost died being married to the A, my health really suffered.
I know its inconvenient for her to take your pills, its hard to get them replaced, but if it wasnt you, she would some how get a hold of whatever she wants. I would lock up my meds though, she would have to ask you and that would cause a confrontation which would be good. You might even decide on a boundary, will she still be allowed in your home if she continues to steal.
These are the things you can do regarding her using, other then that, keep coming back to Alanon and get your serenity taken care of.
Like Bettina I thought the ex A was at death's door all the time. He put on a great show, claimed to have nothing, no food, nowhere to live nothing. He always found someone to take him in. In fact I saw a photo of him recently and he looked very well fed. I felt totally responsible for his life and absolutely neglected my own.
I am sorry your sister stole your medication. I have a pretty solid rule about loaning, giving or doing pretty much anything for an alcoholic. One thing will lead to another and pretty soon there will be not much left. I have had to learn really solid boundaries and that didn't happen overnight.
I can well understand the worry you have that your sister is going to OD and her two children will find her. That is a reasonable assumption but the fact is you can't stop her from taking pills. Hopefully her two children will know there is someone in their life they can rely on and perhaps that can be you. I know it is a terrible thing to think about two children growing up in an alcoholic home. I used to worry a great deal about my nephews but the fact is I am not their mother and they will in their own time have to deal with the fact she is an alcoholic in whatever way they choose. I can't control that either.
I hope you will give al anon a chance, go to a meeting, read some literature (Getting them Sober is a good reference point) and take care of yourself. If you have arthritis you need rest, good nuturition and less stress in your life.