The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello - I'm brand new here and I just wanted to say hello :) I've been searching around and I really like a lot of what I have read and I look forward to reading more and learning. I am fairly new to Alanon ( just finished a 90 in 90) I have known of the program for years but never really immersed myself in it like I recently have. Anyways, just thought I would introduce myself and thank everyone for the wonderful threads I have already read.
Congrats on the 90-90!! That is awesome. Keep up those meetings, they are the best. Lots of good es&h (experience, strength and hope) to be found here on the board too.
Aloha She-ra...welcome to MIP...90X90...awesome!! I have that experience also and for me it is one of the most important behaviors I've ever done. Glad to have you here to share your experiences with us and the new comers. We get tons of new comers who want to hear the ESH. ((((hugs))))
It's been years since i've been here (admitting my life has become unmanagable), maybe a bit like "known of the program for years" feeling. There were no messsage boards "back then". Just reading what's going on for others is helping me. So is 90 in 90, ninety meetings in 90 days??? Congrats on the achievement, I'd love to know for sure what it stands for.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Yes, 4Mare the 90 in 90 means 90 meetings in 90 days. I also totally get it that "back then" there were no boards like this for recovery - THANK GOODNESS for technology!!! There are tons of meetings here in my area and video online meetings. I also even tried a couple Naranon meetings since my recovering alcoholic husband also dabbled in drug use (Naranon is the Alanon version for drug addictions). i guess I felt this was best for me since i constantly found myself having to re-do a first step...over and over. I would admit my powerless and turn it over only to realize later i was taking my power back - so back to step one. It has really helped me understand the whole first step and also detaching with LOVE; as opposed to detaching with sarcasm or detaching with anger. At first I just had to detach - PERIOD. Then I found I could slowly add that love back in a healthy way. I feel like one of the number one cheerleaders for Alanon. It has helped me immensely. So anyways, thanks again for the welcome and I look forward to reading more and sharing more as time allows. Have a beautiful day everyone :)
So, you're saying that detaching with anger or detaching with sarcasm is bad?? LOL! I totally understand what you're saying and right now I'm just focusing on detaching period. Oops, just went back to your post and see you already said that. See, great minds think alike. Welcome to MIP and I'm truly impressed in your 90 meetings in 90 days. That would be a HUGE accomplishment for me.