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Post Info TOPIC: Lets examine LOVE!

~*Service Worker*~

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Lets examine LOVE!

What is the definition of Love??

You hear it all the time, but I love Him/Her. We are one. Marriage is forever!Love heals all.

All you need is Love.... as we already know, there are different loves, love of our children, our parents, siblings.

You can be constantly looking for love. With the goal of it bringing pleasure. The usual remedy for life without love, therefore is to find someone new and better.

What is love and what is not love. That should be pondered dont you think. Shakespeare said, " Love is Not Love."

How about considering love as an art that "requires knowledge and effort and the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love. One of the greatest obstacles to the joy of loving is our desire to control . Sometimes we mistake our wish to control others as loving concern. It is easy to mistake control and dependency for love.

First and foremost, authentic love begins with our innate sense of selfworth. Why dont we begin there. To experience real love, it is important to develop a strong self Identity. Love should be a force that expands your life and brings forth your potential.

If you are neglecting things you should be doing, forgetting your purpose in life because of the relationship your in, then your on the wrong path. A healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their goals, while sharing each others hopes and dreams.

It has to be mentioned that Men should always be extremely caring toward women. They should respect and support women. Men should become strong enough, compassionate enough and adult enough to care about the lifelong happiness of their partners. It is an expression of true love.

Thank you for letting me share and put down in writing some of my thoughts on love.




-- Edited by Bettina on Tuesday 14th of August 2012 02:53:45 PM


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 755

Great share. This is something I'm constantly learning and I suspect I always will. I've got a 14 year old son living with his great Aunt 8 hours away. I miss him terribly, we were total buds with horse riding and games and TV shows! But his mental illness was leading him down a dark path and all the work we'd done through therapists and psychiatrists and schools was not working. I had to love him enough to take a step back and realize someone else might be better able to help him. So I had to love him enough to let him go live somewhere else long term. Hard as it was, it seems to be the right thing.

Recently I tried to make a go of it with a recovering alcoholic (the reason I came here in the first place) and I do and did love him more than anyone ever before. But once it was clear that being in a relationship was the worst thing he could be doing, I had to love him enough to leave. It was hard and I miss him but I have to work with facts not feelings.

Love isn't always enough. I'm glad you are sharing this. I wouldn't have done anything differently coming here with trying to work out this last relationship. I was blessed to experience a great love, and to keep learning and growing. I hope to never stop learning and growing. Again thank you for sharing - being able to walk away from a situation with love, instead of waiting to be filled with hate and anger, has been a real difference for me. My relationship with my son is growing and I've found a friend in his dad's aunt of all odd things!


~*Service Worker*~

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(((Bettina)))  Great topic and share on one of the biggest if not the most huge lesson in my recovery journey.  I thought I loved and then came to understand that I was carrying out lessons and experiences of others that came before me including my alcoholic family which had nothing to do with love.  It was unbalanced most of the time in either my favor or someone elses favor and then along comes Al-Anon...Wow!! when the student is ready the Teachers arrived and I had/have tons of them.  I learned about Higher Power love because I found the rooms when I wasn't looking for them and didn't know that I needed them or what to do with and in them however I understood that by being in the rooms and listening and learning the insanity was moving on and that was a miracle made to happen because I was being unconditionally loved without exception often when I didn't earn it.  I was often hard on the fellowship durinig the first 5 years of recovery.  I learned from the inventory steps that it wasn't love that I brought to the addict and then alcoholic/addict and many others I touched during the was fear and I was doing what I did not because I love others but because I feared them.  Learned that well from inside my addicted family.  The most I learned how to do was care...thats as close as I could get to love and then caring is conditional then for me because I would stop caring when the fear arose and the pain of hurt arrived.  I learned during the inventory stages of recovery that I had never truely loved and so I was open to shock and awe lessons.  One lesson came from a member at a Wednesday night meeting who shared how she was loving her alcoholic husband and I just couldn't get it so after the meeting I chase her down to her car and told her I needed her definition of love.  "Love is the complete and total acceptance of every other human being for exactly who they are".  That definition went way beyond alcoholic only, centered more on unconditonal acceptance and spoke to me about personal character...I wasn't a loving character...I was something else...far off.   I was told also "Love cannot exist without some dimension of justice",  which brought me to the understanding that what I was doing and what I was receiving wasn't mutual at all...there is not justice in loving a self centered, "taking only" person.  I had been married to two of those and we were not practicing love...something way off from love; it wasn't inside of our characters.  I learned then about the way my HP loved me and loved others and could find no difference between the how...HP loved/s me just like HP loved/s everyone else...there is unconditional acceptance right there...I am not special or have to be special for HP to love me unconditonally and that leveled the playing field for me because the titles I had for people in my life that put them in "special" positions in my perceptions fell away and HP was the father/creator of everyone equally...everyone was either brother or sister and unconditionally accepted and I started feeling the freedom of understanding.  I love others as I love my wife and while she has special privelege in my life she is not loved more or less as a person.   There came the lesson of love you versus need you and that blew the doors of understanding even wider because a friend who I loved shared with me a story of a man and woman separated from marriage and he wanting to come home again.  My friend worked with this woman and told me that she hear the woman tell her husband..."I love you and I like having you here...and I don't need you".  What a powerful powerful self love "I am a complete person in my own can be with me and not add or subtract from me.  That story drove me crazy for a while and I had to be alone to digest it because it was impossibly mixed up from what I understood about love and companionship and identification and then I got it and I am grateful that HP used my friend to get that message to me.  Just imagine...I told that to my present wife before we married and before she came 2600 miles across the Pacific Ocean to be here and then stay here more steadily and grow continuously into being a major child of God without reflection back to me and with out once being justified to say I owe it to my husband.  We agreed from the start that our most important relationship individually was a vertical one...not a horizontal one.  I love her as I love everyone else...yes there was early expression of jealousy and not any longer.  My most recent lesson on love has been just between HP and myself.  I reviewed old information and lesson from when I was very young which told me then and now that "The name of God is Love"... "Love God with your whole mind and soul...and your neighbor as your self" and upon examining that I realized that the Al-Anon lessons were "walk" lessons...I was being taught to love me as others loved me and in justice do the same to others...12th step.  I also learned that to love was to practice acting as God...not a God...and as God. When I asked HP how it was that I could be continuously loved after all of the unloving things I did during the disease years I understood the meaning of unconditional and absense of fear.  I stopped loving because I was afraid of being HP was never afraid of being hurt and "Loved Anyways"  there is an easy read book with that title written by Mother Teresa...get it and read it cause she knew a l l about it.  I came to understand the opposite of the lesson also...when I am afraid I cannot is impossible to do both at the exact time.  Today I'd rather go without fear and understand what fear is for me, and I learned that in Al-Anon also, than to stop the character of love from growing.

Sooo let me throw those experiences into the examination and then listen to what evolves.   Just a great subject...Mahalo ((((hugs)))) smile 


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1744


All I can say is WOW!! Incredible share.!



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1582

Wow, Jerry, I had to read through that 3 times to fully grasp what you were saying and I'm still a bit confused. I have a long way to go when it comes to unconditional love and acceptance and I think you for the share. One thing I've always known is that love is not enough. My AH loves me, I know he does. Yet, his communication skills(and how we communicate as a couple) are sorely lacking in sensitivity, genuine caring, and compassion. I realized that my tender side was being exploited by his aggressive nature and I started to shut down that part of me. I had to put up walls and use defense mechanisms just to survive the verbal attacks from 'the one I love'. So, for me, love has become a very twisted thing. I'm not even sure what relational love should look like because I'm not sure I've ever really experienced it. I look forward to learning more about myself and in applying new ways of thinking and trusting my Higher Power to assist me in developing that trust and unconditional love.

Struggling to find me......

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 755

Very powerful Jerry, I always love to read your thoughts here :)

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