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Like shedding our skin! this is an awesome post, I applaud your awareness ((my friend))
I am like you, I sometimes use my awareness to beat myself bloody, I have a habit of hating myself when I fall short. It's self-defeating and downright cruel. My loveless perception is my problem. My Higher power's will for me is "loving thought." So I'm better off being gentle with myself cuz I am merely "waking up" now that I'm in recovery, and I did not get this way overnight. I just keep practicing taking my fears and awareness to my Higher power, and then practicing faith. Faith is not being able to see the future, but TRUSTING Higher power to protect and care for me....
Today, I have this program of recovery and a new awareness that I never had before. Higher power continues to guide me into deeper understanding and love, as long as I keep providing the willingness...... and that's what I see you doing, I love it! ((hugs))
-- Edited by glad lee on Sunday 12th of August 2012 04:40:14 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
The more time i spend in al anon, the more awesome stuff i learn, and I wanted to share this thing i got goin on with ya'll today.
I've realized that my thinking is really distorted because i have an initial reaction to be negative about most anything. as soon as i wake up its " oh I'm not doing anything fun today" or "oh its already 8 or 9 or 10 its too late to do anything" and I've recently been able to just STOP and say to myself
That is my negative htinking, my parasite, my disease, its not me, so I don't have to hold onto it."
This morning i had to do this several times within 30 minutes of waking up .I'm even having it now, thinking about how un eloquent this post is.
I don't know what is the healthiest way to think, the way of my HP, but I do know that I gotta shed this stuff. It feels good, i feel open and available for new stuff, though i haven't a clue what thats gonna look like.
I do the same thing. I make all these plans the night before and things I want to accomplish and when I wake up I'm like it's too late or I don't feel like that. Then when bed time comes I not please with myself for not doing what I wanted and then the anxiety hits because I'm trying to rush!!!