The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I do so understand the numb feelings of "empty" that you describe. I am glad that you found us and that you reached out and shared. Breaking the isolation and owning our powerlessness is an important part of recovery. The disagreement that you described is very much like the one I had before my husband and I separated for a short time.. I had truly hit MY bottom. and knew I could no longer continue in the madness. Alanon offered me the tools I needed to regain myself and learn how to makes healthy choices.
Living with the disease of alcoholism, we all need a program that will enable us to recover our self, our hopes, and dreams. We also need to lean how too let go of the disease of feeling anger, resentment, self pity and fear. I am glad that you are attending alanon and would like to urge you to begin to work the Steps with your sponser and keep coming back here and sharing. Check out our on line meetings here as well
Please keep coming back there i help and hope.
-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 11th of August 2012 10:56:50 PM
After 6 yrs I think its finally over. My head wants this, my heart does not. Its really quiet at home without him here, without the drama, without all the chaos. I am lonely with him and even lonelier without him. There has been so much drama lately soomething in me broke. Literally broke. It was so ugly and unattractive, irrational, inappropriate I am upset at myself for losing my control. He had a gun to his head on July 4th (again) and something broke in me, its indescribbable. Other things happened the same cycle of promises, change, hope build a life together and I did what I always did, hoped. In no time he did what he does best, he complete the dysfunctional cycle - and this time I lost my selfcontrol. I watched my daughter hurt the way I do, her hope crushed, her disaapointment and I couldn't watch him hurt her again. I RAGED for over an hour, tried to physically hit him multiple times. I had become the problem on the Friday night. I became so angry I don't remeber half of what I did. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me and my daughter so many times over the yrs. I don't know what happened inside me. I just know I haven't been the same since the 3rd gun incident July 4th.
He finally left (again) and we haven't spoke in 7 days. I wanna cry, but can't. I wanna scream and have a break down, but can't. I can't focus on anything. I have my Monday meetings, but I am so consummed with feelings I can't begin to describe, I don't hear anything anyone is saying to me. I called a therapist I am going Tuesday. A voice in my head says call him, the pain will stop, but the other voice says "are you crazy?" Let's recount the gazzilion things he has done to you! He does not love you, he only loves alchohol. But nights like tonight and days throughout my week, when I would share things about my day and my life with my sober best friend throw me right back into depression, then the other voice says call him..... the pain will stop. Logically I know it would be inviting the pain back in to my life....... What is holding me so close to him I can't break free even at the expense of my sanity? There has to be some twisted mental thing that makes me continue to want him. I hate this about me and I hate this about him!!!!! I know better, but he has become my addiciton. I just want to be healthy.
I'm sorry you are having such a tough time. For me, as the program outlines, action follows acceptance and it sounds like you have a good dose of acceptance and have admitted your own part/your own disease. Sometimes this disease just doesn't make sense and we don't make sense to ourselves. I can empathsize with you and have had many of the same feelings, though slightly different situation, but a lot of indecision, stress, and anger over my own relationship see-saw and my healthy/unhealthy behavior. At one point, after I found myself screaming "I need you to be healthy!!" - I found myself laughing at the irony since I was oh so unhealthy in my reaction. I'm not perfect - and a sweet reminder for me is that its progress, not perfection I seek. The more I keep talking, admitting and accepting my situation and working my program, the more likely I am to take another right action. And then my behavior starts to swing to a more positive direction. I hope that same holds true for you. Keep working it - as it works!
I know that feeling well. I can't really pinpoint when it changed and I was truly wanting him gone and not craving him. It was only a few weeks ago. It was sudden and I was better with him gone. I was at peace, my house is at peace, and my kids are at peace. (Except my cat who keep pooping on the floor instead of his box. Grrr...) The one thing I did spend much more time doing was praying. I prayed at every turn, I prayed for strength, clarity, and for the feeling of missing him to be taken from me if it was God's will for me. Also, this board and f2f meetings were a huge part of my progress. I am still coming here as much as I possibly can, because I know myself and I know I can be telling you this in one minute something could trigger me to miss him, contact him, or get soft when he contacts me. I also think about my kids, and if my kids were in this situation, I would be so sad for them. I don't want to send the message to my daughter or sons that tolerating this chaos is OK. I have to care about myself as much as I care about them.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
Thanks, my moment of insanity has curbed itself a bit. All the emotions are completely overwhelming at times. I keep reminding myself to take things one day at a time or one minute at a time. What we had was unhealthy for both of us. Horrible example for my kids and his. What would I do if someone treated my daughter like this? I am blessed and I have a great life except for this disease that has creeped into my soul. I will lose most or all of my friends if I continue, I am so alienated in this relationship, ppl do not understand and they are sick of hearing me crying about it just to go back to it time and time again. He is bringing out the worst in me. I am not and cannot make him better!
I will die, the person I used to be, that small shred of the real me that is still alive in me somewhere if I don't break this grip. This is not the person I want to be and not how I want to live anymore. Yes, I still want him, the sober him, but that isn't who he is and may never become. I have to let go and let both of our HP's guide us on our own journeys. It will get better I just have to be strong. Do I really miss him or the dream I thought we would someday be when he became sober and realized how great I am???? Silly girl. Repeat.
My "real life" friends and family don't understand why I stayed. Most of them give me advice, tell me to leave, shake their head when I stayed, or went back. That's why I felt so much better about talking, expressing myself, my fears, frustration etc, to Alanon members. They were the ONLY ones that made me feel ok with staying, going, or doing nothing for now. But, with that support, I have gotten so much stronger. With my real life people, I either talk more than I should and regret it, or hold things in and feel alone.
I too started to feel like the me I used to know, was fading away. Over the last year, during this mess (It was a three year mess, but the last year was a big deal.) I gained weight, started to physically look tired on a daily basis, lost energy, lost self esteem, lost my sense of self. I grew bitter, and annoyed and short tempered. I started to dislike me. I started to lose my sense of self worth. Everyone I know tells me I am so strong and smart and a wonderful nurse, mother, friend, etc. But, the relationship I was in became about the disease of alcoholism. I felt anxious and worried all of the time. If my (Now-ex) AF was stressed or didn't answer his phone, I went into freak out mode and started to think he was drinking. I called in sick to my job as an RN on days that I thought he "might" start drinking again. I wound up being on final written warning for attendance at my job. I had been an RN at the same job for 10 years and then I let my job get put on the line for this. I was getting pretty sick.
8 years ago after my divorce from my husband, father of my 4 kids, I immediately got into a 2 year relationship with an abusive, active alcoholic. I never came to Alanon. I was as angry and bitter as I was getting to be in this most current relationship. I reconciled with that A a few times before he wound up in jail for the 3rd time for being physically abusive to me. I was never afraid to call the police and I did. But, thinking back I cannot believe what I put up with. I really wish I would have gone to Alanon sooner. It would have probably helped me to avoid the re-do with the next guy.
I got to the point with my real life friends where I just tell them to trust me. I also tell the ones that give advice that I won't confide in them if I feel judged. Don't worry so much about losing your friends if you don't do what they think you should do.
I still want the sober exAF. We were best friends. I have never felt more comfortable with another man in my life. We fit together so well, had so much in common, laughed, had fun, and were best friends. But, alcoholism was stronger than that. I couldn't stay any longer, because I never felt at ease. I was always waiting for him to drink again. After 3 relapses in 3 years, all that lasted less than 6 weeks, I realized I would always feel like it could happen at any moment. I knew he would get sober again. But, at that point, I realized that for me it was all about the big picture.
I am no expert. I am on here every day or so with my newest struggle. But, I know I have made so much progress!!!
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
Iwannafly and katfshh... I can relate to every word you have spoken and I am so unbelievably grateful that I have found this board. For the first time in years I don't feel like a failure in my own life. I didn't realize how this disease had got me before I read your stories... thank you :)
We become addicted to them like they are addicted to the bottle. You have to break your addiction to him and realize that maybe you are in love with the what if's and his potential. Someone said to me if a stranger treated you like he does would you want to take him out or take him to bed? I try to tell myself everyday. I can't and don't love someone who is willing to treat me that way. I think I love who is was or who he could be in his moments. After a while your self esteem starts to suffer and makes it hard to move on. Look at the codependent's page, it opened my eyes to some of my behaviors. Still miss what could have been....... but trying to face the reality of what it really is and most likely will always be if they do not commit to a program, which most don't.
I wonder at times if their struggle with alcohol is anything like our struggle to separate from them. We both know its unhealthy and damaging but still long for it so deeply - desperately there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.
My body is showing strange signs of getting better and worse at the same time. The constant knot in my shoulders is gone, not clenching my teeth as much as I did, but I can't eat and keep it in my body. For almost a month now I can't keep food in me. I am sleeping better and sleeping more, maybe depression. Starting to think maybe I need an anti depressant which I have never taken. I tell myself these are growing pains.
IDK, the entire thing stinks!!!! My best friend is killing himself and I am merciless to stop it. I was as we all do, hoping him seeing me lose my mind literally would be a wake up call for him. But it isn't. He is telling everyone I am crazy and my outburst is unforgivable. Have to giggle at that one, I was inappropriate, but unforgivable??? Really after all I've forgiven with him. Of course I hear the stories since he's gone, he's moving away, drinking all the time, chasing women, but then when he talks to someone who speaks to me he tells them his life is amazing! He quit smoking, starting exercising, and is totally controlling his drinking with me out of his life. So it'll get back to me just to mess with me yet again the crazy feeling creeps in.
Iwannafly - One of the reasons I'm drawn to your story is that my relationship with my Ex-A did turn that volatile leading up to us breaking up. I literally "broke" in terms of our relationship the last time he took all my antidepressants trying to kill himself while he was wasted, called his mother to say goodbye and then his mother called me to get him to the ER so she wouldn't have to "bury her son." It was like the crazy meter finally tipped when he started fighting the cops, almost got tazed and then gave me the finger cursing while strapped to a gurney on his way out. He didn't remember that when he was on a locked psych ward a couple days later. It was in the 2 weeks that he was in that hospital that I really realized that, even though I was scared and lonely, I was better off on my own. He got out, things got crazy again, but I was so done at that point. I did scream at him. I recall some loud loud arguments that he "@#$@#$#ed up my whole life" and I almost punched him a few times. A couple of times my screaming at him had gotten so loud that I had to be warned against disturbing the peace. That relationship had gone so toxic.... Of course complicating the matter, was my own alcoholism. I guess I just wanted to share that this was the point I was at when I packed 2 grocery bags of clothes and just left and did not look back. I went to AA the next day (it was more pressing for me than Alanon at the time) and started healing myself and getting stronger.
I lost myself in that relationship. I lost my own sense of what was "normal" and I lost confidence in myself. Things are a lot different now. Much better. My life had to get that dramatic and out of hand in order to do the serious 12 step work I have done. You are not alone. Keep putting 1 foot in front of the other and keep sharing this with your supports in Alanon.
Oh, I am shedding tears over reading all of these things. Mine is drinking again. And I have begun racing her to see if I can get drunk enough not to care that she's drunk and obnoxious. I cut myself all over my body a week or two ago. I am depressed, I've wanted to die and sickly in love with her and I think it's the potential I'm in love with. We were doing so well. I feel lost. I blame myself and so does she. She is so wonderful when she's not drunk. Which is only half the day anymore. I get so ANGRY knowing what a perfect relationship we COULD have and did have before this all took hold and made me sick too. I was on the path of recovery, but I fell off when she did. Ugh. Thanks for reading. And thanks all for sharing.
"Everything that has ever happened to us is there to make us stronger." - John Trudell
I understand how you feel. I was raised by 2 addicts. Its a very short step for me to abuse anything if I choose too and get violent. I learned from the best! I am not addicted to anything except cigarettes, but I too would get to the f*&% it point and join in with him so I wouldn't have to tolerate his obnoxious hurtful spells again. Or I'd pull the "oh ya, well I'll show you" drinking spell. I quickly realized I was only hurting myself, cuz in reality he didn't care and then would use my drinking as another excuse and why I couldn't say anything to him. I've worked do hard my entire life not to be that person and break my roots.
I am really struggling internally right now. So many negative thoughts in my head, 2 different voices talking to me continually one good the other bad. Like I said I was raised by addicts! It killed my dad and my mom is unrecognizable now. Literally unrecognizable, lost all her teeth, weeks without bathing, feces all over her welfare apartment, you get the picture. This is my BIG secret and shame. If you met me, you would NEVER know this is where I come from. I am incredibly successful, have a better life than most, great kids, nice home, attractive, etc.... BUT I am ONLY attracted to addicts. The nice guys bore me to tears! I have witnessed and been through so much in my childhood normal bores me within 5 mins. I've been divorced for 14 yrs, I've only had 2 serious relationships in that time, both were abusive, cheating, lying alcoholics! There is something wrong with me at my core and it terrifies me! I go through all this pain leaving my man of 6 yrs that I do love when it took me yrs to find him. I jest, I could go to the local bar and find another, but it doesn't work like that for me. My facade is falling for them while they are still hiding it from me the ones that clean up well. As an adult child I avoid feelings at all cost! I will be alone again for yrs until the next addict rolls into my life for more destruction. So why put myself through this now when I know what I will ultimately do again.......
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. You'll be done when you're done. The therapist will hopefully be a step in the right direction for learning to really love yourself more than him. Alanon is a great help with that too and a sponsor who will help you through this very hard time. Sometimes it takes calling a program person every time you want to call him and being talked down from the compulsion to contact the A when loneliness and good memories start haunting you. Keep safe. Keep your child safe. He's in the throes of his disease. He's irrational and has a fascination with guns which makes him a danger to himself and to you and your daughter. I remember being hostage to this sort of chaos. Thanks to Alanon and a good therapist who I owe my life to, I have lived physically and emotionally away from this kind insanity more than a decade.
Back then, it was the hardest thing for me to wrap my mind around the fact that the man I married had disappeared into the disease of addiction. I waited and waited for the slightest sign that man I once knew and loved would emerge from the depths of his addiction. I took the smallest most insignificant things he said and did and exaggerated and twisted them into a desperate belief that someday we'd live as we had when things were good. This never happened. Additionally, after I found Alanon, I realized my dependency on him was as strong as his dependency on drugs. I thought I'd just die without him until his disease rose up against me with such force that it almost killed me. That's when I decided my own life was worth keeping and I began step 1 of the Alanon program. When I reached step 4, I discovered in my personal inventory to my surprise that I had wronged other family members through neglect as well as myself through my obsession and preoccupation with my addict husband. I ignored my own needs and family to selfishly feed addiction to my addict husband. I can never get that family time back nor can I get back the time I personally lost by not loving myself first. When I surrendered my life to the God of my understanding, my higher power, I began to honor the life I was given to live. I prayed for addict husband but let him go because no love I could give was every going to fill the God sized hole in him. I Don't know if reading any of this helps you. It's just my story, my journey. You have yours and maybe if you keep coming back to Alanon your answers will come too. Keep on sharing. People here understand and care. Hugs - TT
-- Edited by tiredtonite on Sunday 12th of August 2012 10:21:15 PM
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
I came to understand that Al-Anon was about alternatives...changes; different options; other choices other higher powers and different consequences and before all that I had to admit to myself and others (they were in the rooms) that I was powerless and obviously my life had become unmanagable. I couldn't even believe I was saying what I was saying...why did it sound so obviously crazy and I thought there was nothing wrong with me? My Higher Power was alcohol and my alcoholic/addict spouse. Alcohol was my higher power from the age of nine and I was introduced to it culturally. I didn't know then what I know now and would it have matter until I took that first glass of "Portugese Red"? Okay I listened to my story and yeah I had descriptions for it..."weird, crazy, INSANE!!" and then what do you do when that was the only way you knew how to live because you also were born and raised in it? I came to believe that I gave alcoholism and alcoholic addicts free run of my life and hadn't come to understand that it was a disease of the mind, body, spirit and emotions. What do you do when you don't know? I came to understand that my highest of all powers was the disease of alcoholism and the players in it. I was done I had surrendered to them and it...I was done. I was crazy and I knew it and at the same time didn't know how to not be crazy. I let go of the word Love because it found it invalid in my past and then relationships and came to understand that it wasn't love it was addiction...I was done and had gone past insane and was standing at the doors of death again, the 3rd time and then another Higher Power I barely knew and only use on convenience intervened and put the hotline number for Al-Anon in front of me and that scared the hell out of me and my alcoholic/addict and I almost hung up on the phone call when who ever that angel and I were talking. "Don't hang up she said...your very life depends on this phone call..." She was right, it did and I got it back in the program of the Al-Anon Family Groups...I've met my Higher Power and not the angel on the telephone.
My alcoholic/addict had the title of higher power taken away and the disease, I turned my back on. I was told I had to let go of "all things alcohol" and for the longest of times, maybe the first time, I wept like a baby because I thought I was endangering my spouse by letting her go and because I was more afraid of doing what I had to than not. I was dying and needed a place to just lay down and stop breathing and it didn't happen. I surrendered and abandoned myself to God as I understood God as it was suggested that I do and though I was soooo afraid of it what I got from it was the awesome feeling of being free from fear. The understanding has come full circle as I learned that the opposite of fear is love and that "Love" is the name of my Higher Power. The addiction is anything but is fear and love cannot exist where there is fear and fear cannot exist where there is love. My definition for Love comes from inside the rooms of Al-Anon and it also describes God..."Love is the complete and total acceptance of every other human being for exactly who they are" and so Love is a condition and character I choose to carry not an emotion I have for one special person...the alcoholic/addict.
I wanted my alcoholic/addict "different" and didn't know how to do "different" myself. I wanted her special and couldn't accept that she was special anyways and all I needed to do was unconditionally accept her and go on with my own life. She was very very sick and I was choosing to die because of it. Insane. I gave myself to the program and the fellowship of Al-Anon and then AA also and I work at following the suggestions on how to work the program as best I can with what I have. I'm "Free at last, free at last...thank God I'm free at last". I've got more alcoholic/addicts in my life than I ever have had and I love each of them and you and my spouse without exception and condition and I'm free at last.
Empty is a temporary condition as long as you permit yourself to come and get filled up again.