Al-Anon Family Group

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Post Info TOPIC: Dunno if I'm in the right place, or even supposed to be posting here...


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Dunno if I'm in the right place, or even supposed to be posting here...

Okay so... I have been getting really fed up, and I don't really have anyone to turn to. I started googling how I can help an alcoholic in my life and I found a lot if info on Al-Anon Family Groups, but I'm in quite bad health and wasn't sure if I could make it to a meeting anytime soon, and I need to talk to someone or it's gonna drive me insane. My husband is an alcoholic... those I have tried to talk to about it all tell me I need to leave him, but I'm not gonna leave him. When I tell him how I feel about his drinking he gets really angry and tells me to quit "mothering" him and it just leads to all kinds of arguments.


Let me say this upfront, he is not a violent drunk, he has said things to me that have upset me, but he's never harmed me physically. He has said multiple times that he wants to quit drinking, but then he's right back into it and when stopping gets mentioned he gets upset. I tell him I'm afraid he's going to get really sick, but he tells me he wont, and not to worry, but he gets so drunk, all the time. He managed to keep pretty good grades in his university, but I'm still so scared for him, I don't want it to get worse. It hurts me knowing he's poisoning himself... I just need someone I can talk to that'll understand...


~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha Fallingdown and welcome to the MIP Al-Anon're going to be glad you got here just like we are glad you made it.   Everyone here will understand where you are at right now with your alcoholic (yes that is what we call our spouse or family member or friend or associate that we have a problem with their drinking)  We all have worn each others shoes here so we know the similarities in each others stories.

A bit about alcoholism?'s a progressive disease that often is fatal when not arrested by total abstinence. Often the alcoholic will go insane as will other victims.  You feeling crazy about right now?  Alcoholism is a compulsion of the mind and allergy of the body...Your husband knows he has a problem yet the compulsion to drink is much stronger than the intention to seek help...for me this is the worse disease on the planet...I was born and raised in it.   Could part of your bad health have to do with your reaction to being powerless over his drinking?  Could be...has happened very often before to many many spouses of alcoholics and addicts.  We get to suffer on four levels...mind, body, spirit and emotions.  We get as sick as the alcoholic and more except we don't have the anesthesia of alcohol to block out reality therefore we go thru the whole chaotic mess wide awake while they have no idea what is going on...again.

The face to face meeting rooms of the Al-Anon Family Groups saved my life.  I kow if you call the hotline number (phone number is in the white pages of your local telephone book) you could get in touch with a live person who can be of more direct help to pick you up and take you to a meeting.  We do that locally.  Don't be afraid of that cause it works.   MIP also works very well too...there are some major recovery members here who will love and support you unconditionally until you can learn to love and support yourself.

Keep coming back (((((hugs))))) smile



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Thank you... I know it's a progressive disease. It probably doesn't help that he has been diagnosed with severe OCD as it is. My bad health is due to a different progressive disease, but his drinking certainly doesn't help. I feel phsyical pain when I know he's out drinking and I have tried to tell him but he thinks I'm making it up or trying to guilt him.

A few months ago we had the biggest breakthrough yet. He said he was done putting his liver through all that, and he even told his friends and family he wanted to put down the bottle. Then he hit his summer break from university and he picked it right back up. I reminded him about what he'd said (about stopping) and he said "That was before summer." He said he feels trapped when he can't drink. I've been lying to my family about it, because they are very religious and I don't want them to think bad of him. They would if they knew he drank at all, let alone the reality of the situation. The few friends I have, if I even mention it to them they just go "Get out while you still can, you don't need that." I love him, more than anything, and I know there's someone inside of him that loves me just the same, I just need to find out how to get to that person again. He shows through sometimes, but it's becoming less and less, like he's shutting me out, and it's scaring the dickens out of me.


~*Service Worker*~

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Welcome to MIP, it sounds like you are in the right place to me. Stick around and read some other shares here. The book "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews vol 1 was very helpful for me. I hope you can get some Al-anon literature and keep coming back. Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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"The some one inside..."  I relate and was taught by my Al-Anon sponsor to understand that I had "a wife" and "an alcoholic" so that I knew the difference when one or the other was present.  No the disease of alcoholism won't be helpful to your condition...It will make it worse as your mind, body, spirit and emotions are stressed to the limit.  While you are at it check out the World Service Organization site and get a list of the literature available and also the slogans so that you can memorize them, keep them in mind and practice them daily.   "Let go and Let God" is a biggee for me because it helps me reach out for help for myself to a power greater than myself who I understand to be God.  "Easy Does it" helps me to relax and not try to control and direct things outside of myself especially other people who don't wanna do what I want them to do...It also helps me to get off of "What iffing".  "Don't React" is a major slogan along with "When in doubt...DON'T (make major decisions)".    Lets see what the others come up with.  (((hugs))) smile



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I think the biggest thing I struggle with as far as feeling out of control outside myself, is that with me being in such poor health, I find myself thinking way too much about how he could so easily end up worse off than I am if he continues in this way, and it cuts me to the core. An example: He being on his summer break, he took a trip (I couldn't go because I too am a student, and I don't have a summer break) and he called me (he was in a foreign country) and he asked me to look up night clubs near his hotel (I could tell he'd already been drinking, so I was already upset) and when he said that I just felt sick, but I found one and told him where it was. He could tell I was upset, then proceeded to tell me he wasn't going, but very manipulatively, and the words, "Just wait til you're on vacation, I'll just ruin it for you somehow too!" See, I know it was the alcohol talking then, but it still hurt me.

The next morning, I didn't know what to say to him, but he remembered, and he told me (keeps telling me) I need to quit being miserable for "no" reason. I have tried telling him it's not for "no" reason, but he thinks I just worry too much.....


~*Service Worker*~

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I learned that under the influence of alcohol absolutely good people will do absolutely unacceptable things. What surely seems to be the manipulations in this cunning, powerful and baffling disease employing mental and emotional abuses are clearly here.  I am a former behavioral health substance abuse/alcoholism therapist and what you are going thru and how you're responding to it is sooo normal for this abnormal way of behaving.  Just for you..."you don't have to respond the way you are responding which is getting you the negative consequences you are getting."  "There is no law anyway that says you gotta do it that way...look at your post and read it as if someone else had written it.   You are negatively affected by his drinking and carousing and then when he ask you to look up for the bars that are around his hotel while he is in a foreign country your response is finding him one which makes you even more sick and angry both at him and more at yourself...this is our compulsion and addiction and when we don't stop it we get as sick or sicker than them.  The MIP membership (Al-Anon) post contains soooo many resolutions to this problem.  We learn not to "enable" our and their disease to continue and get worse.  When we say "no" that is actually a complete sentence.  We are not condeming them to death by saying "no" we are giving our own hearts, heads, spirits and emotions a chance to breathe and detach from their responsiblilty for their condition.  If I don't do that I am enabling it to get worse and progress.

Read your posts as if you were someone else in your condition and she how it comes out for you.

In love and service (((((hugs))))) smile



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I know all about enabling. I know what I did by looking it up for him was enabling. It kind of feels like I have to make a choice though, do I hate myself, or let him hate me? He would've gotten really angry and even more manipulative if I'd said no. I know I need to learn how to tell him no, I just don't know where to start.


~*Service Worker*~

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fallingdown: I think you are in the right place & you belong here just like I do! Even though my husband is sober today, he is only one drink away from a drunk. I am just grateful that he is sober. I don't know if that helps you any way except to say there is hope. Hang in there!


Hoot Nanny

~*Service Worker*~

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((((Falling))))...its time to stop using hate...them or us cause that isn't part of the solution...part of the problem.  We're not perfect especially when we haven't known and so self forgiveness and self love is the present journey.  Unconditional acceptance warts and all is part of the practice...How did I start?  I learned to do the "different" from what I was doing after listening to the other program members who had been in for a while, we talking solutions that worked for them and who would take the time to talk with me when I asked "Could you please help...or...could you please explain...or what changed and what did it look like".  You are in the right place and we all start at the same place...we start at the first step.  Once you can honestly admit that what you have done hasn't worked it is time to say oooopppps!!  Sorry...I didn't know and am willing to know now and to do something different even if that is nothing at all.

You're doing the first step....We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanagable.

Welcome to the journey.   ((((hugs))))  smile

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