The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have been working through the steps and I am going away this weekend with recovery friends.
My ex abf has been back in contact and I was starting to get a bit nervous, however something has changed. He was txting and ringing early hours this morning, I turned off my phone and went to sleep.
This morning I could see his pain in the txt he has left AA and is drinking feeling sorry for self blaming others etc. I on the other hand am taking resposibilty for my life, pain and recovery doing the work and I am feeling GOOD .
I txt him this morning and told him I am working my programme and feeling good. I explained that only he could take away his pain. Rehab told him he was woth it but he had to believe it and do the work. I ended the txt with take care and a kiss. I am taking responsibilty for me and handing back to him what is his and it fels good.
It's great that you're seeing the benefits of taking your life back by working the program. Have a great weekend with new friends! You're worth it! Hugs TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
I'm coming in late on this, but just love a share on my happiness being my responsibility. My whole codependent dis-ease is triggered when I keep focus on what others are doing/not doing and my perceived self-absorbed needs/fears are not being met and I fall into anger, victim mode, and self pity. self. self. me. me. me. who does that sound like? I was always told, it's the same disease.
I finally had to give myself permission to move ahead with recovery, which meant leaving my loved ones behind. sad, scary stuff, man oh man, does this spiritual path take courage, or what!
My sponsor taught me to define the word responsible as "able to respond." To myself. because that is all I have the power to change. I had to get out of myself and my incessant wishing, wishing, wishing that others would be something other than what they were, to detach and simply respond to my own life. I had to break from my own thinking disease - the cruel illusion of thinking and believing that life should look different than what it is... that people should do something other than what they are doing.... that others "should" want the oxygen mask too.... when in reality, they don't. They're not ready. They did not hit a bottom, I suffered so much that I did, and I can respond to that. I have the POWER to respond to that.
Thank you for posting, it gives me courage. Soooo glad you are feeling GOOD ((hugs))
-- Edited by glad lee on Sunday 12th of August 2012 12:05:39 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.