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Post Info TOPIC: Resentment

~*Service Worker*~

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Sounds like a high maintenence friendship. In my experience, I needed to seriously detach from my exes before having much contact with them at all....otherwise you fall back into the same toxic crap that made you break up in the first place. Going from a broken up romantic relationship to a friendship is REALLY difficult, takes time, and maturity... Throw alcoholism on top of it... It's going to be extra challenging.

Plus, I am wondering...if he was not your ex, would it even occur to you to be friends with him?  It helps me to examine my motives for doing things.  If I'm being friends with someone out of guilt or pity, that is a fat resentment waiting to happen.

-- Edited by pinkchip on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 09:11:06 AM


~*Service Worker*~

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Dear flinn, from where I sit, you now doing to yourself what you apologized for to him, stop it, lol. Let yourself off the hook, we are not saints, we are in recovery, willing to grow along spiritual lines, and I see you doing that with all this awareness you have....

Your awareness is good, you're going to do something different next time, you will. But our awareness isn't meant to beat ourselves up, we don't deserve that, we deserve love and kindness. In recovery, we take steps forward and steps backward, we all do it, it's just part of the journey. I think my fearful moments are just a call for more love and more forgiveness in me, it has to begin with ME, and sometimes I have to pray for the willingness, sometimes I'm very resistant, hating myself when I make a mistake is very familiar to me.  But today, I have the option of admitting my mistakes and accepting them as simply being part of the human race

Does your Higher power forgive you? Does your Higher power still love you? When I refuse to forgive and love myself, I think I know better than God, I am playing God again.

Be gentle with yourself, you are okay, my friend, you are acceptable "as-is" ((hugs))

-- Edited by glad lee on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 12:31:57 PM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.

~*Service Worker*~

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My outbursts are my anger coming out sideways, and like you, they can take me by surprise. It becomes another opportunity to ask myself (and then my sponsor) "what's going on here, what step am I on??" You already know.  you have unresolved resentment.

My sponsor taught me to do that step 4 inventory every time a resentment pops up. EVERY time. When I do that, I get clear. I get free of my resentments, and that's the only way peace can come in. I don't think we can truly see "the exact nature of our wrongs" for ourselves because we are just too close to the situation to see it clearly, at least, that's the way it is for me. So I hope you have a sponsor you can talk to about this so you can finally be happy, joyous and free, you deserve that.

-- Edited by glad lee on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 12:33:03 PM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.

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Again, thank you for sharing that. I will be seeing my sponsor in a few days and I like that idea of doing a Step Four with each resentment and will talk to my sponsor about it. You have clarified something important I believe when you say that by being too close to it I need an outside perspective in understanding the exact nature of my wrongs. I have been reading my courage to change, I feel so much less "wobbly" as the day progresses, I am so grateful for Al-Anonand the wonderful ESH, I am ok, I had a relapse, a tender nerve had been touched and I reacted, its been a long time since I have done that Flinn

-- Edited by flinn66 on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 01:44:45 PM


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I am angry and disappointed with myself today. I have endeavoured to maintain a friendly relationship with my exA, but last night a whole load of resentment and anger came out. He was drinking of course, why should I expect differently and normally I am good at maintaining distance in this situation by avoiding it and him. It was a wider social gathering so a little tricky but I managed to " make my excuses and leave". So far ok, but regrettably he caught up with me later, I can't say he was nasty or confrontational but wanted to know where I had been and why, then the suggestion that I had been with another man. I completely overreacted, I can make all the excuses about being tired etc, but the venom that came from me was dreadful, hurtful, spiteful and vicious. I had not realised so much " poison" was still inside me! I really said a lot of stuff, I thought I had let so much of it go but obviously not - it was still buried under layers of my own denial and co- dependency. I don't have the energy for being with another man, suppose in honesty I am avoiding the possibility due to my own issues around self-esteem and trust after all the years of living with Alcoholism. Of course now he never wants to speak to me again and the usual "threats" of self - harming etc were trotted out. At the time I could not bring myself to apologise for the tirade but this morning have told him I regret what I said and that I apologise, of course that is not acceptable. It of course is all entirely my fault, well I should be well used to that by now,but yes I am trying to cope with feelings of guilt today because I forgot my Al-Anon toolbox. So be it, I needed to share because last night I had a relapse back to my Pre Al-Anon ways, today I am enduring the fall out from my feelings of regret. I have asked for Gods forgiveness and will try and put this behind me. I must constantly repeat "I am powerless over alcohol, people, places and things" .


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Thank you pink chip and glad lee,

I needed to hear both of your responses. I guess I have been examining my motives and yes guilt and pity have played a large part, not anticipating the huge resentment I was building up. Also I know I need to be gentle with myself, it is hard today let it begin with ME was a timely reminder. Thank you - I still feel very low but know that God loves me as I am, and I must move forward slowly whilst acknowledging my feelings



~*Service Worker*~

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For me the pain and hurt with my ex was too long, too deep to be friends. It has been over 5 years and I can be cordial with him. I still harbor some resentment for him but I no longer act on it. But only because I have been healing myself, finding my own value and yes, not beating myself up. Once I got there, cordial was ok. Occasionally we even joke again but I have to maintain distance - he's very manipulative and I have to protect myself from that.


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Hi! Just wanted to add, my ex loved it when he got me upset and angry, I was so sick I didn't realize it, it took me a long time to learn this.  We had two kids so I had to deal with him.  He used everything he could think of to push my bottoms.  With the help of my HP (God) my kids grew passed 18 and I didn't really have to have anything to do with him.  I don't know if you have kids together and you feel you have to have contact with him, for me it took so much energy, more than he was ever worth.  I wasn't in recovery at the time, didn't know he was an A/A.  I let him make my life a living hell, which took away a lot of energy and time our kids needed.  Now I know I've choices about how I let myself react to other peoples behavior, and who I chose to have in my life.



Just go a step at a time, one day at a time.  And you'll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford.--A Rogers


~*Service Worker*~

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I am familiar with being put on the defensive.  Its a tough one.  I am also familiar with the issue of when and how I would encounter the now ex A.  I put a lot of distance between us.  I stopped talking to his entire family (some of whom had been supportive to me).  I put a lot of distance between people we knew.  That really helped.

I can't say that decision is easy.  I was addicted to talking about him, knowing where he was and obsessing.  In the end i had to let go.  Indeed I had a lot of anger, sadness and feelings towards the ex A. I don't know about you but the ex A put me through the meet grinder with his behavior. I am no saint and I certainly had to work through those feelings.  I let him know many a time I was angry, upset and devastated.  I would have to say that my feelings were always water off his back. He didn't really take my issues, feelings or life into account as long as he was using.

Processing those feelings is a pretty hard one.  I think it takes a lot to get to the bottom of so many of them and none of that happens overnight.  I am no longer super woman who can switch back and forth between angry and afraid and good spouse.  I will no longer do that to myself.  To me that was an unachievable expectation.   I don't think it was healthy on any level.

These days there are certainly people who I harbor lots of feelings about. I have to work on them but I don't think that having those feelings is unnecessarily unhealthy. Acting on them is another matter.


orchid lover

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And now I have taken positive action, For Me! I have seen my sponsor and talked through my feelings and examined my motivation. I can see how I had allowed myself to feel unloved and how my self -esteem had taken a battering. I shared at a meeting the other day, from the depths of my soul and I feel cleansed. The power of this program is awesome, I am reminding myself that it is ok to FEEL. It is what I do with those feelings that counts, today I feel blessed and know that my HP is always with me, along with the unconditional love of the fellowship. Thank You Al-Anon



~*Service Worker*~

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I know for me I really tend to beat myself up over slips and it's all part of trusting the process with progress not perfection. While I know I shouldn't do this or that .. I'm not perfect, for whatever reason .. that part of the deal is very hard to accept.

Hugs you are not alone and it does get better!! Congrats on working your program that's the best place to start and continue to be easy on yourself. None of us got here over night and we are not going to heal that way either.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

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