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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello Family - thought I would run this by you and see what directions your thoughts run. My friends and family are all non-program thinking and their thoughts are scewed one way but I want to write this out and see what questions come up as I write it - are you game? Here goes:
Before we married, A and I bought a motorcycle together (no cracks about love machines, please, snicker); the loan is in my name only because he, like a lot of As, has lousy credit; he was given the bike and ordered in the divorce to pay the payments, and no surprise is not and I have taken steps to go to civil court hoping to get the bike so I can sell it and be done with it.
He is counting on a worker's comp claim to pay off the bike. Ok, so that would be good, except..... I am pretty sure the claim is bogus and he is just trying to use an old injury to get on the dole. True he got knocked off a truck at an orchard job, but he didn't see a doc for it, got laid off, bummed around and bummed around some more, went huntin for Elk in the mountain terrain, then was hired as a paid volunteer fire-fighter (paid volunteer sounds odd but hey, it was how they tested you for service before hiring maybe?) has not been able to find a job to save his life because no one wants to hire someone with his credit and history, (big surprise) NOW he is limping around as if he needs his knee cut off and replaced..... and boy can the guy overact!
My problem lies in whether I should contact worker's comp because of my concerns that this is a bogus claim; I believe he is trying to get certified as disabled so he can milk the system and not have to work and have beer and cigarette money to boot. I know that bogus claims make it that much harder for legitimate claims to be approved; I would think that the worker's comp people have access to the same information I have about his life after the supposed injury.
Am I considering talking to them because of my concern for the system and a possible abuse of it, or, am I considering talking to them to muck up HIS case because I really don't want HIM to get away with it? What are my motives? On one hand if I say nothing and he wins his case, the bike gets paid off, my credit is saved. I could say something and he wins the case anyway; i could say nothing and he loses the case, I could say nothing, he wins the case, pays off the bike and spends the rest of his life laughing at the system that is paying him for the bogus case.... not that I know much about worker's comp cases, but knowing him he will milk it for EVERYTHING he can get from it. He's bragging that at the very least they will pay him $7,000 in back pay and the thought of him strutting around, throwing money around and acting like he's this big dog pxxxxxs me off - that is true. He chooses to sit around feeling sorry for himself, uses having a heart condition (mild) to get sympathy, bullies whomever he can to get his own way, has been horrendously vicious in any dealing I've had to have with him over the last year and seems to revel in worthlessness and the thought of him being rewarded for it all by winning big money while I clean toilets to make ends meet gets to me big time.
But - I really don't want to let him get away with being permanently labeled disabled when there are jobs he could do if he didn't think he was too good for them, I really don't think people should get away with not working, and, would I say anthing to anyone about it if I wasn't so personally involved? My back aches from all the physical labor I do, my knees make noise and I have to step down stairs one at a time - and I"m only 51! I want to go on disability, I want someone to give me money every month so I don't have to work anymore, can get on food stamps and other assistance, get medical insurance paid by the state and etc and so on.
Ok, your thoughts please and thank you
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
My thoughts if this was my situation and my X alcoholic.
Hands off!!! Also being an ex claims examiner you cant prove or disprove a person is injured, its subjective. Your word against his. If they believe its a bogus claim they will send it to special investigations and request a sub rosa. (which is surveillance).
I say put all the energy that your putting into the alcholic trying to trip him up. Most A's trip themselves up, you wont have to bother, I hope you put it into your recovery.
But - I really don't want to let him get away with being permanently labeled disabled when there are jobs he could do if he didn't think he was too good for them, ....GRRRR there you go right out of your own mouth. Reminds me of hearing the first step as told by a non recovering family member..."Refused to admit I was powerless and that my life had become unmanageable". My impression you really are more aware than you make yourself out to be. I co-ed for my alcoholic/addict on a car because of her credit worthiness and when we separated I call the creditors and gave them the information which I also posted three times in the local paper..."I _________ am no longer reponsible for any debt which contains the name of ________" Then when the finance company called and asked what to do about the payment I told them go pick up the security for the loan. You can do that...If the loan is secured you can surrender the security; unless you still have the leather jacket and plan on continuing to ride yourself. LOL It could happen...((((hugs))))
This post brings back memories, I, too, once had the most delicious dreams of revenge... while in recovery! Even when someone called me out on it and said, "revenge is not recovery" and "feelings are indicative of whether or not we're working recovery".... it did NOT immediately go away. I did want recovery, but I was sooooo stuck in being a victim and stuck in my self-pity, that it took a long time in active recovery for ME to heal from being affected by this disease. And I still work it because my brain is going to do what my brain is going to do.
"If you want what we've got, you will go to any lengths to get it" I kept hearing. I was already going to 3-4 meetings a week, I didn't know what more to do while also working two jobs. At about that time, I received a voicemail message from my old sponsor, (I called her for help too, I was sooo unhappy and I liked to spread my misery around, lol.) I saved the message for a very long time. She said, "I'd be mad too, but did you pray?! Cuz that's what we're supposed to do, we're supposed to trust God and if we're not trusting God, we're supposed to ask for help with that."
It was a perfect response because when I took that suggestion, things began to change. In me.
Today, I know that when I look fear in the face and react with more fear (anger and revenge) I only contribute to a more fearful world, and that's the REAL problem right there, we don't have enough people walking around relying on Higher power. Angry people don't heal, they are not at peace, and that's what I really wanted, I wanted to feel better. I'm like you, I'm too old and rickety to hate anymore, I want to FEEL good, I've spent my entire life living in the insanity of this disease. So they told me to pray and to start praying differently, to stop giving God a list of things to do, which is what I had always done, actually playing God. But rather, leave the outcomes to God, tell God you trust Him to handle everything. I began praying along these lines, take what you like, leave the rest.....
"God, please give me inner peace. Help me to experience love. I don't know what would bring that to me but I surrender this situation to You. I trust You. Your will be done."
I hope you feel better soon, you deserve it. It's going to be okay, it really is, no matter what he's doing, you are going to be okay ((my friend))
-- Edited by glad lee on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 08:50:48 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Yes, but do those thoughts bring you peace? My sponsor often said, "Stop thinking!!"
Ask yourself what you think is going on in YOU. Where am I in the steps? Is this a spiritual response, or a human one?
I have been where you are at, sometimes I didn't want to hear the Solution. But I learned I was happiest (and that's what I really wanted) and certainly more at peace (I wanted that too!!) when I just released him. Release him, as is, to his Higher power to make things right. I don't have the power to make things right for the world, I am not God. Besides, policing the world is just too exhausting for me.
I surrendered so that I could have some power. Real power. Peace, for me, is connecting with Higher power and loving thought, it's getting back to working on myself, where I do have some power and control.
The solution is Higher power. And that characteristic always looks like love. Love yourself right where you are, and leave him be. That is what I see the fellowship has posted here to you. That is certainly what worked best for me. Rely on Higher power, not on yourself to make things right (((hugs)))
-- Edited by glad lee on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 10:49:31 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
I think the saying "Let go and let God" might apply here as elsewhere. Being an A never brings big rewards to people; it always brings them down, even in thousands of tiny ways we can't see. So he will not be profiting from his insanity even in the unlikely event that he gets worker's comp. But in any case, every move we make to stay entangled with them and their problems just keeps us in the insanity. I always try to remember "Recovery isn't winning; it's not playing." Hugs.
Believe me when I say that I know how much better off I am not worrying about what he is doing, not giving him that energy. But - I would report someone if I knew they were abusing the government assistance program - because I believe they shouldn't get away with it; I am a mandatory reporter of child and elder/other abuse and I believe in the saying that all evil needs to succeed is that good men do nothing. Workplace posters all urge you to report abusers. The moral obligation is there fighting with the selfish feeling that, hey, if he wins and pays off the loan then I can be free and clear of the whole darn thing! I can live with and conquer my personal urge to sock it to him, I'm sure that's not a big factor - its the arguement of it being a duty to report abusers vs the benefit of getting the loan out of my life.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I believe I am not responsible for any messes but my own. There. lol
It is YOUR bike, I would get it back and take care of it. AS it would be my responsibility.
Really that is that. All the rest would be under none of my business as far as I am concerned. I cannot control all that. Besides no one can give you any information on his stuff becuz of the HIPPA laws.
This is what is meant by Al Anons Keeping it simple. Stay on our side of the street. We can only control ourselves. His or her disease is none of our business. Let go and let God. Take your own one elses.
Look how short this is, simple, easy. Look at how long and hard yours is.
GREat Post good to see you are thinkun! hugs,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
the ex A always did brag about whatever scheme he had pulled off. As I was overinvolved I was always stewing about what he did, how he did it and who he was with.
Like other people I had to learn to keep my hands off. I also had to work hard on getting my own life together. For so many of us leaving an alcoholic means taking huge losses. I had to write off a lot of money when I left the ex A. He tantalized me with the promise he would pay or do good but he had absolutely no intention of doing that.
Workers comp cases take a long long time. No one really is an expert on what they get, when they get it and how the case goes. I know that personally. Some cases go well and some don't.
Letting go of the A was one of the hardest things I did and one of the best decisions I ever made. So many people told me that I would have to cut my losses and I held on and held on trying to scrape up something from nothing.
I am new at this getting emotionally healthy thing and learning how to let go of things. I completely understand your feelings. My first thought is that you are wasting your time. First, whose to say he will get the settlement and actually pay off the bike? So either way you are at risk for more disappointment and frustration. Better to let it go as mentioned above and let him destroy himself. As frustrating as it is, my ex will continue to do whatever he can to make my life miserable because I have kept playing the game with him so long. I was the one being good and afterall the good people are supposed to "win", right? Moving on and leaving it alone will benefit you more in the long run.