The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Well... Thank You All for Your Thoughts, Understaning, Prayers & ESH... I Am Truly Grateful for ALL of It...
I have been doing some Much Needed Soul Searchin Here of Late & Seem to have Figured a Few things Out, and One of My Biggest Problems since Returning Home from Vacation is "Balance"... Before I Left I had a Flow of Life Going. And Since I have returned, I have allow Others to Dump their Garbage at my Door, and Not Taking the Time I Need to Take Care of Me!...
Well I have Decided that With the On Going Stress Related Migrains/Headaches I have on a Daily Basis Now, Its Time to Put ME Back on the List, and Start Taking a Few others Off... Ifs the Simple things in life that Seem to Help me Keep Balance, Like Time to Myself (Without Distraction) which is Something I have not Had since I Returned home! I'm Demanding it Now! I was Lifting Weights before I Left, and I Started back just 3 days ago, and WOW the Differance it has brought has been amazing... I am Shutting My Cell Phone OFF when I Want Time to Myself... Because I Deserve it! I'm Not Putting Myself out there for those that Only See me as Useful when they want something... I'm so Use to trying to do it all that I get Lost in translation... I'm OVER it!
My Son Just Yesterday Turned 15yrs old... He is that of a Wonderful Young Man, and He has been a True Blessing Not Just for My Recovery, but for My Soul... He Lifts me when in all Reality I Should be the One Lifting HIm! He Has Respected the Fact that I Need Just an Hour a Day to myself, and he helps me get that!
So I'm Not Makin HUGE Strides, but I Can Start to Begin to at Least See the Light... And While I was Out Getting My Boy a Card the Other Day, I walk to the Counter To Pay for it, and there sits a Little Turtle... And On Its Back it Says "Keep It Simple" ... lol... Now whats the Odds of That! Well that Little Fellow Came Home with me & Hasn't left my Pocket since! And When the Headaches Start, I Grab My Turtle, and SIMPLE is all I Got! :)
On A Happier Spiritual Note!! Some Know that My Sons Bio Father Had Past when he was a Toddler... I have always Tryed to Instill in my Son that Even tho They are Gone they will Always be with you... So "Short Version" The First time I Took My Son the Graveyard to see his Dad he was 6... As we are Laying there Talking about his Dad, Out of NO WHERE a Feather Falls from the Sky "No Birds, No Trees" Just a Feather... To which I Looked at my Son & Said "Feathers From Heaven.. Dad Says Hello!" :) So Thats the 1st Part! For ME... I am Very Spiritually Attached to Butterflys, all Kinds, Makes & Models ;) Well when his Dad Past I Prayed Hard for a Long time, and this beautiful Black Butterfly with Orange on its Wings, Landed and for me that has always been the symbol to let me know his dad was still present in my life as well... OK the Story =)
As Mentioned Yesterday Our Boy Turned 15... I went out to My Garden to trim My Roses.. And On my Rose Bush, is But a Single Feather... Too Which I Looked up and Said... "Thanks Jamie!"... My Son Who had to help His "Here" Dad pour cement on his Birthday :( sends me a Text Message, and in it, is that Very Butterfly I Mark as Jamies :D ... My Son was On a Break and it Landed On His Knee... He was Sooo Excited He Sent Me a Pic & Said "Look Jamie Says Happy Birthday !" Sooo I Of Course Cried My Eyes Out & Thanks God & Jamie for Staying Present in BOTH our Lives, and Many may say thats just Luck... But I Know.. My God Knew what I Needed, and He Delivered for Both Me & My Son! I'm So Grateful My Son has these Experiences too :)
So... Back on Track... Back to Finding My Purpose, and My Strength... I'm Not one to Stay down Long, and sometimes just a Burst from HP is All I need to Pull up out of the Ditch... Well That & All the Love & Support of All of You!
Thanks for Being apart of My Recovery, and My Journey... I Couldn't do it without ya's
thank you for the share and the reminder to take care of ourselves before taking care of others :)
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo