The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just read on the step work board for 4, awesome, amazing shares!!!
I've been attending my meeting since October, on this board since October. I got a sponsor in February. Started working the steps, up to 4.
Where I've been since March.
Not that I haven't been working on me, I have been.
We all come into the rooms (board) of Al-Anon with our own personal background and stories. I didn't grow up in an alcoholic home. I did date A after A after A until I married one.
I know why I've stalled out on this step. It means acknowleding my own issues. Issues that I like to keep shoved into the deepest recess possible but as I've been working on me the nagging thought now never leaves me, deal with it.
Not that I haven't tried, I sought therapy in 2007, lasted 6 months but it wasn't working so I stopped going.
I tried a church program, didn't work.
I wish that there was an AA or Al-Anon version available for eating disorders. Most stuff you find on the web is useless. Therapy is expensive for it to not even really work (for me).
So I know I have to push through step 4, and I know I have to work on this. In fact I went a week and did well, until I didn't.
Message boards in regards to eating issues (anorexia/bulemia specifically) are generally not at all helpful and actually often disturbing.
I think over eaters anonymous tries to follow 12 steps. I've been there several times but find that attendance is an issue. I've always wondered why. Would say its my area but I'm in a very large CA town.
I am learning to love step 4 and started really working it with an online sponsor within the past month.
I still.fight my eating disorder but the more I take care of myself in other ways, the easier it gets to work on it. Hugs.
OA does address eating disorders with a 12 step format I know some people who have been very sucessful in it.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I am glad you have found an OA meeting - Many of my friends in alanon also attend OA with great success.
Just a short mention to Step 4-- You are doing fine. I know my first Step 4 was not complete-- my sponsor assured me that I would do many more Step 4th Steps so that I should just attempt to begin. I used the AA format, which is easy to follow. List the people you resent List the resentment, List my part, list what emotion is involved and which of th 7 deadly sins are made manifest. That proved very successful for me. HP does not give us more than we can handle so trust the process and ask for courage to go within. Once this becomes a habit it will be so rewarding. No more denial or pretend!!!i Just keep on keeping on
Neesabean you can rech the step borad by clicking on