The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inner pain with us. You are certainly in the right place.!!!
We who live or have lived with the disease of alcoholism understand as few others can . You are not alone
Alanon is a fantastic organization that was founded to help families of alcoholic
We do this by attending face to face meetings in the community and breaking the isolation. We use new tools that are suggested in order to learn to keep the focus on ourselves live One Day at a Time, trusting a Higher Power.
You and your precious son deserves to feel peace and support
I am new here and this is my first post though I have been reading posts for quite some time. I guess I should start with some background info.
I met my husband 4 years ago. He is a wonderfully bright and creative individual and the love of my life. Unfortunately he has a drinking problem. His father was an alcoholic and he has been a "functioning alcoholic" for most of his adult life. He is now 41, diabetic, and hep c positive due to previous drug abuse. The drugs are no longer in the picture but the drinking is daily. We have argued about his drinking and the health problems he faces. It has been a roller coaster of trying to quit and admitting to having a problem then going back to daily drinking and denial and everything in between. I have always tried to be supportive and positive and let him know how much I love him and how much it hurts to watch his self destructive behavior. We now have a one year old boy who has cystic fibrosis(and is very healthy right now, thank God) and I can't stand the thought of possibly losing both of the loves of my life before it should be there time. I know that I have no control over these things but I feel like he has control because he could stop but refuses to. I understand that he has a disease and it's not easy for him either but lately we have both been angry and arguing a lot. He gets angry because I can't just "let it go and accept him for who he is" and I'm angry because I feel he is cheating me out of getting to grow old with my soulmate. There is also the financial aspect because he spends money on beer when we can't afford to even have the things we need. And then there's the guilt because I feel as though I have failed him. I feel like I have lost my faith in him and can no longer trust him. I don't know how to react to him anymore and he says the most hurtful things sometimes. I have tried to "let go and let God" but lose patience after awhile and become angry again because I am the one trying to work things out and he doesn't bother trying to get better.
I just don't know what to do or say anymore and I know there's no magic answer that will make everything better but I'm hoping that sharing with people who understand what we are going thru will help somehow. Anyway thanks for allowing me to share.
Dazzy we have a similar life story, I am also married to an Alcoholic who I love very much, his acholism is affecting me, my step daughter, our finances. He also tells me to accept him like he is and believes I do not love him. He has diabetis, cancer in remition but still drinks about 6-10 drinks a day. His diabetis is not in control. He has a fatty liver and I am also angry because I know I will loss him to this disease. I know I need to trust a higher power and let go...but is hard to see my husband killing himselve. I know I have no power over his addiction and I can't control it or fix it but I still worry. I hope we both find peace...
Hi and welcome to MIP. I am glad you found us and I can relate to your share. Stick around and keep reading and try to make it to face to face Al-anon meetings too. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."