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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello daisy31,i can just share my personal situation with you.
I struggled a lot with all of them, a single of them, then again allof them, back and forward... family is our roots, and also the roots of many of our behaviour 'problems' in my view. We hate them- we love them. That's what makes it all so difficult, and sometimes also helpless, without an exit. At least that's the feeling I sometimes got, and still get.... cutting them off completely? Wasn't an option from me, because from my real nature I am a family person. At least at this time of my life I don't know if it would make sense to just 'forget' about them. But we need to train our ability to deal with what come up with family matters, and fight old habits, that are actually not our real natures, just simply 'educated' ones.
In order to find myself, I had to create a distance between me and them, because they simply drove me nuts at some point. We used to live close to eachother, and we had our sunday lunch in my parents house mostly every week. Well it came to some point in my crisis where I had to stop going there, couldn't handle them all together. I preferred instead choosing the right day for me, and visiting them individually if I felt like it, depending on MY mood. that worked fine, and it actually resulted in looong phases without seeing them at all...because I was simply not in the mood.
Then I looked for other opportunities jobwise, and life offered itself in that way, that I applied for a job overseas and got it. So i took that and left. It took me almost 5 years to take that step, until I was ready I guess. Then I left, and I could 'breathe'. That was 4 years ago, since then I am living my life according to my own rythm, visiting only once a year, and through letters and skype we are always in contact. We even got closer with soem members ( actulaly with all the members over time if I reflect on that righ now) Every single relationship has improved since me moving away. even th emost hopeless one. The mutual respect grew, the independence does us all good, it's more healthy, and when we get together we limit conversation to essential things, due to lack of time we don't get lost in hysterical fights anymore. It's more peaceful, and everybody minds his own business. Distance has it that our respective worlds have become too foreign and alien, those ar emy smooth boundaries I guess, which developed naturally. We are family still, and concerned and in contact, but we live our own lives....or at least I do. I noticed during my last visit, that those living closer to eachother actually still struggle, because 'close but yet so far', and that's confusing and hurts many times.
For me this is the best receipe, my receipe. I'm not saying everybody has to swap continents, but since I am a curious traveller anyway, I 've given me some pleasure, I'm alone but most of the time not lonely, and one day I want to have my own family, which I will have to release at some point too, it's just the natural evolution of things.
For a long time I thought that was selfish of me, especially towards my parents, but here they assured me that they love me even more, because they see I can be happy through my own decisions, being responsible. They are not worried, they simply accept me as I am. so they actually think they did a great job as parents
Take some of the dynamic out from family relationships, don't continue doing what you have been doing in the family necessarily, it might not be the real you, take some forward, leave some behind, (what you need and want...the rest leave it with the memory) and let moments of quietness and peace set in, it does all of us good, even if it's scary (very scary) in the beginning.
You can get really creative here
(didn't Columbus discover a whole new world when leaving home?)
For me I have to set them differently. One example is that I monitor what I share with my parents. It serves as a double boundary. It keeps me from getting caught in their web of attempted control, telling me how they think i should do everything. I either leave information out entirely or I discuss once I'm confident in my decision making regarding anything.
My Grandmother was the cornerstone of my disfunctional family and an enabler for my A Father. They have both passed on and when that happened, I basically broke ties with the rest of the extended family. My sister, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc have various issues with dependency of one sort or another and live their lives with their heads in the sand when it comes to addictions & child abuse.......therefore, it was easy for me to disconnect because they have nothing I want nor anything that I want to share in.
When I started learning about who I was in program, the similarities and differences twix me and others including my family I got permission by my HP to be uniquely me and not changing that for others around me...including my family. That's how I detach...I remain me by choice. I don't have to be different because of or for anyone else in my life. Another detachment event came from my sponsor who suggested that I leave everything "alcohol" in my life...That took in a large part of my family from time to time and a wife. It's called changing me and letting them be. Good subject...I'll continue to watch for responses. (((hugs)))
I agree with many of the posters. I just talk to them when I feel like I have the strength and am not overwhelmed. If they call, and Im having a bad case of the stinkin thinkins or a particularly difficult situation...I dont answer. I can only go so long without creating more problems. My dad will eventually leave some guilt trippy voicemail about how "if tou love your family, youll answer the phone!" I let myself feel calm, and call and dont act pick up the rope so he cant play his tug of war game he started. Then, I remain light and bright, and get off the phone quickly. I dont do that to supress it, ai do that for my serenity. My alcoholic drug addict brother has.oddly neverr given me any problems. He is younger, and when ai turned 18, I refused to buy him cigarettes. He hasnt bothered me since. One of the smartests things I ever did.
Thanks, Pathtoserenity. My problem is detachiing from my son but the thought of grandma the enabler to dad tells me "detach, detach" before he even has a significant other. It was hard with AH but it breaks my heart much more to have A children (thank you HP that one got in the program and on the path to sobriety at 22).
Thanks for sharing! I love this topic since I am really working on it. I have had people tell me that when I do the steps - it will make all of the boundary setting much easier. I think the hardest thing for me is the guilt I carry. I am the only one in my family who has stepped out of the pattern - I have to chose health for me and my new family. I have such guilt though. I have guilt when I put up walls but then I have anxiety and fear when i have them in my feels so conflicting! And then when I see other healthy familes who have healthy boundaries and who love and honor eachother - I get so sad.
It is very difficult to have a pity party when I am celebrating all the gratitude I have in my life!
It will aither work out, . . . or, . . . It will work out."