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Hello all! I have found that when I get wrapped up in all that is going on or in my recovery that sometimes I forget to take care of my physical well being. I get so wrapped up in the emotional side of it and frankly my brain needs a vacation and my body needs help! LOL... I finally started getting physical activity on a daily basis. It's only been a couple of weeks but I'm increasing the amount and it does help. I sleep better - my head doesn't spin as much (not a pretty sight LOL!)
So, my question for you is, what is it that you do for your physical well being? I've started slowly running/jogging again, riding bikes when I can, walking, walking stairs if I'm stuck in the house - anything to get my butt up and moving. For me I need this for my sanity or my head would be in a constant spin!
We spend a lot of time on here talking about the emotional and it is so very important that we do. I'd like to add that the physical health will also help that as well. Hope you take some time to take care of you, no matter how small!
Oh yeah, and tonight I"m going to a seminar on achieving hormonal balance. I'm 45 and it's starting to take it's toll there too. Maybe between this board/recovery, my exercise and medical stuff I will finally get closer to taking care of me the way that I've neglected to for so long.
-- Edited by amills4294 on Tuesday 17th of July 2012 12:31:58 PM
Good post! I struggle with eating...when I am anxious I have a hard time eating. So, I make sure that I drink at least one glass of water, one piece of fruit, and one serving of vegetable everyday. I also take a few supplements. I also do yoga 2 to 3 times a week, and walk 2 to three times a week. I also...breathe.
Good reminder post, and yes, I agree it is critical that we feed our physical, emotional, and spiritual sides....
I can't count the number of times in my recovery, when I am feeling low, that I think about things.... invariably, when I am feeling lousy, I am not exercising.... when I am going to the gym, and/or walking, and/or running or hiking - I tend to feel better about all aspects of me.... Go figure :)
Thanks Tom
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
I stay active and exercise and when I was early in program if my head got spinning and stinkin thinkin or obsessing, I would go for a 5 mile fast paced walk anf it would burn it out of me. I like a long walk, the bike stationary or out doors, at the YMCA the eliptical or a swim. I find that when I am not exercising regularly I start feeling low and when I get at it, I start feeling better about myself and well everything! Great share, sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."