The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
What do you think God (HP) was trying to tell me? My AF left yesterday to ride his bike to the store for more booze. I fell back into my control freak mode and ran out to the garage. I was going to change the code on the garage door so he couldn't get back in. I grabbed the ladder and opened it. But, when I opened it in a hurry, my thumb got caught in the ladder. It was totally stuck and hurt like crazy! I struggled to get it out, while I started to cry! It was hurting so badly! I couldn't get it out for nothing. I didn't know if I should cry for help or what. If my phone was close to me I would have probably called my mom or even 911. I started to freak out! I finally got it out and it was dented and purple. I ran back in the house bawling, grabbed ice and was crying like a baby. Yes, from the pain and also from what is happening in my life.
AF comes in and was like, "Why is the ladder in the garage on the floor, YOU were trying to change the code on me?!" Then he says "What's wrong why are you crying?" I showed him my thumb. He acted concerned, but also said, "well maybe you shouldn't have been trying to lock me out of my own house."
Reminds me of when I was a kid and I was talking back to my mom or having a fit of some sort and I would hurt myself, stub my toe, whatever, and she would say, "See God punished you."
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
Oh, ouch! so sorry you hurt your thumb! I know this is aweful but I was laughing out loud when I read your post, mostly because it sounds like it could have happened to me! And his reaction too... oh my! Yes, maybe HP WAS trying to tell you something...
It always amazed me how the alcoholic was soooo sensitive to how others reacted to them that they could actually come up with the senarios. They know because that is only some of the stuff they can see in reactions. LOL Oooops sorry about your thumb and your hurt pride and stuff. (((((hugs)))))