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Just needed to post this morning - to make sure that I'm taking care of me. This past weekend I got really really snippy with my family and I realized that much of it was my own fault. I started slipping back into the "well if they won't take care of this house/stuff/dinner/responsibilites I'm going to have to" and I did it with attitude. The reality is if I don't do it, it's ok, when I can do my share I will but I HAVE to stop getting angry at them for not doing things - it's not going to change - I need to take care of me (and my daughter). However, this passive agressive behavior from my H but not doing things because eventually they will drive me crazy and I'll do it - sparks old behaviors in me.
He asked me why I was being so snippy with him and I finally said "because you haven't done a damn thing around here in quite a while and I work full time too"... he didn't say anything. He cowared a bit - did a few things and right back in front of the t.v. Later, I apologized and said I had no right to be snippy - I should have told him long before I got to this point that I was upset. What makes me so frustrated though is NO ONE has ever told me that something needs to be done around here. He's an adult - why should I tell him?? LOL He takes it for granted - he always has and he always will. I have to just accept it or move on. Expecting any different just makes me crazy.
Just don't beat yourself up, you are human. You can't do it all and when we try we get irritable. It's about progress and not perfection! You are loved by your MIP family, bigger love yet your HP!Sending you luch love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I totally understand this one! My AH is not big on taking initiative around the house. Usually, I don't get snippy, I just slam cabinets and stomp around all ticked off because no one else asks what they can do around the house or even tries to lift a finger. Well, I finally started just assigning them tasks. My AH will be sitting on the couch just after dinner and I will be doing the dishes at the sink. I will say to him, "Hey honey, do you mind cleaning off the kitchen table, putting the salad dressing away (that he pulled out and used himself), and wiping it down, thanks?" Then, I call my son in who disappeared into his computer and I say, "Hey kid, how about taking out the trash for me and then feeding the dog?" I thank them both and keep doing the dishes and leave it at that. I find that if I ask directly, things usually get done. Now, do I sit there and assign them to tasks like wiping down the cabinets, cleaning off the baseboards, or windexing the sliding glass door? NO, that might be asking for too much but if I get help with the little things then I won't feel so overwhelmed with the big things. And, does my AH do these things cheerfully when I ask? NOPE. He gives me a 'look' but does it without saying a word. My thinking is: Tough, we all live in this house and we all contribute to the mess and to the clean up and to maintaining it. Years ago I used to feel guilty when I asked AH to help out and I took his attitude personally but I'm over it. I need help and I ask without an attitude and I try to be grateful for the help that I get.
One thing to realize here is that YOU noticed that you needed to apologize and you did. Don't beat yourself up. It's all a process and we're learning new ways to relate.
"Process not Perfection". I have to say that a lot now. I'm getting to the point that I quickly realize when I'm beginning to get there, and I ask for help now. Thing is, it doesn't always come out the way I planned it. This weekend camping, RBF back was hurting, he had to rest and I was fine with it. But at some point I got overwhelmed with a couple of things going on at once and instead of "can you please help" it came out "can you help me instead of sitting?" I realized how I'd said it, thank goodness he has his own program and he said he instantly knew I didn't mean it that way and was just glad I spoke up instead of getting upset LOL. So the next step in "my" process is how to say what my needs are LOL.
And now that I've been raising 3 boys.... there's a gene in there that I call the "oblivious to my surroundings" gene. I have to resort to lists for my boys or nothing happens LOL. Hugs, you did finally speak up and that is a step!
Ohh amills, I am sure you just wrote a post that has been sitting in my head. I don't understand why we need to ask them to do something that is obviously needing to be done. I can see it, why can't he. I feel like asking him to do something is like saying, hey can you help me with my jobs. They are not MY jobs.... I get so frustrated. He doesn't do the jobs he is supposed to do, and he can't see the extra ones. I never get a thankyou for doing anything extra but he will wait for praise for doing what he is supposed to have done anyway!!!!! I addressed the oblivous to surroundings gene by way of writing a list of things to be done during the week and putting it on our kitchen cupboard door. He never looks at it. He just waits to be told and then says.. but I did that last week.
It annoys me more some times as opposed to others. I am trying to see it in a way that says.. I can choose to live in a pig sty if I want and not do any of these chores. I don't want to. I want to live in a clean house, especially when I have 4 indoor animals. If he does do some chores without being asked, as soon as I get home, he rattles off the list of things he has done on his own... He gets praise. Then I rattle off my list and he just looks at me or gives some sort of non commital noise.
I don't understand. My exhusband was a neat freak. He would be up at 7 on a Sunday to wash the cars every week. He did alot of house work and he loved it. He called it 'pottering about'. We both hated gardening. He refused to ever cook but he would clean up. So I guess its not all men.
Wow.. that was a rave on my behalf wasn't it. Obviously this resonates wiht me too amills.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results haven't we ALL been there done that!! I am slowly learning that sometimes the issue is me and my perception and then some is I need to state my needs and recognize that I have to accept if someone can meet them or not. That's the part I'm not doing so good with .. LOL!!
I'm so thinking of you my friend, hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo