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Post Info TOPIC: Love Isnt Supposed To Hurt

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Love Isnt Supposed To Hurt

So I sat down last night to find something good to watch on TV.  I was flipping through ONDemand and found a Dr. Drew TV show.  The show had Christi Hall on it and she was talking about her book that she wrote called "Love Isnt Supposed to Hurt" 

I downloaded the book on my Kindle, and wow!!

I have only read through page 35 (Kindle pages?) but what a great book so far!  If I didnt have to work, I think I would be reading all day...very hard to put down. 

I am taking a snipit from the Amazon site telling what the book is about:

Like millions of other women, CNNs Headline News and truTVs In Session anchor Christi Paul blamed herself for the emotional abuse heaped on her by her first husband, whose violent, profanity-laced tirades left her feeling as though she had no value, no self-worth, and nowhere to turn for help.

Then one day, when Christi was taking refuge in a church parking lot, the verse Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding popped into her head. In that moment, she realized she did have someplace to turn after all. Holding fast to her faith, Christi began the arduous process of rebuilding her self-image and regaining control of her life.

Now happily remarried and the mother of three girls, Christi feels called to share her story in the hope that other victims will find courage to seek the help they desperately need and deserve.

Written with great candor and poignancy, Love Isnt Supposed to Hurt chronicles Christis personal experience of dealing with emotional abuse and shows howwith Gods help, some unconventional therapy, and the support of family and friendsshe was able to break the cycle of abuse, regain her sense of self-worth, and discover what true love is really all about.
Turns out, her abusive husband was an alcoholic....
Has anyone else read this book?


~*Service Worker*~

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No but that sounds right up my alley. And mine was dry for our 15 year marraige but took up drinking immediately upon our separation. I think I kept him sober because we both have alcoholism in our genetics so I didn't keep it in the house (I did the shopping). He did however have ALL the hallmarks of an alcoholic for all 15 years. Sounds like another book to add to my growing list.


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I want to read this for sure. I think I will download it now. Thanks!



~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~

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OK - so the title for Chapter 5 is..... People Can Say Something in a Second That Takes Years to Heal


~*Service Worker*~

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This is indeed a great book, I do so love the quote.  I must  say that I thank God for alanon and I thank alanon for God. 

Without this spiritual program, the Steps and the fellowship I would never have found my way to actually "Trusting My HP and letting g of my understanding.

Alcoholism is a dreadful disease from which to recover.  I am glad we are sharing the journey




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I finished this book in one day.

There was one part in the book where she talked about a raging episode with her AH. It was so similar to the last episode I had with my AH before he left our home 2 months ago. It was so similar I started laughing uncontrollably.

When I told my husband that I wanted to seperate and not live in the same home, he flew off the handle, screaming, calling me names, he even hit a parked car out in front of our house when he was trying to speed away. He came back I think cause he didnt want a hit and run on his record.... He then proceeded to call his friend/brother and tell them that his wife was kicking him out and he had no where to go so he was going to go kill himself. Like in front of our house, I am sure our ENTIRE neighborhood heard him yelling and screaming and ranting and raving. I decided I had to go, because he wasnt leaving... The whole time I was packing up, he was screaming and yelling and calling me names (in front of our daughter) I tried to get out of there as fast as I could (I think I could have done a better job, cause it seems like it lasted forever) He is screaming as I am closing the front door to the house. I then had to run back inside to grab something for my daughter, and my AH was COMPLETELY calm and tried to hug me and was apologizing all over the place... Saying we can work it out, you dont have to go...everything will be fine, he was so sorry. That change in behavior between raging and calm was literally SECONDS... I was strong and pushed him away and ran back out the front door. I stayed at a friends house that night and he was gone the next day.

That is the disease of addiction. He is SICK, SICK, SICK.

I am grateful that I finally had the courage to stick up for myself and my children. I dont believe I would have gotten that courage without Alanon and the support in the rooms and here on this board.

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