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hi, refresher on my 36yr. old son who is actively drinking. history of pancreatitis. was told if he continues to drink he will die. wife recently left him after 15 years. he is spiraling downhill very rapidly. not eating. falling down drunk daily. i think you know what i mean...
i have offered to take him to detox in the past which he refuses. i am working my al anon program and continue to detatch with love. i am doing ok (THANK YOU HP)
anyhow, tonight his best friends of many,many years called me. they see that my precious son is losing his spirit and his will to live. (no his is not suicidal at this point) they suggested that the two of them and i get my son in the car on wednesday and drive him to detox.
i know that he has to want to go. we certainly can't force him. but i am willing to give it a shot. he will be scared and will offer every excuse as to why he can't go. a guess you would call it an "intervention."
i am feeling at peace. i have no expectations of this intervention. but i feel like have to give it a go....
I am so very sorry that your son is so very ill. I do understand what a difficult road you are walking. I will pray for a positive outcome for your efforts.
Yep... there are seldom any "right" or wrong answers on these situations Deb.... some treatment centers / detox facilities will take people literally kicking and screaming.... At this point in your son's path, this strategy doesn't sound all that bad - he's definitely worth the effort to save, to be sure...
Hope it all goes well
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Deb we learn that we do the best we can with what we get and that they have choices also. Good luck on the trip to the rehab and you might want to call AA Central Office also and see if they have volunteers who do 12 step calls if that hasn't happened yet. LGLG...((((hugs))))
Sounds like he's not suicidal in terms of a gun or hanging himself but he does sound suicidal overall. I remember you posting before. It sounds like a really helpless and powerless scenario. I pray for you and your son.
thank you all so very much for your support and prayers. i am so grateful for this program and the serenity it has given me. yes, my son is in a very bleak situation. i know that every day he is closer to his demise. but i have to believe that my HP is in control. thanks to alanon, i am able to step back and say, "god, i think you can handle this without my help." have a great day all!
My best to you and your efforts on your sons behalf.
Dont give up hope, as long as he is breathing there is hope. I hope he will accept the help as it will buy him more time, you would be surprised how quickly they rebound.
Debhud, it seems you are working your program and consequently at peace with your thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope he can see what you are doing is out of "love". Good Luck to you, don't lose your cool, be calm and I hope the peace of your HP continues to be with you.
Don't Worry About Growing Old, It Is A Privilege For Some Of Us.....