The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Ugh, I want to have closer relationships with friends. I dont even know how to do that? I feel like I am just complaining when I talk to my friends. They dont want to hear all my problems, do they?
Everyone has problems in their life, why would they want to sit and listen to mine?
My therapist asked me when the last time was that I felt I was in a close relationship with someone that I trusted. I think I only have one person in real life that knows really what is going on with me. I dont believe that I have ever been in love with someone that treated me well and wasnt abusive in some way or another. I have never been physically abused, but have been sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally. That made me really sad just thinking about it.
I want to do something different, get out and make friends. I just clam up when I go to meetings. I dont know what to say or do. I go, sit, listen, maybe share two sentences, start crying and then at the end of the meeting, rush out the door if no one approaches me directly right off the bat.
How do I reach out for help when I feel like no one really cares?
Oh - and I deactivated my facebook account. I was constantly looking for clues on what my AH was doing, it was driving me crazy. Also, all the fakeness of facebook was irritating me along with family drama that kept popping up on posts. So now, I feel even more isolated from my family and any friends.
I am reading ALOT of books on addiction and codependency and parenting. I have 3 daily readers. But I think the isolation and loneliness is getting to me.
I am a completely different person at work than I am during all other times of the day. I get to work, talk, smile, laugh and act "AS IF". I am really confident at work and feel strong when I am there. As soon as I leave for my 45 minute drive home, I feel lonely and wonder who I could call and talk to and then think they wouldnt even want to talk to me. I feel so important when I am at work, and so UNimportant as soon as I leave.
Yesterday I got a babysitter (paid so much money!) to get to a meeting and I couldnt find it. Wellllll.....either it wasnt going on, or it was the biggest meeting I have ever seen in my life so I didnt go in to see what was going on. No signs anywhere that it was an alanon meeting. I got scared and left. Went grocery shopping and came home. That little time away cost me $40.00 (I spent most of that time driving around in traffic and looking for the meeting)
I soooo love your post this morning because it reminds me of how I was EXACTLY like you, and how much I have changed.
Gotta be honest here though, I didn't have the power to change myself, I didn't know HOW. But they told me, all I had to do is provide the honesty, open-mind and especially WILLINGNESS and Higher power would do the rest. It is so true, they were absolutely right.
I love how you came here to express yourself and I suggest you keep this post for yourself to compare it to your growth months from now. Because if you keep doing what you're doing... keep reaching out, keep coming back to f2f meetings especially, keep reading our literature, keep seeking Higher power... you are going to see miracles in your life. My experience is, Higher power longed to give me what I needed to heal. With purpose, of course, so that Higher power could use me to help others, something I never imagined I could do, I was so broken. But today, I sponsor two women, what a gift for someone who once couldn't speak for herself.
Back in the day, I remember being told, "just be yourself." Problem was, I just didn't KNOW MYSELF so I had to put on a mask, perhaps that's what you do at work. Deep down, I knew it was a charade, I was a fake and I felt so empty. When I first came to al-anon, I wore that mask too, wanting approval, wanting validation, just wanting to fit in somewhere. But so often would leave hating the experience, hating myself, hating life....
Later I had heard, it's totally okay for newbies to just wait. Just listen, no need to talk until I feel ready, I didn't have to fake my way through al-anon - If you can't be yourself in al-anon, where the heck CAN you be?!! haha
Let the peace of the program wash over you one day at a time, it will just happen all by itself, no stress, no strain, no "trying to change".... just daily, persistent working of the program. People blossom and come to life in al-anon, anyone who WORKS this thing can't get around that, I have witnessed it. (And here I will add, internet-only recovery did NOT work for me, I had most success in sitting with a live fellowship. I use the internet as al-anon suggests, ONLY as a supplement.)
At a meeting last week, I began my share just being honest, I said I was so exhausted that I almost didn't come, but really glad I did, etc, etc.... A woman who's been coming for quite some time but NEVER shared before, shared after me, finally opened up to say that my honesty helps her to admit to the group that she too felt like she didn't want to come, but how desperate she is to heal and to speak as honestly as the rest of us are. She was holding her throat and I understood why, I once had that same block of energy there, I could never speak before either, there was so much pain I couldn't speak about it before coming to al-anon. I didn't know who I was, didn't even understand what had happened in my life, to be able to express myself. Gradually vomiting up all that poison in me, all that pain, was how I cleared that block in me, so let it out. Speak about what's in there when you are ready. Once it's out, you can fill up on RECOVERY. (Again, I had to do that with a live fellowship, the internet was just words on a page, that was my experience.)
BE where you are, my friend. Expressing your fearfulness, confusion, whatever, is all part of healing. It's part of honest awareness, and that alone is PROGRESS. Don't judge it as "bad" or "wrong" because condemning my imperfections never helped me to love myself more. Be gentle with yourself as you work this program persistently, and trust that the healing will come. You will discover how wonderful you are, and then attract everything you'll ever need, Higher power KNOWS we need friends to connect with, and longs to give that to us. Once you discover yourself, you will LOVE yourself, and others won't be able to resist you either. That's how it works for me ((((big hugs))))
-- Edited by glad lee on Saturday 16th of June 2012 12:19:40 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
Big hugs, .. I can absolutely relate when you say you run to the door if no one approaches you. Something I really started trying to do is force myself to speak to one person and if I wasn't approached I HAD to approach them. I'm not good in social groups. UGH .. I would rather walk through fire than have to be social in a social setting.
For me I had to start being really gentle with myself. I'm trying to treat myself as my own best friend and that is easier said than done at times. That is paired with I had to trust myself as well. It's all baby steps. It's all going to take time. YOU have to believe that you are worth it. I'm not reading that in your post. The biggest surprise I got was when I reached out and someone reached back.
I hope you will get a phone list when you go to the meetings and find a sponsor. I really really really encourage you to do that .. that is a person I know I can count on. She listens to me even when my thought process is so not program, she doesn't judge, she lets me be me and loves me anyway.
When I got a sponsor though that is when my healing started happening on a multitude levels. I started believing I was worth something.
Getting out and not isolating is HUGE in healing. Yes, we risk rejection .. I think there is so much more fear of rejection than the actual rejection. My son and I watched Meet the Robinsons the other day there is a character Goob and he believed one event messed up his whole life. What he missed was kids saying hi to him, wanting him to come over and play, he missed out on being adopted and so on. It was his perception of what was wrong in his life. It wasn't really the reality of it.
Sorry about the meeting experience, this is why I always say .. call the local hotline. There will also be someone there to talk to you and break the isolation.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Aloha Dragon and Mahalo (thanks) for the honest post...been there and done that myself for a while. I really love the responses you received cause they are from the "elders" (I consider) in the program...they know and know that they know now and what they offer I know will work for me if I practice it. Trying to change is a very very good endeavor and if you keep trying the only outcome or consequence you will get is "CHANGE" ....whatta you get what you desire if you know what it is that you want changed. One of the things I first changed and worked on alot was (and still is) my expectations of people, places and things reaction to these if and when they didn't work out the way I wanted them to. Early recovery women in the area I got into program really worked on me to get and practice the slogans....Let go and Let God, Easy Does It, and then from my sponsor "Don't React". I did those soooo well my sleeping habits improved (no kidding) my anxiety and worry and fear went into major reduction and I thought something was wrong with me. I loved that change because some of the consequences was getting a natural smile and laugh back and a sense of humor which the majority of people I know think should be behind a fence. LOL
Take your time and self accept during your growing period. You are only human and God don't make no junk!! In support (((((hugs)))))