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Post Info TOPIC: Is it time for a different sponsor?

~*Service Worker*~

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Is it time for a different sponsor?

I have a wonderful sponsor that has been with me for about 4 years and I feel disloyal even raising this issue.  Since I have never had a sponsor, I don't know how these relationships best work.  Sometimes I feel like maybe it has traveled more into the friend realm and the boundaries might be a bit skewed?  There are a few instances that have caused me some concern, but there is a recent one that caused my eyebrows to rise.  My AH is in a celebrate recovery program that is christian based.  This is not my recovery program...there are differences in non-secular/secular programs, one being that there is minimal anonymity as to who is sponsoring whom.  Another is that they share their testimonies and invite people to attend.  My husband is doing his testimony for the second time and invited me to invite my sponsor, which I did.  She became angry with the invite.  I understood that she did not feel it was appropriate and she felt he was crossing boundaries, but I was surprised by the anger. I will talk with her about this situation during our next talk, but I am wondering if it is time to find a new sponsor?  We have spent a great deal of time discussing the struggles she has with her work relationships.



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I wonder why she became so angry? I go to al-anon and my husband sometimes goes to CR. You (and your sponsor) should be proud of him for being in some type of program, even if it isn't AA.
I'm looking for a sponsor but I couldn't imagine becoming angry at such an invite. I even have a hard time understanding how it is crossing a boundary though maybe someone else can explain that to me as well. (I hope she wasn't angry because he is in CR and not AA).

One thing I've learned throughout my journey is that there is ALWAYS an underlying reason to anger. Disappointment, fear or jealousy are a few examples of underlying issues that manifest as anger.

I wonder if you could talk to her about what she was feeling underneath her anger?


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"Another is that they share their testimonies and invite people to attend. "

People share their testimony in AA too and invite others to attend.


~*Service Worker*~

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I think you're on the right path discussing this with your sponsor the next time through. This is a great opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, I'm sure, and say "hey, what's up?" Remember, ask HP for the words and timing. :)

I'm sure after further discussions, you can start deciding if the relationship needs to change or not.

Remember, your sponsor's a human being and a fellow Al-Anon, too. She ain't perfect.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3964

Thank you both for your responses.  I will speak with her...with the insights you have provided, time and guidance from my higher power we will have a good conversation.  I do have trust that I will know how to proceed with our relationship.



~*Service Worker*~

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I don't know anything about that group, but to me, this sounds like an unrealistic expectation.

As a sponsor myself, I take calls all day, some last over an hour plus I work a 47-48 hour work week. Some like to call me after I'm already in bed with no crisis, just to chat. Sponsors have to have boundaries too, they are only human.

To me, this is about HIM and his recovery, not about you and yours. So I would feel the same as her, but you will know once she works inventory on it. If it were me, my defects of "giving myself away," "my belief that I'm not good enough," and "boundaries" all might be bubbling up. But that's just me.

It's a good thing YOU want to support your husband. That is for YOU, and I think it's an awesome opportunity. Invite your Higher power instead, and enjoy!

-- Edited by glad lee on Thursday 14th of June 2012 06:54:40 AM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1235

((((hugs))))) I am sooooo smiling at your recovery, so grateful for the inspiration. All my experiences have value too, they happen FOR me, not TO me. But I used to whack people out of my life too, when things got confrontational, I'd get so afraid that I had to RUN still thinking it was all their fault though. I think Jerry F once wrote something about shooting a hole in my boat and trying to paddle away, that sooo captures this in me, lol 

You didn't do anything "wrong." You asked her a question, extended an invitation, is that "wrong?" Not in my book.  So to me, you don't owe an apology.  To me, everyone has every right to do their thing, ask what they want to ask, be a wild tornado if that is their personality....  and it is MY responsibility to use boundaries for ME.  Boundaries protect me and my limits and I am the ONLY one responsible for enforcing my boundaries.  My boundaries are flexible and change-able, the more recovery under my belt, the more I seem to be able to tolerate.  Today I have much better detachment and self-care skills than I did when I first crawled into al-anon....

So I think you are absolutely right, this may have been a lesson for HER in enforcing her boundaries, but that is her side of the street. All you have to do is keep your side of the street clean.  You are not responsible for her boundaries/emotions/anger, she is.  

Sponsorship helps both members to grow, it's a gift for both.

-- Edited by glad lee on Friday 15th of June 2012 11:14:16 AM


The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.

~*Service Worker*~

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From my experience CR is HP defined in and by the group.  CR wouldn't and doesn't excite me as my first addict was a religious fanatic and they did my family in eventually admitting that they tore up a lot of families where one of the main members wouldn't "drink their drink" and so they continued to pull the other out of the relationship.  People can be addicted to anything.  Why she got angry might just be waiting for the question to be asked.  My sponsors used to get angry over lotsa stuff just like me and sometimes I sponsored by sponsors.  My elder sponsor told me that "If you will not allow a sponsee to lead at times your mind is closed and your self importance is open to attack"...ego stuff.  Just ask her and listen with empathy.   ((((hugs)))) smile


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Sponsors are human too. You totally have the right to speak up if your uncomfortable with the way your sponsor is acting.

We also outgrow sponsors!That is a natural part of sponsorship sometimes!

Whatever you decide, your doing the right thing by reaching out to al anon support


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3964

Thank you Glad Lee and I agree that our relationship is about my recovery; my support of my husband is mine...the extension of the invitation was inappropriate on my part.  I also see that the CR group is based on evangelism  so I understand their dynamics AND there is co-dependency among the group members.  My sponsor also belongs to an evangelical Christian church...there was a period of time where there was some pressure from her to participate in her church groups. I kept politely declining.

 This is a good situation for me to ponder, which is why I am seeking input...there is much for me to see here in myself and perhaps some action I need to take on my behalf.  I will continue to contemplate and have more conversations with my higher power.  I will most certainly open up a convesation with my sponsor...I am sure she has been looking at this issue as well.  In some ways we are very much alike.  This could add another dimension to our relationship.




~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3964

Gosh, whacking people out of life sounds like me, too..then I lock them in my "dungeon" and hold them as prisoners...time to take an inventory of my prisoners and set them free.  Glad lee, thank you again for your generosity..hugs back atchabiggrin



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3854

Am sorry your sponsor reacted that way and yeah it would be confusing to me too , ask her why she reacted that way . perhaps she has a personal experience with the prog your husb has chosen which leaves her bitter . In our detachment pamphlet it states that we do not have the right to choose the method of recovery for another person , our part is to support thier efforts tho they may not be what we would have chosen , and it sounds like your doing just that .  enjoy  Louise


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