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Post Info TOPIC: Update on "son facing jail time" Court was yesterday.....

~*Service Worker*~

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Update on "son facing jail time" Court was yesterday.....

A son (by the Grace of God) is not in jail.....

The prosecutor really wanted him to spend 60 days of a 1 year sentence incarcerated. We found that out several days before the trial when his attorney spoke to her. Son's attorney told him to get his affairs in order as he would go straight to jail from the trial.

We actually felt kind of good that it would not be longer than 60 days but as it got closer the anxiety was setting in big time for me and him. Mine mostly because the granddaughter would have to be told.

My son's lawyer said he could ask for another postponement or that they could appeal it but my son was ready to just get it over with. He said that he was spiritually ready and that God would be with him through this. I was so happy to hear him say that. He has really surrendered to his Higher Power and it shows in everything he says and does. He could not believe how calm he was the night before and the morning of the trial but he was certain that he would be able to handle the outcome no matter what.

I told you before that his lawyer is a recovering A of about 25 years. He also had his sponser (21years) his sponser's sponser (86 years old and 37 years in recovery) and another guy (20 some years) at the trial. We did not know if the judge would allow them to say anything or not but they were there to support my son. Well....the judge wanted to hear from each of them and was very interested in what they had to say about my son and how he threw himself into recovery from the first day he walked into the meeting where he met these wonderful people. I could not hold back my tears. The judge actually looked at me and asked me if alcoholism ran in my family. I told him that there were many. He was so compassionate. Even the baliff(sp) and all the other people that were in front that worked for the court seemed very compassionate and did not take their eyes off of the AA speakers. I almost had to laugh a little when the 86 year old guy got up to say something he started with "hello, name is Jim and I'm an alcoholic". Personally, I got the feeling that this kind of proceeding has never before taken place in that courtroom.

After everyone was finished talking the prosecutor said what she was suppose to say that he still needed to go to jail for 60 days. As soon as she rested the state's case the judge immediately said "Guilty...1 year suspended with 60 days HOME DETENTION!  We could not believe it. The judge said "good luck, son" and it was over.

Of course, he still has a probation violation trial but it is in God's hands...just like this one was all along. I just could not leave it there.. why am I feeling so darn crappy today? Could it be all the anxiety I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks? Could it be that even though my son got the sentence he did he still needs so much help from me....fincncial and otherwise? Could it be that I feel like there is really not much happiness in my life? Yes, that's it!!!! I have so much going on that I really do not even feel like getting out of bed anymore.

I need to find a way to surrender all my crap to God and get on with my life in a more positive way.

My marriage is not good. My mother has Alzheimer's Disease and she does not know me as her daughter but knows my other 4 siblings as her children. My younger son is in Japan with my grandchildren that hardly know me. He has a drinking problem too and if he does not do something about it his wife will not move to the states with him. I have just been diagnosed with Reactive Hypoglycemia. I realize that this condition definately messes with my emotions and causes me much fatique so I have to be really careful about how I eat...which I have not been doing for about 2 weeks now. Alanon friends...I have a lot of work to do.

Thanks for listening to me rant.




~*Service Worker*~

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((((Gailey))))....Sit still, do nothing but center yourself in your HP's hands.  Release your spirit into your HP and let go.  After you relax start your gratitude metitation...start with those two rug rats in your Avatar and then to the great creation you are and how you unconditionally love and are loved...especially here.   You're supposed to be tired cause even angels get tired.  Sit outside of yourself and look back and start a loving inventory as if it was your Higher Power looking back at you.  There is nothing missing with Gailey inside or out.  She is a Child of God, a wonderful woman, a caring wife, mother and daughter.  She would feel lighter if she kept the weight of her world laying on the floor.

I have you in my spirit, mind and emotions.  You're a favorite.

(((((hugs))))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

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I Don't think I could have said it any Better the ((((((JerryF))))))... That Hurdle is Now in the past, and Rest is def. earned and in order...

It Amazes me Daily the Effects of this Disease & how it Just Branches out in every direction... I Remember those very days myself when was still Very Sick in the disease of Alcoholism... I did not Find Sobrity till I Found Al-Anon... Because it wasn't till then that I Realized How Very Sick I Was, From my Family Disease...And My Addictions...

It was Coming here In Love & Desperation that First Got me into the Rooms of Al-Anon... MIP was My 1st Safe Place to Land, and I Got Here By way of Family that had been here... And that Same Person Helped PUSH Me thru that Front Door, and from that moment on... My Life has Taking on New Meaning... And ALOT Of Work...

I Remember those Very Emotions You Discribed above...And I too thought it was my Job to carry the Weight of the world on my shoulders because "I Had To Save them" and then I Realized (Thanks to Al-anon) I was Only Saving them From Facing their Own Life Choices... And I was Accually Holding them back...

You are A Blessing to this Sight, & I have Learned Alot from Your ESH... I know you Can Over Come this with Rest & Gratitude... You are a Blessing to Many, and we are All on a Road of Unknowing whats ahead, but that is why stayin in TODAY this Moment, We all Can Get by One Beautiful Day at A time :)

Thanks for being here... Friends In Recovery...



Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3653

You know sometimes the why does not matter. What we can do is treat the symptoms.

Tired, take a nap, feel crummy eat better,angry go for a walk take the dog, lonesome go to a friend, feeling ugly stop it!

Hon life is freaking hard! Look at all you have to deal with. I know in my old age I think when the hard stuff comes, this is part of life, take care of it and move on. sure it hurts.

I am so sad about your mother!! Sometimes as we know, we have to just love others, even though they cannot love back.

You know for a long time I am sure your focus was on your dear son that I am soooooo proud of for you, so all this other stuff sorta just went into neutral.

But now everything is hitting you. We do what we can, then we remember to kiss someone, eat ice cream, cuddle with the dog, look at how neat nature is, kiss someone again.

I don't know what is going on with husband, but I remember when my first husband and I had a date no matter what every sunday, took turns choosing what we did. was so neat.

I know the grandchildren part. I miss mine so much. He is a few hours away, I cannot afford the gas and the train changed the times so it won't work for me. sigh.

anyway Picking wildflowers and hosing off the deck are great anti stressors for me....



Putting HP first, always  <(*@*)>

"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."            Or call: 1-888-4alanon

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 5663

A fair amount of the stuff you described is not happening "to you" it is/was happening to your family members (son, mother) and you can't control the outcomes anyhow. The worry and exhaustion that results from taking all that stuff in as if you did have some control over it is draining. It's hard to detach when it's people so close to you and the situations are pretty intense, but your own health is definitely something that falls more directly in your hoola hoop. You won't be able to be much support to others if you don't take care of you.

Prayers for your mom.

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