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Has anyone tried EFT (emotional freedom technique-tapping) I have heard it is really helpful. I have tried it some but didn't feel to much of a difference.
I am confused because Alanon teaches that we have to surrender and yet EFT teaches that we can tap and help our body release these negative energies. I don't know if I am suppost to just surrender or keep trying to tap this stuff out.
I had PTSD and used a therapy to treat that (EMDR). Al Anon does not address mental health conditions or ask us to suffer my opinion, mental health treatment is best discussed with your therapist.
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart
My experience is these two things have nothing to do with eath other.
For me surrendering is to breath and let go of all the energy I used to give the A disease.
I surrender it to my HP. I let it go to him since he is the only one who could have influence over it anyway. Let go and let God.
His A disease is his own and is none of my business. I don't have to concern myself with it, I have not control over it, so I surrender it/or plain let it go,not my problem.
Now the technique is more, it seems, to be working on connecting the mind to the body as far as what you are feeling, anxiety, grieving whatever and where you take it in to your body.
You know like when you have a talk to give and you feel that awful feeling in your tummy, you tap and say different things for that area and so on.
To me, I watched a video, if I am feeling stressed, all that tapping,trying to remember what to say is too complicated.
The thing it is teaching is too, to stop that negative talk in your head.
When I used to feel bad about mself, I said this in my head. "stop, you are ok just how you are." I stopped whatever negative bolony my head was saying and put in a nice thing until I believed it and years and years later I still like me, demand respect,am not afraid to ask for what I want and or need.
My son is in his mid thirtys and has been very hard on me in the past.
When he started coming around again, I asked him to not be hard on me and just love me. He has and it feels sooo good. I so appreciate it. I am old now and he is finding it so hard to accept I cannot do things anymore, and am in pain.I do not complain about it either. He sees it.
So does this make sense? Its GREAT to stop and change any negative thoughts. Putting in a positive really does work. It can be as simple as, I like me becuz I got out of bed and got dressed.
Or stop the trying to control A and think, "he has to figure it out for himself."
If he does not come home, or gets a dui or whatever, we change our thoughts to,"stop, it is his disease, his consequences not mine. I am happy with in my own life."
It is not our problem, we can focus on us, and accept them as is and lovem as long as we can this way.
We can stop feeling mad, irritated, whatever.We control our thoughts and feelings.
I remember when I surrendered my most loved A husband/friend/lover/confidant/helper/ dream come true maker. It was so freeing and it enabled me to be able to glean a few more months of being able to live with him.
Hugs hon, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
My experience with tapping is that it makes no difference, except for those people who feel relief at being able to do something for themselves. I say, if it helps, it helps, and who am I to argue with someone it helps? But what a therapist told me about it is that it's supposed to help with past trauma. That's sort of different from surrendering anyway. In my opinion, Al-Anon is a wider program with more tools to deal with the complexities of life.
Inns way to me they are kinda connected. EFT is about changing thought patterns; al-anon is about changing attitudes and perspectives. Both are about reprogramming internal dialogues. For me, having grown up in an alchoholic home, the beliefs I formed about myself left deep grooves in my mind...about life, relationships, the world and myself. Al-anon helps me to find new ways of seeing these things...more positive ways, more self nurturing, affirming ways of living and reacting. EFT is also a way of reinforcing new trends in thinking. So to me if it works for someone then the two are compatible. I believe that al-anon and this board are places we can come to share and ask for feedback on ANYTHING that helps us to grow in care for ourselves and in gaining greater intefrity and freedom from the devastating effects of living with and loving an A. Blessings, Tigger x
(((((MIP))))) you gals are sooo smart and experienced...I love to listen. I can hear my elder sponsor telling me to find and use whatever works to help me gain and maintain my recovery. Acronyms destroy my old brain so I go with the whole word. A part of my recovery foundation is derived from practicing psycho-cybernetics...I've used a lot of methods and this one the longest. I actually started it before getting into the programs of Al-Anon and then AA and don't think it would have helped me recover my serenity or sobriety until I found you all. (((((hugs)))))
Thanks for everyone's thoughts on the subject. I think I will find what works for me. I will not force solutions...I think that is what gets me into trouble lol.