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my son moved in with me last year in feb.he had been liveing out onhis own with freinds for 6 years when he came home to me in feb.he was very,very sick almost dead ,he is 26 y/o i rushed him to the er next day afer he moved back in he has severe sleep apnea and oxygen dropping down to 71,not even good scared me ,so with a whole lots of running my self to death for 8 mths slid getting him the help he nedded for he has no insurance he is finally on a bypap and oxygen reason for all his health going down is all about his weight problem he weighed in at 525lbs ,he didnt have a clue it had gotten so big,today he is doing better his weight is comeing off slowly,we go see his pulmonologist tomorrow ,monday and he will see the dr himself he had been seeing his dr n/p and just weighing in and talking to her but now its time to see him and his dr will weigh him in agin.and we are praying his weight is still going down,this has been a long long tough road for him and me,for i dont want to lose my son,ppl say that i saved his life,i said no god saved him god just used me as an instrument and broght my son back home to me cause god knew i would get him help he needed,my son did not want to move back in but had no choice at the time,he still doesnt like it not that im a hard person to live with or anything he just loved haveinghis own place,but its just not happening right now,we been trying to get him on medicaid and got him signed up for ssi but lots of denials we have a good lawyer also but its just not happening right now medicaid has seen him and heard about all his problems with his weight and now b/p problems and inner ear problems ,it hurts me to even talk about it cause i worry about my son evertyday,no place will hire him he has put in 50 appl. im tearing up trying to get this all typed out,its not so much that he is a foodaholic but his g/f is a foodaholic and she pushes it on him,FOOD,i cant make her stop it,but i can talk to my son about it ,and he says he knows what to do and what he has to do ,my son is a huge help to me and i help him too,we are helping to each other,i just dont want to be his worst enemy in anyway as far as enableing him,just trying to get himself back on his feet and back out into the working world is all,so to keep his mind focused and body moveing here i got him started woring a garden of his own thats helping him lots and ive got my garden as for flowers and his is all veges and some fruits he has panted,i dont really know what to do at this point but just take it one day at a time,ive gotten use to him being here with me ,but also want him to have his own life and healthy life too but just aint gonna happen at this moment ,nurses etc, says he will eventually have to have gastric bypass done,..his g/f has moved in to help with my sons end as far as exspenses that he has,i dont like it but i cant afford his exspenses to,and i see him at times saying how bored he is ,but i cant help him,my hands are tied im afraid depression is gonna set in on him and i dont or wont know what to do...thanks for hearing me ramble on,,,,any esh will be welcomed ,anybody else here ever had this problem?...hugs and thanks for being ere for me,....silent
Your son is very fortunate that you were able to find him the much needed medical assistance that he needed. I can hear your alanon recovery in your posting and how much you understand your powerlessness over this situation.
"O,A"( Overeaters Annonymous) is a world wide organization, like AA, that helps people recover from the situation that your son finds himself in.
I suggest that you continue with your alanon meetings and tools and that your son check out the white pages for an" OA " Meeting in your community. There is help
thanx for yur replys ,i cant get him to go to any kind of meetings,so id have to go for myself if i can find one for where i live there no meetings except aa or na,is there any online oa meetings that you would know of???
,its not so much that he is a foodaholic but his g/f is a foodaholic and she pushes it on him,FOOD,i cant make her stop it
This concerns me. I am an overeater & spent a month in rehab for an eating disorder. At that time, food was my drug of choice. NO ONE is responsible for what I put in my mouth except me. The girlfriend might have a food problem but she does not have the power to make your son swallow - that's all on him.
And no, you can't make her stop nor can you make the son stop - whether its food, alcohol, drugs, etc - each abuser is totally responsible for their own actions.
thanx agin for all replys and esh,we just got back from the dr and he has put back on 20 lbs he was sad cause he said he couldnt undrstand it of why he has put it back on his dr says its prolly fluid summer etc, lots of things,and his dr is gonna put on his records that he needs insurance for medical help and that he is gonna have to have surgery like gastric bypass ,medicaid pays for this type surger when its needed in his case,but his dr said he was doing fine to keep doing whatever he is doing his nurse gave him some helpful advice on what and when to maybe he can get himself straghtened out he is determined to and path to serenity yur right its none of her fault in fact my son told me today that he doesnt eat like she does that whatr she does is her bus. so he isnt eating it cause she wants him to,he pushes away alot more now that his life has become an issue with it now.thanks for the esh.....silent