The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Welcome to Miracles in Progress. Living with the disease of alcoholism affects the entire family in a negative manner.
Alanon and alateen meetings have been established to help the families of alcoholics recover from these affects.
Isolation, Anger, resentment, self pity and fear, are a just a few of the issues created within us from coping in this atmosphere.
I urge you to check out alanon and alateen meetings in your community That information can be obtained by: going to the following web site: call: 1-888-4alanon
Alanon and alateen are both based on spiritual principles not allied with any institution.
There is hope and help. Keep coming here as well.
You are not alone
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 10th of June 2012 07:43:44 AM
I have been with my husband for 16 years and it has been a very rocky road. He has gone as long as 2years sober before he began having weekend drinking binges. He has started drinking more lately and I am noticing the affect it has on my children. My 12 year old daughter has so much anger built up inside of her and I need to find some help for her. What is a good christian place to take her?
Sorry to hear your daughter and you are not well. How urgently do you have to take her anywhere? I can definitely recommend Alateen, the group for teens. I screamed out my anger and disappointment in my parents in Al-Anon and it helped me tremendously. You may also call the Al-Anon helpline and have a chat. I did it once and ended up talking to a very understanding lady who told me about meetings and also gave me some help in my particular situation at that time.
Alateen would be a good place to start. They often deal with kids not officially teenagers yet. Of course 12 nowadays is like 15 when we were kids - Kids learn and grow up faster. Your church pastor our youth minister is another good idea. A therapist would also be an option.
I was a little wary of anything through the church because it would not necessarily see the underlying problem in the alcoholism in the family. The commandment about honoring your parents has to be interpreted in the context of a parent who doesn't instill honor. If a counselor or youth minister doesn't understand what is happening they can cause even more anger in your child. That is why I suggest AlATeen. It is a program that is run for kids with the AlAnon principles.
Alateen for your child and al anon for you. You can find your local group on the internet.
People told me to go to al anon for years before i finally i am a completely different person than i even knew it was possible to be before al anon!
Thank you all for your comments. We are going to attend meetings this week. Although I am nervous about it I feel like this is what we need. I want what is best for my children and it may take us attending these meetings to get better.