Al-Anon Family Group

The material presented here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method to exchange information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal level.

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Veteran Member

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Posts: 46

Here is an outline of the agenda for the next Business Meeting.  Please leave any business you would like on the agenda for this meeting.


Agenda for June 3, 2012 Alanon Business Meeting

1.      Opening with Serenity Prayer

2.      Program

3.      Reading corrected of last meeting

4.      Acceptance of previous minutes

5.      Old business

a.      Tabled Motions

i.      Motion to

1)       ask new member to go to PM with one attempt.

2)      Make sure the new member is not in danger.

3)      Have gentle standard verbiage to explain procedures in meeting and PM

4)      Have a standard posting in the room to explain we will cover their questions in chat when the meeting is finished

                            ii.      Motion to elect Chairperson and Secretary for Business Meetings

b.      Other Old Business?

6.      New Business:


b.      Other New Business?

7.      Secretary reads back all motions and members confirm or correct.

8.      Motion to close the meeting.


Fina Of Nayarit

Veteran Member

Status: Offline
Posts: 46

I'd like to include a motion to consider these expressions as words regarding our policy for not interrupting the share of another, e.g., no interruptions during a share means anyting that interrupts the share.

Discussion is welcome.

Fina Of Nayarit

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 894

Smiley faces are part of our language in mip room, whether during meetings or chat. We miss the emoticons very much too.
LOL is a common chuckle with us.

If such a motion to eliminate them is made by anyone I will vote against it.



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1138

Getting rid of smiley faces, hugs, lol's during meetings is certainly unacceptable to me.
Please remember we are not in a face to face meeting where we can read the expressions on others faces as we talk, where we can see nods of understanding or relating, a smile or a laugh (lol) or smiley face when I have a lighthearted share and want to lighten up the room now and again, we need not be so serious all the time. And in a face 2 face meeting and i cry a bit with a share someone always puts their arm on my shoulder or around me to give me the strength to finish my share.
These are all things we are unable to do via the internet. So it is not in my opinion an interruption when anyone who puts any of those things up during my share.
Do you know what it tells me? It tells me people are listening to me, they all haven't gotten up and walked away from their computer an i am essentially talking to myself. Their responses tell me they understand what I was trying to convey and maybe once in a while I have touched someone else's life, or given them something to think about and if I am lucky lifted someones spirit.
I would suggest if you consider these things an interruption of your share then you ask at the beginning of your share that those in the room pls don't do that during your share and i know they will honor your request. But please don't try to take it away from the way we enjoy conducting our meetings
Thank you for your service!

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