The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
He has been ill for some time with a heart problem which has been caused by stress, over the past few months he has gone more and more down hill. He was up all last night, breathless, panicy & scared, saw his doc this lunchtime who, at long last after having him swallow all kinds of pills, has had him admitted for tests.
The disease is at the forefront, I lay the blame completely at that door.....I take my stress to al-anon, he has internalised more and more, especially since the death of our Ason.
I asked the other day for hugs & I want you to know they are now wrapped around me like a warm blanket.
Im stressed, tired, but relieved he's in the right place.
Ness...prayers for you and your husband!! Girl you are powerless and that is our reason and command to Let go and Let God...You are well informed on this and have passed it to many others...practice, practice, practice even in this moment. In return pray for us who pray for you along with your mate. I will add that I pray he will also let go and let God and then the stress will diminish.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Right now I am powerless, and furious, over other people places & things.
My husband was given the option of staying in & having electric shock therapy on his heart, or coming home on adjusted medication with the option of shock treatment in 6 weeks time.
He hated the hospital & is now on his way home.
The meds don't work..... he knows they don't work.....denial denial denial
I feel how I used to feel in dealing with my A son......
I have to let it go, there are higher powers than me at work, outcome unknown.
I must focus on myself. Detach.
But right now Im furious, Im reacting.
The outcome is not the one I wanted.....
I have 2 hours before he gets home to re-arrange my furious face into one of love, care & concern. 2 hours is no way long enough......grrrrrrrrrrrr.
I have to remember to say what I mean mean what I say and not say it mean. Huh!!
Apologies for the vent
-- Edited by Ness on Thursday 7th of June 2012 12:32:55 PM
Be gentle with yourself and take a really, really big deep breath
At times being Powerless is really, really hard. Remember to live in the day and in the moment. HP will give you the serenity , courage and wisdom to face today and the future.
(((Ness))) I wish life was easy.... It is all about choices. When they make a choice, all any of us can do, is to respect it. Even if in our hearts, we feel it is a bad decision. Sending you hope and peace.
Thinking of you, my support and prayers are with you. Please hang in there.
Have all your literature and Al Anon books close by.
Deep breathing and meditation will help. Even though you are in the middle of a tough spot, I hope you have time for yourself, please take good care of yourself.
Don't Worry About Growing Old, It Is A Privilege For Some Of Us.....