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I am pregnant with my third child and although I am physically well I am emotionally burnt. I can't believe I did - but I asked my husband to leave today. I just can't take the drinking, especially around my children. (both under 5) This obviously is not the 1st time but I have been hoping for his recovery and supporting him in every way I can think of. (when I have to work I set up sitters so he can go to meetings and then he cancels the sitters)
I feel guilty for asking him to leave although I know don't want my children to see him acting this way. He actually looked at me today with hatred. I love him but my love for my children is guiding my movements now.
You are not alone and are not crazy!!! I understand as do many who are here and who are attending al anon face to face meetings. Living with the disease of alcoholism is extremely painful and we can truly identify with your situation and your feelings. Please search out al anon face to face meetings in your community You will find them if you go to
You did not cause this disease, you cannot control it and cannot cure it. We who live with the disease need help in breaking the isolation, learning new tools to live by.
Welcome to MIP! You are not crazy and many of us have been where you are. There are some good books called Getting Them Sober that give good ideas about the choices we can make for ourselves and our children. Remember One Day at a Time.
Hi flannel and welcome to MIP! You are definitely not crazy. Please don't feel guilty for asking him to leave. You have two small children and another on the way. You need to take care of yourself and your children- You can't do that when you are emotionally burnt out. I'm sorry you have to deal with this, but I'm glad you found this site, it can be a big help. I invite you to read other posts here and learn all you can about alcoholism. Keep coming back! Sending you hugs and support.
I agree with Hot Rod, seek out as many meetings that you can attend and stick to this board for support, you will really need it at this time when your pregnant and most vulnerable.
Dont beat yourself up for the decisions you make, every day is different. You are entitled. We all are only doing the best we can in a difficult situation when it comes to dealing with this disease.
Best to you, hugs, Bettina
-- Edited by Bettina on Tuesday 5th of June 2012 01:17:53 PM