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Post Info TOPIC: Using Al Anon lessons to survive military training!

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Using Al Anon lessons to survive military training!

I ship off soon to basic training.  I've been through it before, but I am still starting to get nervous.  I'm reading other people's experiences and it got my mind spinning.  How will I deal with doing all these physical tasks on very little sleep?  What if my belongings get stolen?  What if my assigned battle buddy is a major loser and tries to fight me?  What i I make a mistake or mess something up?  What if I can't get through the gas chamber?  What if I feel so down and tired and worn out that I lose my positive attitude and want to quit?  Etc. etc.  I could do this all day, haha.  

So instead of worrying about things I can't control, I am trying to upload into my brain the things I can control- myself.  All the good stuff I have learned at Al Anon.

I will take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, one task at a time.  I will stay in the moment, focus on what I'm doing, and just do my best.

I will remember the big picture and why I am doing this.

I will remember to keep my HP in my daily life, and for me this means reciting Scripture in my head, reading the Bible when I have a chance, praying, and talking to my HP.

I will remember the people that inspire me- I will think of refugees who risked their lives to come to this country and would be grateful just for 3 hot meals a day and a warm bed.  I will think of my grandfather in WWII, and the many others before me who sacrificed so much more than I ever will, and gave up every human comfort to spend long, freezing cold days in foxholes under constant threat of death.  

I can remember how fortunate I am.  This is a great opportunity that not everyone has.  I do not have children or family or a relationship I will be missing.  Homesickness will not be an issue for me.  My belongings and my car will be safely stored.  I will be earning money and have all my needs provided for.

Ok, I'm still worried I won't be able to handle it and will crack under the pressure.  :)  But I am going to try very hard to stay positive and remember my Al Anon lessons.  Any other ideas to keep myself motivated are most welcome! 

And if anyone wants to write me at training, you can inbox me your address and I will write you when I have my mailing address!  I love letters!  (I leave the end of June and should have my training address early July.)


Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart

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'One hour at a time.'

Also when you are exhaused and on a long march/run.

'This too will pass'

Every good wish. T.H.


~*Service Worker*~

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I would be happy to be your pen pal. Try to focus on this one day and all you can do with it. Are you reading the daily readers? Great readings today. I am sending you much love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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I'd love to stay in touch! How long are you going to be in training?
Oh, all the what if's! I am trying so hard to NOT live my life with 'what if's. You'll do great! One day at a time, right!?

Struggling to find me......

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Thanks! Letters from the real world are the best and will help keep me grounded and focused! My training is for 10 weeks, so I will graduate and officially be a soldier in early September. I will have more training later in my bid to become an officer...but at this point I am not sure when or where (I have to pass an evaluation first.)


Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart

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Posts: 278

I remember learning to inhale my food, brush my teeth and put my boots on at the same time, and somehow have to "leave here and reappear there" in science fiction time frames.

I saw people try to sleep on the floor once their bed had passed inspection so they didn't hve to do it again. When they were caught.. their bed took a tumble down a few flights of stairs and had to be fixed up again...

Al lin the name of confirmity

You have a fantastic advantage that you know what to expect. You you have done it before and are prepared. Talk to those who will listen, the others... well.. they will learn thier way....

The lessons will be easier for you and you are smart enough to know not to try to sneak in a party or two, but take the sleep when and where you can get it.

You will be great!!!

A work in progress, always learning
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