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Anybody know anything about the anti-craving pill? My boyfriend and father of my 2 year old, has said that his mom has brought this up again. She has been bringing it up off and on for the last couple years about him trying this anti-craving medication for alcoholics. Supposedly it is suppose to take the cravings away for alcohol but it just seems all too good to be true. I keep my thoughts to myself but of course I want him to try it but will be surprised if he actually does go through with it. He made the call to his doctor and is supposedly waiting to hear back from them.
Just curious if anyone knew anything about this medication.
No it's not that kind of medication. He's very adamant about not taking the kind that makes you sick because there have been stories of bad things happening to people who abuse that medication and it just seems too dangerous so I know it's not that kind. This is suppose to be all in the brain is the way the doctor described it
My AH used both .... he learned to drink with both ... a little nasuea was small price to pay I guess... He just hated me at the time saying.. I could die on this and you dont care... Im thinking your killing yourself with alcohol and you dont care.. now it sits in cabnet... AA is more than just not drinking... its changing and helping a mind and way of living...... Course he does neither .. but I am better cuz I do this, Im the only one of us I can control !
..."expecting the world to treat you fairly because your a good person, is like expecting a bull to not attack you because your a vegetarian "
I do know about it - my AH took it last year. The one he took was called Naltrexone. In his case, he simply drank more to compensate for the fact that he wasn't feeling the effects right away. So needless to say, it didn't work.
After my AH basically lost his mind last summer and checked himself into rehab he volunatarily went on Antabuse, the one that makes you sick if you drink. I am not advocating any drug or or one drug vs. another, but he has been sober 9 months. I'm not saying it's due to the Antabuse - he is working a hard AA program, but it is another deterrent for him. To each his own - whatever works. The main thing to be learned from this is that these drugs can be tools but the person has to want sobriety in order to make them work to their advantage.