The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am thinking about me. Not how sad it is he is a miserable mess dying ever so slowly from his disease.
How it took everything from me. It's not so much the material stuff, as that is not important to me. I only want/need the basics. Good quality ones.
Was thinking how I am struggling so hard financially. Though about that the only reason I need a bit more is for dog food. hahahahahaha. So I am doing fine. As long as I have them, they are what I want, enjoy, keep me safe, make me laugh, kiss me when I cry. If I take one with me to somewhere, people come up and talk to me. I like that.
The things the disease took that hurt are the people I loved. BIL, best intimate friends, husbands. It took my support system, my nearest and dearest. My generation was so into drugs sadly.So many men died from that or are dying from that and not to mention how many were lost in the Viet Nam war. Women too of course. But there seem to be many more women who are surviving. I think it is because most stopped when they started to have kids.
I accept my aloneness most the time. However ten years is a long time. It was 2002 when things went funky with A. When the brain damage and the disease were very apparent and my life started to be torn up by shreads at a time.
Now here I am way up in the mountains. ONE neighbor who hates dogs. He is taking me to court as he says my dogs over bark. They absolutely do not. I would never allow that. It would make me crazy anyway.
I have been keeping a logue. I am not kidding. The most time ALL day is 7 min. Just off and on. Makes him mad when they bark when someone drives up, or walks by. That is their freaking job.,
Animal control guy was so nice. Told me to just plead not guilty then he has to prove they are over barking. Well he can't. Plus I have sooo many people who will share how well mannered my dogs are. Including the animal control guy. I gave it to HP. Just hate having to be in pain from the dang arthritis in my pelvis dring to court, sitting and driving back. It really hurts bad.
Next week I see my attorney about the people who destroyed my home. Over $40,000 of damage and theft. I just hate all this stuff. I just want to be up here in the quiet, go to my sunday meetings, have my Bible study, and work on being ok in my situation of lonliness for a human to live with.
I guess HP has decided for some reason that I need to be where I am at, with out a mate. Or maybe it is the "other one" trying to get me to break and go hang out at bars. haha. no thank you.
Don't like to come here when I am heavy hearted. But it is where I come. Gotta find some joy somewhere for at least a minute. Joy, or happy. does not mean I don't thoroughly appreciate what I have. My heart is heavy, just is.
Get to got to lunch with my two friends next week. they are very funny and we always do feel better. We all lost our mothers to breast cancer. One has been my friend for shoot 47 years, the other 33. Both are married of course. One still works the other is retired and keeps busy.Nice husbands, happy. I am the loser. yes pity pot time.
They both are always there for me.I would be there for them, have been emotionally. But other than that they have their mates.
My dogs are 11 I think? I am bad about keeping track. I think the younges is like 6? My cat is 13, the other is close to that. piggy is 12 or 13. When they are gone, guinea pigs gone. then what?
Its something we all face, this old age. Feeling all the pain and happy we have inside. Body changing in ways no one tells ya about. Not good either.
What then? I have had everything I wanted, dreamed for, everything I needed. Lost more than most, had more than most. But now what?
or then what. ok day at a time. I know if the disease had not taken all of it,my retirement would be much different. The one thing would be I could afford to go see my daughter and grandson more. go to guatamala and see Pineapple. Go to Africa and see Henschel.....I could just go carry a pack and live with some elephant troop with my one dog.Maybe meet a neat African guy who loves the earth and animals and God the creator like I do.
If I outlive my A I will have some money then. So I have to really think about what my priorties are. what do I want to do in this last season of my life. I am in my 60th year now. (59 +) my goal is 102. grama was 106. I know I want a grandchild girl. not sure of that happening. love my two boys.
I think about leaving this earth, but then know I want to make sure my animals I have now are ok. Then I would be ready. Did the disease do this to me? Or more did I allow it to do this to me? I mean ya fall in love with who you do. I still feel it inside me,way in there, the one he used to be. And I still very much love my first husband who died very drunk in a pedestrian accident.
I know I could love someone else too, now.
Thank you to whoever reads this. have a lump in my throat and about to cry.
oh a lighter note...
My Basset was having fun tossing something around, chasing it, all perky and funny. I thought he had a big piece of dog food....was a mouse head...gads.
Then last night there was something on my pillow when I went to bed. No not a mint. A grossbeak bird head...
The squirrel Stinker brought in got out the bathroom window. I know cuz everything was knocked off,screen pushed out.
Have big wild pigeons, grossbeak,morning doves, steller jays, humming birds, house finches, couple other little birds. A crow still wants to come down so badly. The pair of geese are back flying by my deck about ten feet out. so cool. squirrels are always cussing the dogs out.
One stellar is out front and just cackles like crazy till I go up and throw food up there...
Meth addicts or? undid my back fence. rrrrr everyone got out, got them back safe. Least now I know Yeti my Akbash/Great Pyr guard dog will come back when I call him out of the fence.
the night before he was going nuts, musta been at whoever it was. I thnk the meth jerks want my heavy metal fencing. they can get a lot for it. have six more payments on my gun but may pay a bit more to get it faster.
But Yeti is so great. My poor son came over, I let him in not thinking Yeti would do anything.. oops. he got his arm, just grabbed it though, but then went to bite his bum so i grabbed yeti and put him in!!! So we also now know he will protect me and his home no question. I don't even lock anything anymore. (c: He is all blubbery and loving with me.
Found a good home for the creator for this gals who is sick, her dog. sigh
Am calling people when I get just too lonley. I don't tell them. Just this dose of them perks me up> I love to listen.
Love my congregation and Bible study. (c: Of course the ones I have met and bonded with are married, with kids, jobs etc.
Its the beauty of the earth, and the people who I do have that keep me going. They don't know that though. Well my best bud in La.does.
so picture me with my huge African dog, with a walking stick, pack on walking along and living with the elephants,cooking edible wild stuff, taking naked baths, very fast, lol in beautiful places. I do not like alligators,they freak me out....
hugs, debilyn heres the latest pics of my animal family.I hope I have not sent them before.
The one Yeti and Kira got the sleeping bag I stupidly put out there after Piggy shredded then I put it under their bedding thinking they would not find it...duh so had to pick it up again. lol
ratface hurt his toe so that is his bandaid. I could not get anything else to work. He is very undernurished as you can see...
Humming birds still fly in and out or I have to pick them up and put them out. they are so cool. I love the one of the two in the woods. I made their area much much bigger so they have woods now.
Debilyn, You are just precious. As are your animals. So many of them are white--I think they are little angels, just like their Mama. I have a little bit of happy today. If I could break off a piece of it and give it to you, I'd be so very pleased to share. I always rush to read your posts. You're such a beautiful writer and you have wonderful experience and wisdom to share. I'd love to see you write and publish a book. I have a friend who is getting into online publishing, and when she gets it together better, I could put you in touch. I'd rather have a book, with pictures, that I could hold in my hand, however. You have a great heart and so many skills. I'm glad you posted. I hope you get a lot of feedback and that it lifts your spirits. Sometimes we just need to grieve. My friend told me if you are ever about to cry and don't want to, look up and you can't. She said it really works. I haven't gotten to test it out yet. Up there on your mountain, with your furry angels, there's no reason not to cry if you need to. God Bless, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Debilyn when I saw it was your post I opened and read it. I have read some wise things that you have written. I know the pain and God Bless Al-Anon for helping. But the pain still has to be borne. You just wrote something I loved
Its something we all face, this old age. Feeling all the pain and happy we have inside. Body changing in ways no one tells ya about. Not good either. What then? I have had everything I wanted, dreamed for, everything I needed. Lost more than most, had more than most. But now what?
Wow....that says it all. We're exactly the same age and going through exactly the same thing...substitute cats for dogs. My AH lives in my beautiful home and I rented a place to live. He says he still doesn't understand why I left....and I hope I can outlive him.
Actually, this week I joined up for online dating. Like you I have 2 longtime married friends. We used to all get together until the disease made it impossible. They never leave me alone for any big holiday, though.
Still, it's Sunday and like Karen Carpenter NEVER said "Rainy days and Sundays always get me down."
Stay strong -its amazing how many sisters you have out here.
Am I allowed to be jealous of your mountainous living? Because I am! (In a good way of course!) Your post was raw and about as honest as one could get. I really just want to bow down to ya, being a newbie and all. But it reminds me that life just is, all the ups and downs, we can only control ourselves and take care of our animals. (oh my god, they are so cute!)
I love the white rat...he has such a sweet expression.
Thanks for sharing, Debilyn.
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart
Debilyn you know I love you and your openness. What you said about planning a trip to Africa is so good - you're open to adventure and blessings in whatever form they come. You're inspiring. I hope today is easier, tomorrow easier yet, etc. Jill
Jill well I tell ya, I really want to go to Africa. We have a belief there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Sooo if I get to be here on the new earth...Africa watch out.
lol though now I seriously want to just go and hold babies and kids and reassure people. Help however I can. sigh
thank you for your words!
Dolly Llama, lol yea Ratface2. no names ever came to me. lol so we have Ratface and Ratface2. rescued from a feed store. both were pets before, both were in bad shape. Now they fill out their shapes and are so dang spoiled. thank you for liking his sweet face.
BuzzBuzz, lol yea it is true. usually I am ok. always have my serenity. I know I am rich compared to so many others. Just feels good to be able to come here and let the icky stuff out that does come sometimes from being human. I know I love to listen to others share. Have also learned that people are at their best, when they are raw from grieving or something that they just cannot fake thru.
lol cute. They are a good animal family. I am proud of them. Even those two new pups are learning soooo well. (c: they have soooo much to learn lol get off the....couch, bed counter out of garbage, dirty dishes, leave the pig alone leave the guina pigs alone, don't bring THAT in here!
GET back GET down. come here, go outside, no playing in the dog water bowl in the house! NOOOO don't pull on the curtains, bring that back here, get off me!!! lol lol My six dogs are all so mellow and sooo good. I was spoiled.
now i take in these two HUGE pups who someone just thru into their back yard and yelled at them. sigh.
thank you for reminding me of how we control us and have our critters...
Gail it was strange. I was feeling pretty well, about to go outside and put my chicken are up. I was checking the guinea pigs and my one baby was cold and dying NO reason. the hairless ones are not as hearty. My little Anne. It just hit me in the gut. So I plunged her in warm water and got her all warmed up. Then put her close to me till she passed.
Any death brings up the same pain. It's a hole in my heart that just does not heal up. Honestly I did not want to get another dog, but I NEED a guard dog. then he was so lonely out there, slept outside,drove my old dogs nuts wanting to play. Soooo I got Kira the timber wolf/malamute. perfect pair.
But I know when I get more animals, I take their death too. I am honestly too old to go thru animal deaths anymore. It can make me sick for a week. even when I do my best to keep going. Too many deaths in my life so I think the scare can never heal. Is never tough.
Today I feel lighter. Had a great Bible study so that is always nice. three of us get together and look up stuff. was neat.
thank you Gail. I always know I will lighten up. Sometimes we just really need others touch! (c:
Oh Alex isn't it weird? I need to write about this transition from nice smooth arms to this weird crepe paper stuff! lol and my skin so thin,even under my toes! lol and whoa wrinkes THERE???? lol I can find NO book that tells you what to expect. I mean all those old people we have seen all our lives, well we weren't them. not like we imagined turning into that!
And why is it everything gets skinny but our tummy????THAT'S what I went to know! lol geez. hugging you, we are in this together. I hope you outlive him too. Its a horrible way to think. But geez their disease took so darn much.grama told me men have to die first so we can get some lol Grampa told me, I think its time to turn in my wife and get a new one, NOW don't TELL grama. lol lol
Temple oh i will try the look up thing! couple nights ago I just did a couple sobbing things. five of my dogs sleep with me. It was late we were all asleep. My shi tzu poppy, the one I say has no brain, snuggles up and starts licking my arm. sigh. When I feel punky, I always cuddle wiht my pot bellied pig Dickens. not an easy thing to cuddle with them either, they are shaped pretty funny...anyway he is so sweet, doesn't gripe at me, just lets me lay myself across his neck and rest my heavy head on him.
I don't know what makes me not write another book. I think I told you my old computer ate my other one. rrrrr If I do it like I am writing to someone to share stuff I can do it. I want to always have real pictures of who or what I am talking about.
Did you ever read Gerald Durrell? OH he was sooo funny. I wanted to meet him so badly. then as soon as I got my computer, I looked him up, he had just died! I could not believe it. Raini my daughter said mom he really is gone! He was a true animal person, sorta like our dear passed crocodile hunter, just part of it all.
I don't see myself separate from animals, or the earth or plants or dirt. or the sky. the only thing I feel separate from is people. Isn't that weird? Its sorta like humans want something from you, expect, can be critical,want to tell you what to do, I cannot give my all to anyone. Did to my ex AH, not sorry. but look its gone.
Well I am no angel that is for sure. lol thanks for saying so. sigh. thank you you did make me feel better and you made me think.
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
No, Debilyn, I never did read Gerald Durrell. I'll have to look him up. You are extraordinary. And you don't know that, because you've been with you so long. Grins. I know what you mean about feeling connected to the earth and it's creatures. Mankind, not so much. Love you, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Debilyn, I don't know what to say...only that I hope you feel happier soon.
You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give. Eleanor Roosevelt
My dogs are my life and my little old cat too. I am so glad you continue to make a home for them. I get comments about my dogs all the time. One of my dogs is fat. I have learned to let it all wash right over me.
So few people are animal lovers. I have a supervisor who threw her pet parrot out of the window and said she was glad about it. I always had problems with her. Now I can barely speak to her.
I don't know why I am alone. I know that I am not that great about picking suitable mates and I am happy to be aware of it. Getting someone to help me is no longer a priority for me.
I wish I could live far away from the madness of urban life. At some point I hope to do that.
thank you bargee, believe me just your response is wonderful!
Temple thank you for "getting it" that was a huge revelation to me. The connection thing. You helped me find that!
Marisie, Yes we are sisters when it comes to animals. Ok I already HATE what that woman did!! hopefully since there are groups of pet birds who have gotten out or thrown out...rrrr who are thriving in Ca.
Here if they get out they are crow or raven food.
I would not talk to her either. How cruel. Heck marisie you are tiny. who cares if our dogs or whoever are fat. Mine are all free fed and sorta round. I like them that way. My grama was round and she lived to 106 and my dogs always way outlive most.
Next time just say, oh? are you afraid it will take up some of your space?
How dare they say anything anyway. No one would dare say anything about my kids. lol
thanks for the giggle dear. I am better. You all perked me up.
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."