The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Pretty much since the beginning of April life has been leading me around by the nose. This is the first weekend I have refocused myself and really made it about what kind of fun can be had in our little town.
Yesterday, we spent about 2 hours in the late afternoon at the park. Had a great time, .. after the kids played for a long time we took a long leisurely walk by the lake and watched the ducks. There were some beautiful sail boats on the water.
Today my son was up early (6 am early .. oi) so he decided he was coming to the open AA meeting with me .. he's very quiet, had his DS I don't think he listened to anything anyone really had to say. In fact had he actually been paying attention I would have heard mommy, that guy said the "A" word. LOL! It was a fantastic meeting, .. I'm sooo glad I went this am .. it was a wonderful way to start the day.
From there we went home picked up my daughter and went to go flying .. yup .. my kids went on a 4 seater plane. My son has never been on a plane and my daughter doesn't remember I don't think actually being on a big jet. I figured this was a good induction into if flying would be something my son could handle or not .. they both had an amazing time! There is a program in town called Young Eagles and they offer flights to kids and today was the day. I'm sooooooooo glad we went. This is something my son will talk about for weeks! For him this was as good as fishing and that's saying something!
Tomorrow we had planned on hiking .. however .. as hot as it was today I want to sleep in tomorrow and so I think we will be hitting the pool at the Y. They will both enjoy that better than sweltering in the hot sun.
It has just been a lot of fun today and I'm so glad I was present and had presence of mind to enjoy this time with them. It is so fleeting. There are other things I could have been doing .. could have been worried about .. the reality is .. I am soooo grateful that because of Alanon and the program of AA for opening my eyes to the fact that life is out there waiting to be lived!
Thanks for letting me share, hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart
I am noticing the more meetings I attend, the gratitude that I have is growing, and I am seeing everything in a new light. I notice more cute little things about my kids, and I see more beauty outside when driving around and playing at the park with my daughter.
It really is amazing how this program works...little by little, one day at a time.
I am glad to see a positive post today. I have the Cherokee word for "warrior" tattooed on my forearm. I remembered today why I got it in the first place: A warrior is not someone who is unafraid. A warrior is someone who is afraid but pushes on ahead anyway. And often times on the other end of that attempt comes peace and much less fear.
Hope your tomorrow is as uplifting.
"Everything that has ever happened to us is there to make us stronger." - John Trudell
Wowza, sounds awesome. It's nice to be rid of the ol' "ball and chain" and I'm referring to ourselves! When we can finally free ourselves from ourselves, for the minute, the hour, the day. I'm glad yours was beautiful and liberating and downright FUN!