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So my AH is still sober and doing well -starting to breathe a sigh of relif and we get call that AD is intoxicated and we need to take in her 3 month old. Yes, could be a blessing in disguise, but right now she is allowed no contact-baby was not abused or neglected-the charge was endangerment because she was drunk. There were other sober adults around.Not trying to minimize her problem but it seems over the top. Anyone have a similar experience? She says she is going to get help-she is in a custody battle with the purported father-he is the one who called the police in. He is no prize either.
Sounds like a blessing for the baby for sure. I have learned from several years of dealing with a "sick" child (mentally ill 13 year old) that my perception of what is normal, is skewed. A 3 month old needs constant care and attention and someone who is paying attention. While they may not have given the charges of neglect or abuse, it's quite possible they could have found mom passed out cold, drunken, baby in the crib with a messy diaper, screaming her head off. This may also not be the first time law enforcement was involved.
I can't say I think the reaction seems over the top. But I can say anytime a child is spared some time away from 'crazy town' is a blessing. Who knows, maybe mom will realize the seriousness of her issue, she lost her child to it. In my book, that's another potential blessing.
No that was the first time police were involved, CPS has been called 3 times by father and was unfounded-the baby was clean, healthy and happy as were the living quaters-Mom and her sober bf were sitting on the porch-she HAD been drinking and does have a problem, but the baby was not in danger-I was actually on the other end of the phone and had conversations with CPS that confirm this. Not trying to minimize and The blessing is she is going for help.
Over the top-a no contact order for over a month-why not supervised?
It sounds as if there's a disparity between what you've seen and what CPS has seen. People with addictions are not able to control them -- that's the very definition of addiction -- so a bad situation with the baby present would not be an unexpected event. I wonder if you can talk to CPS or to someone knowledgeable about the case, or if there are records that would let you know what they're basing their decision on. Regardless of what's been happening, alcoholism is progressive and unless she enters recovery and sticks with it, the prospects for the baby are not good. So I'm very glad something is starting to happen now. I hope you can learn all you can about alcoholism and the specifics here. Do you have a meeting? Sending you best wishes for strength.
CPS and I were in agreement-it was the police that went over the top and charged her-CPS had no choice but to place the baby (with us). I am not new to any of this lived 36 with my AH (over 50% when he was active). WEnt thru this also during my daughtes teenage years (she had been molested and we didn't know it). Have been through programs and rehabs and readings. Guess I posted, because I'm overwhelmed with caring for a newborn and hoping there is an end in sight. I love my granddaughter, but wasn't ready for this.