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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My AF's ex wife who is on the East Coast started really getting worried about their son. I hadn't spoken to my AF the entire week he was gone, but she talked to him yesterday and he still hadn't found his son. She basically begged me to drive up to Venice Beach and help my AF find him. It was good that we did, we filed a police report and then talked to a ton of people down there. This old preacher man, black guy with gold teeth, nicest guy in the world prayed with us and then told us that our prayers will be answered by 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So, here I am sober and with my drunk crying AF. And at 345 pm, we found his son. I was blown away and so happy to see him. So, his mother wanted me to bring him back and either get him back to his home (He was diagnosed with schizophrenia) or keep him here until she can make arrangements to get him to her on the East Coast. But, of course, I couldn't bring the son back and leave my AF there. So, here we sit. Everyone is here at home. AF is drinking, being super loving and sweet one minute and then being a jerk the next saying stuff like, "Do you have any idea what I have been through?" Not buying that one, he put everyone else through this, we have been through it, he caused it. So, now I don't know what to do. He is drinking, listening to music, and my kids will be home in a few hours. I was suppossed to be at work today, but called in. I guess I need to go to a meeting? I love how his disease is trying to make me feel guilty about asking him to figure out where he is going to go. I really want peace and honestly I had a week of peace and quiet and I liked it. Now he is drunk. It wouldn't be so horrible if he just decided to get sober, but he wants to continue the pity party for himself, because he lost his son. He started drinking before he lost him. It's all crap. Thanks for listening.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
(((Katfshh)))...Wow what a journey including having an agent of HP there to serve you with faith and trust in HP practice.
Yeppers this reads exactly like an alcoholism story...exactly and so there is no need to react to it. You done good...very good for your part and HP was (is) with you and everyone else.
Coming here to family and going to a meeting (family) is solid self support. Sharing this event with us and others is giving recovery away to those who need it. I need it because it affirms what I need to keep practicing...the trust and the faith and the awareness that "God Is" where we aren't. I had some of my event yesterday which included a phone call to an attorney who supposed to be in recovery. When the call was done. The call was my part in the matter; I had to ask my Higher Power..."What the hell was that"? and then say "Okay you got it back...all of it".
The self centeredness of this disease or self centeredness alone is just mind boggling.
On a hopeful note I heard on the business news yesterday that Coors earning were flat...not going maybe the entire liquor industry alcohol will "go flat"....LOL...just a bit of Hawaiian sarcasm and my own spite.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thanks! Yes, that statement that we would find his son by 4 o'clock made me giggle, but when it happend, and so closely to that time it was solid proof to me that everything will be OK. I still find myself trying to convince AF to stop drinking, and then he would say something a little nasty to me and I realized that I need to shut up. So, I'm doing ok. I'm trying not to threaten or give advice or anything. I'm just here. Although, he is trying to get me to beg him to stay. He keeps talking about his plan to leave and head south. Whatever...Go! That's what I want to say. But, I am not. (I don't want him to go, I want him to get sober!But, trying to bite my tongue on that one.) Oh he has a Wed night men's meeting that he goes to every wed night. Except he didn't go last Wed, because he was drinking. So, I asked him if he going tonight. He said, "Hum..that would be interesting." Oh, and he is now drinking my wine! He hates wine. And it's mine for me and if I ever have a guest over that I can offer wine. But, now he is drinking my good Cabernet right out of the bottle. Ick. I am just trying to stay busy and focus any attention away from him. It is hard though! It is so hard not to get sucked in. When I walk to another room he says, "Come here, come sit by me."
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
He just tricked me again! He asked me what he should do, because he said he can't make the decision. So I told him to get sober. Then guess what? He said he will when he is ready. OMG! Seriously. I need to put tape over my mouth.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
Use the tape if necessary and unconditional acceptance of both yourself and himself. You're doing didn't get tricked because it is only a reminder of the need to practice something different which works out better for your mind, body, spirit and emotions. You quit the game and are not playing in it. You can leave the stadium and him on the field with your bottle of wine. LOL that reminded me of one of my favorite aunts who found my special hidden (and not too well) bottle of "Pinch" one Christmas. She was too drunk and wobbly and dropped the bottle on the floor where it broke all over the place. She was sooo imbarassed and contrite and I was trying to hide that livid purple color under my face. It would take 17 more years for me to discount alcohol in my own life...stop drinking and eventually go thru the doors of AA where I would become a double. I owe the guiding light and permission to use everything available to gain and maintain my recovery to Al-Anon.
I love how HP let you know he had it covered. Take care of yourself and the kids. Your awareness is great and you sound like you know what you want that is half the battle. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I don't see telling him to get sober as being a wrong thing, really, it is what you want him to do, maybe he'll get tired of hearing it and either do it, or leave, either way works better for you than having him sitting there drinking/drunk.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Thanks again everyone! I am doing my best at staying strong. This is a process. Yesterday he told me he would get sober tomorrow. It's tomorrow. This morning he asked me to drive him to the store to get more alcohol. I said No. He pouted, got mad and left on foot. I told him I would take him to detox, but not the store. He said he isn't ready. So, he is somewhere walking on foot or bus or whatever. I just hope he stays elsewhere. He stinks like booze and it's gross, and as much as I love him sober, I hate him drunk, and cannot see myself doing this over and over for the rest of my life. I need to figure out what to do from here. But, thank you everyone. You all get it, and my friends in real life don't. This place is giving me strength! Thank you.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
I went through years of endless crises, chaos, begging, reconciliation and got completely ground down into the pit because of it.
I crawled here and found a lot of solace. Indeed I often though having the ex A home was the one way I could not be devastated with worry, obession and fear.
No one here is going to tell you what to do or judge you. I know I lost plenty of days over an alcoholic's actions. I also know that today that isnt an option for me anymore and it didn't happen overnight.
I could get hooked into the ex a's drama in a second. Nowadays I am no longer in contact with him. For me needed to be needed was so key. There was also an element in the drama I hooked into because I had low self worth and only felt worthwhile when I was out solving the great mysteries that surround an alcoholic.
Nowadays I can't say I am completely immune but I have pretty tempered eyes. I know an alcoholic will behave like one. I expect them to. I limit my involvement but first I had to get uninvolved and that didn't happen overnight either.