The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have heard of and see so many people who visit and use the boards. It is wonderful to have this, isn't it?! A Huge Thanks to John who started this and to ALL who contribute their service and their Experience, Strength & Hope (ESH)!
I at one time moved from Metropolitan to very rural! Talk about culture shock! During that time, my ex AH developed his problem. The nearest Al-Anon meeting for me was 40 miles ones way, once a week. I also now had extreme and harsh weather conditions to contend with. IF I couldn't attend a meeting, which was often....I suffered in silence. A small community to "outsiders" is not a safe place. Jobs were a minimum, my hours at the hospital were evening...further making attending meetings rough along with ex hubs 24 hr duty. This is before computer.
How fortunate for those who come here! I just read someone mentioning she couldn't attend her weekly meeting, so she is glad to be able to come to the boards....which IS Great!
If you are within a reasonable time zone, ie Hawaii would be attend an on line meeting! They operate the same way...exactly as a F2F meeting! We deal with the Steps, Topics and Traditions of Al Anon. There is always open chat after meeting. The only thing missing is the actual hugs, and seeing people, their expressions etc. However, it really does work and IS Inspiring! I've seen Many come in working through crisis, and receive enough from meeting to consider other ways of coping, looking at things and be encouraged. Even more, we can see the growth in one another. Ettiquite is precisely the same. No interuptions, attention is on the sharer. You can share, or not. Entirely up to you.
While this site works on the continuity of meetings and their regularly sheduled times, please stop in. We'd love to have you! Warmest Regards.