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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I can't go to a f2f today. I know I need it badly. My daughter has my car. I am being obsessive right now. AF and I are on the same cell phone plan. I have the family locator on the plan, so I can locate him as well. I have been sitting in front of the computer watching everywhere he goes. He hasn't been home since Tuesday. He has been in Venice Beach all weekend. He somehow lost his 20 year old son. His ex wife text me, she is freaking out, she is on the East Coast, we are on the West. His son was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. Anyway, I guess they got separated, and God only knows why they haven't found each other. But, my AF doesn't seem to be to worried. He promised his ex wife he would find their son and get him back home. WTH? Is this like a looney tunes cartoon or what? I will not get involved. I will not get involved... I keep telling myself. I want to call my AF and yell at him and ask him what the hell is he thinking. I don't understand at this point what he is doing for money. I have access to both his accounts and they are both negative. He has one credit card on it and it can't have more than 500 available, which he has to have used by now. I am worried about his son. I am feeling so helpless and it is freaking me out. I keep praying. It's the only thing getting me through this. Also, I just KNOW at some point he will expect me to get him from wherever he got himself stuck. He will promise to stop drinking and I will feel badly that he and his son are stuck several hours from home. They took a bus and train to that area. I want to remain strong. I always run to him when he starts being remorseful. I want him to see that won't always happen. If I do it again this time, he will continue to think I will bail him out. Three years ago, I flew across the country to help him. Then last year I did the same thing, but locally. Help keep me focused on denying to rescue him.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
Hi there, I am glad you came here and posted. I know you know what you want to do, make a plan and follow through. Do you have Al-anon friends you can call or a sponsor? Do you have the book "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews? It was a great read that got me through many nights. I am sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I guess the question is: are you powerless over other people's craziness? Essentially, yes. We can step in and try to change the course of things, at great cost to ourselves, but can we ultimately make them more responsible? Not unless they're little kids. And treating grown-ups like little kids has its own problems.
But can we control our own feelings about their choices? I suggest the first step might be to stop watching your AF and his son on the computer. If they want you to rescue them, they know how to get a hold of you, I'd guess. And checking his bank accounts isn't helping him out, it's just driving you crazy.
I was convinced my AH had no idea how to handle his life. He goes through in a shambles. I knew that if I stopped intervening, he'd be living under a bridge within six months. When we separated, I almost started counting the days. It's now years later, his life is still a shambles, and yet somehow he keeps on going. He's not under a bridge. When they're left to their own devices, they're a lot more capable than they look. They may not do things the way we'd choose to do them, but they get by.
As the saying goes, "He's going to do what he's going to do, what are you going to do?" What could you do today that would make your life more joyful? My experience is that those things make the real difference.
I just finished the 2nd volume of Getting Them Sober. I had read the 1st volume last year. I just downloaded Vol 3 on my kindle. I am doing what I can do to keep myself sane. Yesterday I got a pedicure, went to the pool and then rented a movie with one of my girlfriends. I was doing pretty well, but because I got the call that his ex was really worried about their son and wanted to know if I knew anything, I got sucked back in. Now I am worrying and obsessing. A year ago I would have been in my car and I would have found them. I haven't even attempted to contact my AF myself, not at all. So, for me this is HUGE progress. It really is.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~
IIt sounds like you are practicing great self care. Ever watch the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" that movie got me through many nights and gave me hope. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I'm so glad you are watching yourself go through this. I know whenever I rescued the ex A from whatever situation I felt like I was needed. I think that was about the closest we got to love. He needed me, I was wanted and I could delude myself he cared about me. Of course since he's lost in his disease he doesn't care about anything because he's completely gripped by his disease.
For those of us around alcoholism its like witnessing a tornado all the time. There is a whirlwind of craziness and we can get caught up in it at a moments notice. But what happens is that we get mesmerized by it.
Its normal to worry. The thing is around an alcoholic there is going to be trouble. When the ex A didn't pay his storage he had given them my number to call if something happened. This was really a paradox for me because at that time we were separated. They absolutely count on us to step in and do whatever. When we don't is maybe when they start getting the message they are responsible.
I can imagine what it is to get those kind of calls. I've got plenty of them. I live around alcohlolic there are crises every day. These days I don't step up. These days I'm not the person who rushes in and makes it all better. And not doing that is so so hard at first because my whole identity was based around that. Now for me it means I am not chronically and physically exhausted 24/7
I'm so glad you are here and posting about what it is to not rush in. That will help someone else see that there is a choice involved.