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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
ABF and I were going to purchase a home in another state and move there. I put up my protion of the money while we were there and he was to put up his when we got back home...long story short...he NEVER did and I lost all my money and the house.
He went to rehab for 30 days...has been home for 2 weeks...he has not contributed to the household in well over 3 months...End result: I received an eviction notice today. I have absolutley NO bank account is over drawn 159$...have only 1/2 tank of gas to go to work next week...that will only take up to Wednesday, to work, NOT home. He has NO gas in his vehicle to get to work....
He HAS money that could get us out if this NIGHTMARE! But for whatever reason REFUSES to get it. He keeps telling me day after day after day, that his money is in a savings account under both his and his moms name and that it requires both signatures for him to get any. OK I get the fact that his mom is sick and doesnt feel good, but at some point you have to say " Look MOM, I need to pay my way at my girlfriends house, I need my money"! Every single day , he tells me he's going to go pick up his mom ( in my vechile by the way) and he NEVER does!
I have NEVER been in this position. I'm going to be homeless in a matter of days! I have no family here and my family abraod has already helped all they can...what the heck am I going to do.
I have been trying to let go and let God, I have tried praying, I have tried borrowing, I have tried working overtime, I can NOT do this alone. I need his help so desperately! I am so hurt...when he asked for help and asked me to take him to rehab I did it...almost instantly...I didn't hem haw around and make excuses why I couldn't. His life depended on it! I did it!
I am feeling so incredibly depressed once again that I feel myself feeling suicidal all over again...what other answer is there? I don't have any options left...please someone give me something good to think about and perhaps some answewrs...please, I know you can't give advice, but I'm desperate!
Alcoholics are effectively insane. When I took that on board, the inexplicable became more understandable.
Say your boyfriend had suddenly been hit by a car and taken in a coma to a far-away hospital. Or abducted by aliens. I would think the best thing to do is whatever you would do if that had happened.
It is very dangerous whenever our solvency, happiness, and even life is dependent on one other person, I mean one person apart from ourselves. The religiously-minded would say that that's making that person your Higher Power. And of course no one on earth can be a Higher Power. But it's also giving them power that we need to keep for ourselves. Many of us (maybe all of us) have done it at one time or another.
But clearly your boyfriend is in the grip of alcoholic insanity. And the truth of that is that the majority of people never come out of it permanently, and if they do, it's on their own time. We need to make our lives peaceful and stable whether or not they emerge from their insanity. And that is very, very possible.
You have logistics to cope with and also the emotional impact to deal with. For the emotional impact (which we shouldn't underestimate), Al-Anon meetings are a lifesaver. I hope you can find one today. Some people start with 90 meetings in 90 days. They say to go to six different ones before you decide, because they're all so different. Those people have been in your shoes, and they'll know exactly what you're going through.
For the logistical issues, please do not despair. If you're like many of us, you will look back at this as your "bottom," the time that your life turned around and finally started to head toward real recovery and peace. I don't know what resources exist in your community to tide you over till your next paycheck (friends with sofas? emergency grants from churches? homeless shelters?) or whether you could quit your job and go back to your family. But you can get through this. There will be lots of wisdom here and at meeings. Please use these resources all you can and take good care of yourself. Hugs.
I like Mattie's ESH! Wow your post is a lot to handle! A's are known for their lies, manipulations and just irrational behavior. I hope you can get to face to face Al-anon meetings, help could be there in so many forms and locally. My exAH drinks all the time, but misses the occasional house payment, but I got out before it involved me losing a place to live for me and my girls. At this point I have no advice, except take care of yourself and tell everyone including his Mom what is going on and get the help you need soon, before you are homeless! Take care of yourself and keep us updated please! Sending you prayers, love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I wanted to go to a meetig tonight, but again no money for gas to get there.
I see that all of this is in sane! And perhaps I am hitting my bottom, becasue I just don't think I can do this. I know that it is possible, but I'm tored. when my own life is in jeapardy and is in the hands of someone who cant take care of himself, I need to take control of me and mine.
<<< this is all I have done for weeks now...bow my head and shake it in disbelief...I don't want to do that anymore.
Aloha Betty...okay the solution is reaching out to others like you've done here and asking "can you please help me"? That worked for me tho it was something I never did until learning it in Al-Anon. You can reach beyond the program also to the non-profits in your area that feed and shelter and even provide funds for gas and rent and book has the telephone numbers you gotta let your fingers do the walking. You have a wider circle of support than just him and therefore greater hope for it. I believe we all know what over-drawn is both financially and mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Reach out.
Suicide was a probable "solution" for me also and I was blessed in the fellowship with questions such as how does making it worse make it better? Couldn't understand that question right off...kept going to meetings and as I continued to attend the Family Groups my life changed and that is where I came to understand the difference between a successful suicide and a failed one. For me there is such a thing and I'm living the successful one. The failed one is the one where I end my life and the successful one is the one where I change or end how I've been living it. Don't miss the miracles; they are in progress right now.
I remember being at the point where I felt my ex-A had completely ruined my life. He put my house in foreclosure, ran up all my bills...alienated me from family. That is what they do. They don't do it on purpose per say, it's just something a sick alcoholic does...that is often how they muddle through life. They seem sincere and they often mean well in what they say, but they use people and leave a trail of wreckage behind them wherever they go.
I would hit an alanon meeting and search for a sponsor ASAP. To start living in the solution to this situation, you have to break up the problem into smaller manageable tasks.
Prayers are with you. You will get through this....but not by expecting a sick alcoholic to suddenly start acting like a responsible adult.
I am going to my regular Sat. morning meeting. I plan on asking for help seeking a sponsor, not how to do that other than just ask out right.
All that you have said makes sense and Yes I know that suicide would only make things worse, for my dauighter. I don't ever want to do that, its' just so overwelming at times and seems as the only do-able solution.
I believe I am getting to the point where I need to say I'm done...I can't live with an alcholic (active or not) in my life, in my home, in my presence, when I actually have a choice! I choose me! I choose peace! I choose serenity!