The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am Still Survivin this Crazy World & Sometimes even have moments I Feel like I "Strivin", So I Suppose I am On the Correct Road Currently... I Still make my Meetings as Often as I can, Hope to make one tonight ;) Yea know Going to the my F2F Meetings & Seeing the Faces of "New Comers" Really Helps me in my Recovery.. It Humbles Me to Know just how far I have Come in this Program with the Help of All Of You & the Ones in my home Groups... And it does my Heart Good to See and Watch the Growth in them as Well...
Had Someone ever Told me when I was a Teenager & Into all the Trouble I was, that At Some Point, My Alcoholism, Or my Family's Alcoholism was going to be One of the Best things that ever happened in my LIfe, I would have thought the World a Crazy Insane Place... Thank God above its Not Me making it happen but my HP... & All of You!
Before this Program.. I Felt like the World was Sittin on my SHoulders & Every Relationship I had was Testing My Next one, Like I had to "Control" all aspects of it in order for it to work... And I Couldn't have More then ONE True Friend at a Time because in my Mind I was Unfaithful to them if I Considered Even the Pressents of another Friend... Boy am I Grateful that is No Longer the Case...And I an Now FREE To BE ME!
There are Weeks that I am With a differant friend Every Day... Weather by Phone, or dinner, or Lunch or hanging out... And i Don't have to "Work" on them, they just happen... I have Met Honest, Loving, caring indiviuals that I don't have to Impress, I don't have to Jump in and Save, But I can Be a Good Listener and that makes me feel So Much Better then the Over Barring Nutso I was Before I Got here just over 3 years ago...
Just Seeing the Love Of My HP Everyday! Feeling HP's Presents in my Life Everyday, has Truly Turned My Recovery into a Thing of Beauty instead of Dispare trying to find a Way to Survive the Next "Worst" thing... This is Def. a lot Nicer place to be! And i got Here Soley by Al-Anon & My HP & the Friends I Now Know as Family!
I have got out of the Habit of Telling God How Big My Storm is! And Got Into the Habit of Thanking HP for All the Blessings Big & Small... No I Don't Like the Fact that this Disease robbed me of Many Years with my Afather before he Past... But... I now know that regardless of Where My Past was, its Over... My Father may not be of this world anymore, but he will Always be with me... His Picture sits by my Bed Side Everynight, & Everynight he gets his Kiss Good NIght, & his Thanks For allowing Me Life...And I didn't have that respect till he was Gone... But I know he Recieves it...
I have So Many that Has Past, Not just by this Disease, but Cancer as well... I Miss them terrible, but I know that they still Watch over me! I know that They Loved me the Best they Could while they were here, and I did the Same in return to them... I Am Grateful for the Lessons that they have taught me & the Strength they Showed in Life...
Im So Grateful to have Found Al-Anon at just the moment in my Life that I was Willing to Make the Transition from "Poor Me & My Woo's" to Thank You for the Blessings that I Now Can See, that were there all along, I was just to Clouded to See in all the Fog... What a Wonderful Program, What a Wonderful Program Family I have been Blessed with...
I'm So Very Grateful to rid myself of the Bitterness of the Past, it wasn't all bad, but the bitter took longer to Release for me then the other emotions... Once I Realized I"m NOT the Victim...I'm as Blessed as the Next Person, Just had to remove the tinted Glasses to See...
I may be the Product of My Raise, However... I Have Grown Up MORE in Al-Anon then the first 35 years I tried to Do it alone! So I Am... And Always Will be! A Very Grateful Al-Anon Member...
That Misses Hearing from you All... So Grateful to Pop in and See you are All still Here ...
Love Hugs & Prayers to Each of you
My Prayers are with you all... New & Old... & Trust me when I say... 'IT WORKS WHEN YOU WORK IT.... AND YOUR WORTH IT!"
Just Seeing the Love Of My HP Everyday! Feeling HP's Presents in my Life Everyday, has Truly Turned My Recovery into a Thing of Beauty instead of Dispare trying to find a Way to Survive the Next "Worst" thing... This is Def. a lot Nicer place to be! And i got Here Soley by Al-Anon & My HP & the Friends I Now Know as Family!
I'm So Very Grateful to rid myself of the Bitterness of the Past, it wasn't all bad, but the bitter took longer to Release for me then the other emotions... Once I Realized I"m NOT the Victim...I'm as Blessed as the Next Person, Just had to remove the tinted Glasses to See...
Hi Jozie
Always so very pleased to see your postings when you "Pop" in. Loved the above quote and do so agree.
Al Anon, the tools and the people have all enabld me to grow up into the person I wnated to be and did not know how to get there.
I also can feel absolutely magnetized by troubles. There are still times when I feel full to the brim of resentment. I have to do plenty of plan be's around them.
I do allow more people in my life these days on life's terms rather than mine.