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Post Info TOPIC: new to alanon online...need help


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new to alanon online...need help

well...I started going to alanon a couple of months ago..real meetings... I found out I was pregnant,and stopped my own social drinking.I found out that my boyfriend cant stop his evening stress relief...drinking until he passes out...

And it brought up the memories of my childhood,and the drinking environment I was raised in. Depressed and unable to drink and escape,and fearful of my child growing up in such an environment. I attended alanon.Maybe 7 meetings in total.But with the pregnancy and wanting to be more isolated and taking care of my dog,I have stopped going.Online seems great,though I know it probably is unable to be as good. After so many times telling my bf that I need him to pull back and reign himself in...I realise how futile it is.I scare him,he pulls the reigns in a little,and then there is always a mental excuse for him to make,to let himself go....and go to that place of no return.I sit,alone,extremely stressed....remembering all the good intentions my parents had...remembering my stepmothers promising career,after a great education,remembering the hopes we had as a family...remembering the birth of my sister. was all destroyed distorted and eventually took my stepmothers life at the tender age of 42.

I try rack my brain,to understand why? Why did everything have to swirl down into an expensive glass of whiskey. How I loved her...she wasn't perfect,she was a menacing witch sometimes,but always,the drink....made them parents....maybe they should make a rule...that if parents are going to drink so much,kids should too....of course thats why as soon as children from homes with drinking start wiping themselves out with drugs or alcohol as soon as they can. Its just TOO be around someone drinking so heavily,when you have to be sober. A torture I grew up in,and now...endure,with my child in tow.

Adults always have an excuse why they drink.Why children don't have responsability,so therefore. But its not easy to be a child either.Its not easy to be anything in this world....developing and growing is hard and u r so vulnerable and needy. I'm scared when she is born,I will drink.  I am scared...that I can't stop him. I can't see him stopping,and I know how powerful an escape and stress reliever alcohol is in the world. Even AFTER my stepmother died of drinking,my dad held DRINKS for her wake.And drank like crazy for years...until he finally got into aa,for which he attributes my influence...I've worked so hard at my own recovery,and helping him and my poor sister. And now HERE..I am...with this bastard. And theres MORE I have to do? To help MORE afflicted least when I just drank along side him.....but now... I'm back. Back to being the responsable influence,getting shat on,and wondering when I'll get the thanks I deserve. I know from experience...that u don't.You just get loved,for doing the right thing...and sometimes..even after your death,people still crap on u.Family,others.... I've seen it the good souls..the ones who take the higher ground. It futile..So pointless,so thankless...

ALways,I wanted to inspire my sister,and my father,to want more.Than a life of drink and death.I did...but what a heavy burden...and now I'm here...and

I don't want to be that strong one.I want to be weak.I want to fall over like them.

But,in writing this..I realise...we are all weak,and we are all strong...and that everyone just does the best they can.My stepmum did,my dad,even my bf....and then myself. We all try so hard. I forgive them...because I know,they have shown strong you need to be and how hard things can be,and that u really need to keep it all together.For the little ones. Life isnt easy...But I need to forgive,and learn from everyones mistakes,and believe my little girl can be great. I forgive myself too. Thanks for listening.


~*Service Worker*~

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Hello leel and welcome to our family, and congratulations on your pregnancy, thankyou also for posting here today and sharing your thoughts, you speak with clear insight and clarity and your right we all do the very best, we think we can at the time, I think it's fantastic that you are becoming a parent with so much knowledge of what you have been through and dealt with, please keep coming back and sharing your thoughts and feelings and please try and get yourself into the rooms of alanon to break the isolation, I used to feel very sorry for myself never ever meeting or knowing my own father, life was tough at time's growing up and I felt everyone had a better life than us, a little older and wiser now oh ok alot older lol it was what it was, i don't think we were the minority at all, I think alanon faces the aftermath of living with alchoholics head on, much love x




~*Service Worker*~

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Hi leel, glad to see you here.

Ya know your examples have all been pretty strong in using. It's no wonder you tend to want to go that way and wonder if you will once baby is born.

You know you can choose not to go that way. We can work at and be happy too doing what we believe is right and how we want it to be.

For one thing your hormones will change and you will think different about your baby and child after she is born. That is just natural. Feelings towards a mate do too. Hormones again. Maybe you will decide and use those feelings to strike out to make a change in the direction you want to go.

When we proactively take the reigns and go a direction we choose, we feel so empowered and good. Even now you could start a notebook and make lists of what you want. Maybe think about how you could have your own place with baby, go to school, decide on a career you would love and raise your kiddo too.

Or maybe you can stay with A but make up boundaries with consequences for A, and you learn to live with him as is.

Things do not have to be the same unless you choose them to be.

I am excited for you, to think you could do about anything you want. I wish I had Al Anon a long time ago so I would have known I could do all this. Didn't know till later I could.

I feel a heaviness from your post, like you are already ready to give up. I hope you will keep coming and learn and do for you. AND your baby.

Coming here is just as good as face to face but different. If you are uncomfy at meetings take a pillow to sit on, make yourself comfortable, it is your recovery. I took a camping chair to my sunday meetings as it hurt too much to sit in regular chairs.

Maybe going to a meeting a week or as you need it, would make it easier too.

My dear bil's whole family were dysfunctional A's to the max. Including my ex. He pulled himself out and became a high up guy for the enviromental protection part of the state and hung out with the senator of our state! Bought a neat place, kept it sooo nice, had a god, bought a nice jeep, p up. Got into the Bible was a good ole boy.

I was so impressed. But guess what? His family basically ignored him. He did anything for them, yet once his jeep broke down and not one would help him! It takes strength to break away from dysfunctional family.

He called my friend and his for help. I told him he coulda called me too. Then when he was dying  in the hospital, they did not come up there. He was there a month. I went almost every day and slept in the waiting room. Just killed me but he was so brave. cirrosis got him.

But hon his life was soooo wonderful when he chose to make a change and he went for what he wanted. He also helped raise his meth sisters boy, who sadly is a meth person now, just saw he is in jail again....

oops sorry so long. Just want you to know it can be done! What is your passion? Find it and go for it and don't let anyone stop you!

hugs, debilyn


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You have an amazing ability to share your experience strength and hope from just 7 meetings. I benefitted from reading that in many ways. Thanks.


~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha leel

Thanks for sharing with us.

I can tell you that wanting isolation is a part of my illness. I really had to suck it up, however, when I realized that I really wanted to see improvement in my life and experience change... I made myself get OUT and get to some Al-Anon meetings. I find when I'm saying "I don't wanna go" that that's the time I really should go. Recovery involves change, and change for me means doing things different than my same old safe routines.

Hope you can get to some face to face meetings. (hugs)


~*Service Worker*~

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Hi Leel and welcome to MIP! I am hoping for you and your baby to be that you can still get to Al-anon face to face meetings and keep coming back and post and read here. I want to recommend the book "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews. I hope you can dive into your recovery and get the daily readers like Courage to Change, Hope For Today and ODAT to help you focus on your recovery from growing up in the disease of alcoholism. I am sending you love and support on your journey!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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You know I have a lot of compassion now for my parents who were severely mentally ill.  Just the other day I was feeling sad over the way they lived and noting just how very hard it was and how much denial I had to have to be able to survive in that environment.  But the compassion for me had to come after I had looked at very hard where and how it left me as an adult, let alone as a child. As an adult child of that environment the legacy has been absolutely all consuming for most of my life.  Coming to al anon and being willing to trust others has been a huge step for me after that life experience.

I don't know that I would agree that people do the best they can all the time.....  I live in a community where there are sober alcoholics and those that use in the neighborhood.  I don't see many of the using alcoholic being inspired by those who are sober in fact I'd say they really don't like them at all.  They are wary of anyone who stops and stays stopped.  Some people might say jealous but they have an example right in front of them of someone doing something other than drinking and using and they go out of their way to deny it.

So for me being a codependent I have to have a lot of boundaries around looking at people doing the best they can and still using and how, what and where I give to people.  I have literally given the house off my back, my home, my money, my entire life to an alcoholic without thinking about it.  I thought that was love but actually it was an entire absence of any semblance of self love.

I'd also say that the obsession to drink/use is so compelling that when its present that nothing but a absolutely committed program like AA can shift it.  There are people who stop drinking at some points in their life without a program but some of them aren't too nice to be around either.  Maybe their obessions shifts to something else.  These days I don't need to know but I do know that I personally cannot stop anyone from drinking/using no matter what I do, give, and want.

Being involved with an alcoholic was for me all about my childhood issues, abandonment, shame, fear, secrets, loneliness (an all consuming loneliness), dependency issues. Of course I wanted someone "there" for me because I had no one as a child. What I didn't know was that first I had to be "there" for me.   Those issues were all tied up pretty nicely in the relationship.  And I would also say that there was a huge component of denial in there for me too.  Wrap that up with the fact that as a child growing up in the environment I did boundaries were about surviving rather than positive, life learning deals and I was a shoe-in to be comfortable around someone who is irrational, irresponsible and demanding.  I can't say I was happy but it felt incredibly familiar and I knew what to do in that milieu which was important for me.

What I can tell you is that more will be revealed for you if you are willing to give al anon a go.  Step by step al anon can guide you through all the mess in front of you.  Of course its pretty hard to trust that but if you read the posts on this board and follow the threads you can literally see people changing, growing stronger in front of your eyes and it isn't all hype.

Of course when I got to al anon my focus was entirely on the alcoholic what he drove me to, what he needed to do. When I took the focus entirely off him my life started to change.  I can't say its a rose garden because I have my share of hardship and I definitely have problems I believe are entirely too big for me to handle (my sponsor doesn't agree).  I can't say it involved entirely moving out from the now ex A either.  What I do know is that if I stick close to al anon whatever problems in my life are workable and in some ways enlightening and I can push myself through things that used to make me absolutely unhinged.  I can trust where there was no trust before.



orchid lover


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gee. THANKYOU Katy. This is the first time I have been back to see if there were any replies. I was a bit embarassed of my post. You never know how people will repsond when you are so brutally honest. So coming back tonight(yes..another difficult drinking evening for my bf)....its such a relief to have such a positive response. I'm definetely becoming aware of his deeper issues or his drinking....which has at least been some progress over the last few days. From his underlying eating disorder,to his persistent nightmares....

I feel some relief about that. He works very hard,and hasn't had the time in his life to do recovery like I I feel some hope today...that by prodding him in the right direction,and with alot of support for myself....maybe my child can know her daddy and not have the disaster of him self destructing...we all deserve some help.....but I refuse to raise her in a drinking environment hopefully he can address his issues and grow at the same time...regardless...I am less stressed for the outside help I have sought..   thanks for your kind words xxxxxxxxxx



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Hi Maresie. Thankyou. yes..I don't know if I will stay with him. Its very stressful.....especially as I was raised that way and saw people have every reason to live,and just choose alcohol and die young. Honestly...its a disgusting thing to me.I don't know if my bf will recover.or if I have chosen to have a child with someone who is destined to emotionally abandon his child and choose alcohol and cigarettes over her.....he may BE a good provider recently....especially as in my particular situation,I need that..because I have some limitations of my own. Isnt that the irony

I think ...this is what I was thinking tonight. The irony for that I want to judge my bf,but at this point I can't. My life has been so screwed up myself..and I'm only recently out of some of the intense dangerous mess of it...thanks to him providing for me...

Thats why I need to take it day by day and get as much support as possible. Because I'm not strong enough or in a position to support my child alone without his help at this point.... I have many mixed feelings on what love and commitment no with your background can relate to.

We get some strange messages from our dysfunctional backgrounds. I look back....and see that the glass is half full in some ways.....the things people were able to contribute to me. My grandparents(who never drank)...but still...had 9 children and that was just too darn many...

I think one of the biggest blessings I have been given as a result of this the need to reach out and get help from outside sources...I feel like even in just the reaching out that I have done. I have grown some fundamental lasting ways too...and thats kind of new for me..... The awkwardness of my younger years fading away,knowing my child will be participating in the world soon enough and will need the worlds support. I wish I had had that same fearless motivation for myself in the past...but I was too wrapped up in myself,to get over the hurdles and fears in human interactions...stuck in analysis and neurosis.   Now....for my child...I can drop alot of that.... I haven't been to as many meetings as I should....haven't worked the program as I should,haven't been perfect....all of those things were reasons to hide away...and stay in isolation...but now....

I just realise that any support,and any way I great.And that I AM growing all the time.and that my stress being alleviated is a miracle.


thankyou so much for everything you said,I love about alanon how other peoples shares bring up stuff that really connects and help you because they have similar backgrounds and experiences...its unbelievable...simple....but miraculous and amazing



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Thankyou so much to everyone who was so nice....I can breathe a sigh of relief! I am not alone! And sharing helps others too. All I can say,is that I have been blessed by 12 step fellowships in my life,and some amazing therapy...and never want to stop,always want to be engaged... Some moments,some hours...feel like hell...and they come apon me so suddenly,like wave of misfortune and stress,and then other times,I'm so good,I just can't believe how good I am. I look at the people I choose,and I smile.I look at my humanity and I am so comforted with the wisdom my recovery has given me. How blessed I am! How I feel sometimes.Rich in wisdom,thanks to 12 step fellowships,recovery,books on recovery,a great therapist,and a general decision to pursue this education called recovery with all its branches and in all the things that its branches touch. Its a general enlightenment...a life sustained and spiritual magic too along with pragmatic realism. Whatever led me here,I am grateful. For all the hell in the world,it does turn it into gold,sometimes.....through my recovery,I've seen and experienced that. If that isn't god,I don't know what is! Thats my god,that where I discovered god.
And goodness........
without the badness....there can be no goodness......but right now...growing inside of daughter feels like the goodness...and alanon is for her. xxxxxxx

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