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I have a question . . . I am often tired, can't seem to get enough sleep, lots of aches and pains, very low resiliency (I may feel well enough for a nice hike, or tear through the house cleaning, but then I pay for it the next day by being exhausted). I have tended to explain this away as 'reaction to stress' of family cancer, alzheimers, living with an AH, then the pain of splitting from AH, etc. But I've now had the house to myself for 2 months, and I don't feel like my energy level is rising. I just feel worn out. Has anybody else dealt with this? I'm 41 and apparently healthy, just exhausted. Anybody else experienced a stage like this during their emotional recovery from co-dependency? Did you gradually regain energy? Ideas?
When I first found myself alone I was pretty sluggish, but in time I upped my exercise and I have a toddler that doesn't let me hold still too much. I was in my head and an emotional wreck for a few months though and it did take me alittle while to get my energy back. I really believe the more you do the more you feel like doing and the less you do the less you feel like getting done. Now I feel great but there was a time when I wondered if I needed an anti-depressant or something to get myself peeled off the couch and outside or just living. I am sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Worth a visit to the doctor for blood tests to rule out the several things that can result in those side effects. For me its generally dehydration, low iron ( I have genetic anemia) and poor diet. Exercise may help as well. Another thought, could it be depression? Extreme stress can cause depression in me.
I experienced a similar exhaustion after leaving my exAH. I did rule out other causes before just allowing my body to tell me how to heal. It took about a year once I was getting regular sleep vs a few hours of broken sleep for a couple years prior to that to not get that ftique feeling when I did something besides the normal work, household, social stuff or even just those things. I would suggest seeing the doc just to check things out or get some guidelines of what may help/when to be concerned.
I agree .. could just be stress however a trip to the old dr wouldn't be a bad idea!
Hugs hope you feel better, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
To echo others, a doctor visit might be a good idea. It could be nothing, or it might be something for which you can change some things and start to feel better.
Two months is not long to adapt to a totally new life circumstance. I recall after splitting with my ex-A, that I hit a funk for a few months and then started feeling better again at about 7 or 8 months after and then really better at just over a year later. We had spent 7 years together and I'd never been on my own. It was scary and overwhelming.
Not saying that your reaction is depression, but it might be. The meds they give for Chronic Fatigue are often antidepressants b/c they see the two as related conditions.